We haven't booked our date yet because its been a moving target up to this point. We've emailed with the WC a couple times but she needs a reservation to confirm the date is held so its been frustrating.
Our original date was actually May 22 (our 1 yr anniversary) but after waiting 2 months for rates for May to be available we gave up and moved the date up a month to April. Since then, its been a huge PITA. Last we heard, we could get the 21st of April 1 week departures but only if we wanted our honeymoon on the 14th. Nothing since. Its been 2 days since that email from my travel agent.
Oh and of course the rate is guaranteed for 30 days to pay in full by Nov 30th. They have some whacked out math... 30 days would make our pay in full date Dec 9 not Nov 30!
Also, are they INSANE thinking that we're going to have 40 ppl with $1500 to pay in the next 3 weeks a month before Christmas!?!?
I'm totally PMSING which makes this worse. I'm on my last nerve with Signature and the travel agent. My FH has to do all the calling because I'm going to lose it on someone if we don't have something useable by the end of this week. If they don't come up with something amazing tomorrow, I so want to tell them where they can shove their crappy group rate rules and restrictions.