I am going to do my best not to ramble here but....
where to begin?! FI invited one of his best friends to our wedding in Belize and asked him to be in the wedding. It took him awhile to get back to us but when he did he had to turn down the invitation. We understood...it's not an easy trip for everyone to make. Well, then we had to change the date and we let this friend know hoping that the change would make it easier for him to attend. Unfortunately, no, due to his work/teaching schedule it would not work.
Over the holidays we tried to get in touch with this friend hoping we could catch up while we were up north visiting family. Didn't happen. FI has left a couple of voicemails just to say. Nothing was returned. Just the other day FI said "Well, I guess T and I aren't friends anymore." I felt so bad for him.
Today FI gets an email..."You guys...…around the first or second week if April? We are planning a vacation and were thinking of trying to stop by and visit..." Um, yeah, sorry we won't be around because we'll be in BELIZE getting married!!!!!!
I am sooo frustrated!! he couldn't come to the wedding because of his work/school schedule but now they are going on vacation at the same time?!?!
Sorry for the long ramble/vent but I had to get this off my chest. Thank you so much for listening/reading