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Everything posted by Kelitaw

  1. that is great!! I love the ball cap. My brother and his wife had a custom topper as well, but he was holding his Red Sox cap behind his back.
  2. love living somewhere without snow?
  3. ha! me too - well, they are my sister-in-laws...both of them are due within the next 2 weeks. future sister in law: friend
  4. This is great and I think it's going to be a HUGE help for me Thank you!
  5. somestime like sometimes dislike Yankee Swap?
  6. like grilled cheese and tomato soup?
  7. This is something I am hoping to do as well. My youngest brother and his wife did this when they got married and really enjoyed reading it afterwards.
  8. love peppermint mocha drink from Starbucks?
  9. like smell of turkey cooking in the oven?
  10. Thanks! just used the code for some goodies for my BMs welcome bags
  11. Hi Ladies, I was wondering if anyone who was married in Ambergris Caye provided transportation from the airport to the ferry for their guests. This is something we are hoping to do as most of our guests are opting for the ferry for economical reasons. We've been researching private transportation online but if anyone has any suggestions that would be great! thank you
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by aimee&ted and (the worst!!) not answering or acknowledging me at all until I repeat the same exact question 3 or 4 times and then getting pissy with me. well... if you answered me the first time we would be done and moving on 5 minutes ago! I am with you on this one!! If it seems FI is not going to respond I now say "okay this where you are supposed to say something". lol But honestly, the Pet Peeves are minor because FI truly is a GREAT guy and makes me feel incredibly special each and every day
  13. haven't read any Jodi Piccoult books?
  14. My FI and I decided on a DW because we now live in TX and all of our friends/family live in MA. Almost everyone was on board right away - including my two brothers who will be bringing their 4 month old infants to Belize. FI's uncle decided to let us know how he felt this past summer at FI's bday party...after having a bottle of wine! that was not fun at all and I did everything I could to ignore him. He offered to bring his Elvis suit out of retirement if we had the wedding in MA. I told him if he could get Dave Matthews to perform at the wedding we'd talk Needless to say the wedding is still going to be in Belize.
  15. love! especially Steve Madden slippers fall in New England?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by sammysgirl these are so hilarious to read! it drives me up a wall when FI leaves a trail of clothes through the house! He's been working on it though This is definitely my pet peeve too!! Every week I say this is the week that we won't have any clothes in the living room or dining room...last week was a good one...only socks in the living room!!
  17. dislike. watching football on Thanksgiving?
  18. I won't be popular - but dislike Harry Potter books?
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