"Okay, so don't laugh.. but, FI and I met off of Craigs List. (I know, a bit creepy right?)"
Not laughing...I met my FI on CraigsList as well I had posted an ad saying that men responding did not need to be over 6 feet tall to talk to me. FI responded saying he appreciated that I did not have a height requirement. We chatted for a few days online and then decided to meet up to go mini-golfing and to get ice cream. At the time I had a broken foot and had just gotten off crutches - just using the air cast. We had a great time mini-golfing and he was quite the gentleman...he held my pocketbook each time it was my turn to putt. We finished our round of golf, had ice cream, and chatted. While we were sitting at the picnic table some skunks appeared...when they got about 15 feet away I jumped up saying "Okay, this isn't fun anymore!" so we continuted chatting in his car. We stayed there until 1am! It was the perfect first date We still joke about the skunks and have exchanged more than once gift that involved a skunk.