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Everything posted by hat0112

  1. I think it depends on the store. I went to David’s Bridal and they were very helpful. Everyone there was so nice. It was what I expected. I picked out a few dress from the catalogue and then the sales woman picked out a few for me. I did buy a dress at my first appointment (so no calls after to buy). But I had to return my first dress (it wasn’t THE dress) and I went back, tried on more dresses and I found THE dress. I am VERY nervous about the alterations department. I haven’t heard anything good about it. And they messed up my cousin’s dress almost to the point that she needed a new dress (I am going to the same one). I was going to go to a tailor but if they mess it up they don’t replace it. If DB alters your dress and messes it up they will replace it. As of right now I am only getting a bustle done. I don’t need any other alterations.
  2. Maybe I should try and watch that show. I need my baby fever back. The closer we are to being able to try, the more I get freaked out. I haven’t had my baby fever for at least 6 months. I even went to a baby shower yesterday for my cousin and that didn’t work. I fear that I am getting to the point that I might push off us having a baby, but I really don’t want too. I am with you RonNMel. I don’t want anyone in the room other then my FI and the doctors. You are so exposed and vulnerable at that time, I don’t need an audience. My cousin had her sister, FI, and mother in the room. I just think that every woman is different and your FI and family needs to respect that.
  3. Saturday - Yard work Sunday - 20 minutes ellipitcal, 20 minutes treadmill Today - 30 minute lunch time toning/cardio class Tonight - Going to try to do 30 minutes of cardio
  4. Well, now there is a chance my FMIL won’t be at the wedding so I don’t know what to do. If I still do the roses for the mothers, it will emphasize the fact that my FMIL won’t be there and that is a sore subject. So I need a backup in case she doesn’t come. I want to do something for my mom during the ceremony but don’t know what it could be.
  5. Uh I also have a 1,000 things to do before the wedding. It seems like I just have so much to do till the wedding and not enough time to do it. And I have so much stress from that and from other people about the AHR. All this stress caused me to gain 3 pounds last week (I am trying to LOSE weight!) and my dress now doesn't fit…… again. And I have a fitting on Thursday. I am going to be so embarrassed when I go to my fitting and the dress doesn't zipper up. Why can’t I be one of those women that don’t eat and lose weight when they are stressed???
  6. Well I just bought 40 black satin sashes for my October 2010 wedding. These are the ones I got : http://www.tableclothsfactory.com/Satin-Black-Chair-Sash-p/chair_ss_blk.htm I bought them for $41. Would sell them for a cheaper price; buyer pays shipping.
  7. No workout last night or today. I felt that drinking and eating all night was much better for me. Tonight is a Phillies game (baseball) and there will be more drinking, eating, and no working out.
  8. Cindy I am with you for your first and second confession. I needed to lose 23 pounds for the wedding and I waited till 2 months ago to start working out and it has been a slow start. I am only down 8 lbs, and I haven’t started strength training to tone up my arms (strapless dress too). And I know have 2 and 1/2 months left to lose 15lbs. I really wish I got my butt in gear sooner but certain foods are so tempting! And my RSVP date was 6/30/10 and I only got ½ the self addressed stamped cards back. Confession: I was supposed to either do yard work or work out last night. I did neither and went out drinking. I now have a hangover and it is making work miserable. And I feel guilty for drinking and eating to much last night and blowing my diet for the week.
  9. Never watched it. Watching tv while you work out?
  10. so looking forward to : Philly's game tomorrow night
  11. I have been searching all day for DB reviews on here and online. I got my dress at DB back in December 2009. I got great customer service there and everyone was so nice. So now I need alterations. Right now I only need a bustle, but I am hoping to lose more weight (at least 15lbs) before the wedding (on 10/22) so I would need it taken in too. I have heard so many bad reviews about DB I don’t know what to do. My cousin got her dress at the same DB I did and they messed up her alterations. I am so worried they are going to mess up my dress, but if they mess it up too bad, they will replace it. BUT I will be need alterations up to the last minute so I don’t have time for them to screw it up! I could always take it to a different DB (there are a lot near me), but they could also screw it up too. I know a local tailor that I have taken a bridesmaid dress too and they did an amazing job. But if I take it there and they mess up my dress I would have to pay for a new dress. UHHH!! I am super stressed about this! I have read so many bad things and it doesn’t seem like there is any good option! I feel like my head is going to explode!
  12. Last night was 55 minutes on the elliptical. Today is a 30 minute kettleball class. Tonight, hopefully another 30 minutes of cardio or maybe yoga..
  13. I have always wanted a sister until I got on this website!!! I have read so many stories and vents about brides and their sisters. It makes me even happier to have a younger brother. My FI and I decided to not to have any bridal party. We think it is too much drama and just more money that our bridal party would have to spend. So the first and last person walking down the isle will be me and my dad. And no one will be standing next to us.
  14. Never! NEVER EVER! For me taking it off means mostly it will get lost. You can’t lose your ring on your finger (assuming it fits correctly so it doesn’t fall off from being too big). I don’t take it off to do anything; meatballs, cleaning, shower, lotion, anything. It doesn’t hurt your ring, but you just need to get it cleaned more so it shines. I have a ring cleaner that helps in between going to the jeweler.
  15. Monday was only teh 30 minute lunchtime workout class. Last night, 60 minutes on the treadmill doing a light jog and walking. Today is my 30 minute lunchtime Zumba class. Tonight I am hoping for 30 minutes of some type of cardio. I just wish this weather would get better. It's always hot and humid here and it is wrecking havoc with my asthma.
  16. Tuesday, August 3rd 2:52pm – Trying to get my giant to do list done here at work, but I am so LIVID at my boss right now I came to BDW to cool down.
  17. Here is mine. I got it from White House Black Market this weekend. It is being shipped this week to my house so I can try it on for my FI. If he doesn’t like it I bought another dress at Macy’s that I tried on and I know he likes (I bought the at Macy’s one first, then saw the WHBM one). I couldn’t find a picture online of the dress so I’ll take a picture when I get home (if I remember).     PS. THIS ISN'T ME   UPDATE: I got the dress and I tried it on for FI and he doesn't like it. I guess I will have to use my back up from Macy's. I will post a picture when I don't feel so fat in the dress since I can't find it online.
  18. pretty ugly : some outfits I see people in (don't people have mirrors?)
  19. I am looking forward to my DW more and more now that it is getting closer, but I have concerns and worry about it. Like what if no one dances? We only have 18 of us and I got a DJ since I live to dance, but what if no one dances? What if we get down there and nothing is what I thought it would look like and I am disappointed? Everything will probably work out, but I am really starting to stress over it. Confession 1: My parents want an AHR and I WAS on board with it. My FI is totally against it and thinks that our wedding is in Aruba and that should be it, but he is going along with the AHR for me. I did want a big AHR, but then the more my parents talked about it the more I want just a dinner. So I told them I want a dinner and NOT an AHR (no DJ, no cake, no photographer, just dinner in a restaurant). But EVERY SINGLE TIME I talk to or see my mother she tells me how everyone wants to see me in my wedding dress and I tell her then they should go to Aruba. Then she tells me they can’t go and I say then they will see me in the wedding video and she returns with “well we’ll see”. I am getting so angry about it that I am considering tell her that if she says this one more time I’m not going to the dinner. UHHHHHHH! Sorry, that turned into a vent instead of a confession. Confession 2: I have been working my butt off to lose weight so I will not only be able to zipper up my dress but to look amazing at my wedding. So Saturday I was finally able to zipper up my dress (I couldn’t breathe though). So what do I do? I pig out on chinese food Sunday night I not workout all weekend. I feel like crap and I was the one responsible for getting the food. My FI tried his best to talk me out of it.
  20. If it does then I walked around the mall and tried on clothes all day on Saturday! No other workouts on Saturday or Sunday. Today is my lunch time Beach Body workout class and 30 minutes on the treadmill tonight.
  21. Well during my lunch I went to do a few errands and I stopped by Ann Taylor to see if I could find a dress for my welcome dinner. When I was getting changed I happened to glance at myself in the mirror and I looked kinda skinny (well skinny for me)! I have been feeling better for about a month now, but the scale hasn’t budged. This really just made my day!
  22. Never had them (or new what they were till I just Googled them), but I like anything with mint. Subway (restaurant)?
  23. give me 5 years or so : give me a few months
  24. We have 18 of us and we are having a private dinner and hiring a DJ. I love to dance and I probably would have hired a DJ for less people. I know my Mom will dance with me all night, I will have a few slow songs with my FI, and our first dance and father/daughter & mother/son dance and that is worth the price to me.
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