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Everything posted by hat0112

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by hermosahoops My confession: After insisting I wanted an intimate, destination wedding and making our brothers, sisters and parents pay $1000+ pp, now that everyone is booked I find myself longing for the 150 person wedding with all my friends and family. I fear that I've cheated myself out of a once in a lifetime experience to celebrate with my loved ones and that I'll be disappointed once our small wedding is over. I feel the same way. I once sort of mentioned this to my FI and now all he says is that HE thinks we should have had a big wedding at home. I now have to try and convince him that a DW wedding is the best option for us.
  2. They are something you mail to your guest right before they travel to the wedding. They include travel/airport information, a packing list and anything else you want your guests to know before they leave. They are also a good way to get everyone excited for the wedding. Cool towels! I love the idea, but I kind of spent WAAAYYYY too much money on our OOT bags.
  3. strawberry shortcake : Cheese cake
  4. Ha, when people ask me that I always say exactly how I feel. Happy, sad, mad, upset, whatever. I do that BECAUSE people expect that you to say Great or Wonderful or something upbeat. Why is it that I am either super busy or super bored at work? Why can’t my work just be at a nice steady pace. Why is it that I work my butt off with exercising and dieting and I only lose 1 pound every 3 weeks or so (need to lose 20), but my FI does nothing and eats everything and somehow he lost 20lbs????
  5. I also miss my ticker and seeing everyone else’s! I do love the new look though. Confession: Even thought it isn’t her fault and I feel so so so bad for her, I am super disappointed. My photographer for my BD session has walking pneumonia and so far had to reschedule me twice. My new date is now 8/15. I totally understand about needed to reschedule, but I have been really looking forward to my shoot. Her pictures online are amazing and I can’t wait to see how mine come out. On a positive note, at least I can try and loose a few more pounds by then. I just hope my FI isn’t getting suspicious!
  6. Last night I ended up doing 30 minutes on my elliptical. Today at lunch I did my kettleball class. Tonight might be more yoga. I’m just not sure how intense I will have it be.
  7. Thanks for posting your list! I wanted to make a list for the photographer but I wasn't sure of all the pictures I wanted. This makes things SO much easier!!!
  8. I still need a dress for our welcome dinner. I think it will be white/ivory. I wanted to try and go to White House Black Market this summer but it hasn't happened yet. I also need a dress for out After Wedding Dinner (I refuse to call it a reception since my wedding reception is in Aruba… long story). I was hoping that whatever I got for my welcome dinner I could wear to the dinner at home.
  9. So how is everyone doing on the program? I have been doing great this past month. I am proud of myself for really sticking with it and working out a lot. Unfortunately the scale hasn’t been so kind. I only lost a net of 1 lb. I am going to stick with it and hope that soon my weight finally starts to move. I know it will, but it is frustrating right now. I wish I took my measurements like I wanted to a month or so ago, but never did. I will try and remember to do it this weekend in case the scale still doesn’t move.
  10. Oh that sucks, I love going outside and enjoying the nice weather at lunch. I work in Center City Philadelphia and there are so many places to eat outside. Hmm.... if you have your own office (with blinds) you can do those office workouts I have seen on the internet. I have a cubicle so I couldn't do something like that. I hope it isn't always like this! Good luck!
  11. I did my 60 minutes on the treadmill last night. Today is my Zumba class at lunch (hopefully I will get some energy and stop feeling lightheaded). Tonight I want to do 30 minutes of something, btu I have no idea what. I might end up doing lawn/garden work though TheFurtureWagners - What about working out on your lunch hour? Is there a gym near your work? I am an accountant and work 6 days a week and crazy hours from January 1st to April 14th so I know how work can get in the way.
  12. If I want my FI to do something for me I have to ask him directly and usually say why I need him to do it. To get my FI to help with the laundry I "accidentally" washed too many clothes at once and put in a little too much soap so his dark clothes had soap streaks on them. I no longer to even bring up the laundry anymore, he just does it.
  13. Well I am trying to stay positive; getting discouraged won't help me lose weight. Yesterday I did my lunch workout class, and 45 minutes of yoga on the Wii Biggest Loser game. Today is 60 minutes (I hope) on the treadmill tonight.
  14. Well after my Saturday weigh in, I didn’t work out or eat right all weekend. I was so upset that all my hard work I did that week led me to GAIN a pound I got depressed and did the exact opposite of what I needed to do. So I am back on track today and doing my Beach Body Blast exercise class today at lunch.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride 2-4 times a month?! Wow...that's a lot!!! We're in the once a month club....maybe if it's a special occasion it will happen twice in a month!! I think its just the reality of getting older....seriously. We started off like bunnies...but as you get older & things get in the way then I think you just slow down. You learn to express your love in other ways. (Or at least that's what I keep telling myself! ) You ladies have made me feel so much better about being it the once a month club. It's good to know that we aren't the only couple like this!
  16. I haven't really decided, but I think I am going to go with the half up idea. I love my hair down, but it tends to bother me and end up in a ponytail. My FI likes my hair both ways. Since I am getting married in Aruba and it is supposed to be windy there I figured half up would be best.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Melaina Aw Could you get a corset put in the back instead? I hate hate hate having keep such a careful eye on the scale. I bought my dress in January, and my weight fluctuates a good 10 lbs (depending on my mood, lol). So frustrating!! I know, at one point I thought about it, but I really started kicking butt and I am now only 5 lbs away from the weight I was when it last fit. It sucks because I wanted to lose more weight for the wedding and have the dress taken in but I will just be able to have it zip up it time for alterations.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx I just got one of those KOBO readers -- it's fantastic for the elliptical/treadmill. It is thin enough to fit on that little ledge of the machine and I don't have to worry about the pages moving or staying open. When I'm reading, I can easily forget that I'm exercising. That is a great idea! I love to read and I can read on the ellipitcal pretty good, but not the treadmill and I hate that I can't move my arms. Maybe I should look into it. Quote: Originally Posted by Monique Usually a crow bar to pry myself off the couch and my 5 year old who is my hype man who tells me I can do it and tells me she will work out with me!!! LOL! That is so cute!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by miss_delerium That was scary! I was all "duck and cover!! duck and cover!!" lol. I confess that I have been a horrible employee these last two weeks and have spent almost all my time at work on here or working on invites! That thread got heated! Confession: I am disappointed in myself and I know I shouldn't be. I went to a happy hour at work last night and ending up eating too much and didn't get to work out. I also ate too much Monday night. I am trying to lose 2lbs a week and I won't now. I have been working out so much and so hard lately that it bothers me that I throw it away so easily. I NEED my dress to zipper up!!! It is the scariest thing when you have three months till your wedding, need to get alterations done but you can't zipper up your dress!
  20. OH, well a week isn't long. I though it was several weeks that your weight didn't move. I would just make sure you eat your daily points. If you don't, you can put your body in starvation mode and your body will stop losing weight. It will hold on to anything you eat since your body isn't getting enough food. Good luck!
  21. I am getting married in exactly 3 months!!!!!!!!! Wow time seems to be flying!
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