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Everything posted by hat0112

  1. I FINIALLY had my BD session yesterday!!! It was so much fun and Kamila was great! I really relied on her to help me with poses and positions and she did a great job! She showed me the pictures as she was taking them through the shoot and it was great to see how I was looking on camera and it helped me relax. And the makeup artist she works with, Emily did a wonderful job! I loved my hair and makeup (and my false eyelashes were so cool!) and it really made me feel sexy! And I did keep it secret from my FI. Unfortunately Kamila came down with a very severe respiratory infection and we had to reschedule a few times, so that got FI suspicious, but I don’t think he suspects anything. I told him I was getting my bridal hair and makeup trial done and that my hairdresser was sick and he kept telling me to see a different hairdresser! I am very happy I kept it a secret. I can’t wait to see his face when I give him the book. THANK YOU KAMILA AND EMILY!
  2. Friday - 60 minutes on treadmill for light jog Saturday - walking and climbing hills with FI in park Sunday - my day off  Today- no lunchtime class , but I will do a 60 minute dvd tonight.  - I ended up doing the P90x Core Synergistics Monday night
  3. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! Â That website is exactly what I wanted! It has the right mix of songs I want for the reception. Â We are hiring a DJ, and he is someone who works with our WC all the time, but you never know. I wanted to put together a few songs just in case. Â Thanks for the help!
  4. Valentine_Baby I am sorry for what you are going through. Â I have talked to a few doctor and a lot of pregnant woman (it seems like almost every woman I know is pregnant or just had a baby) and they all said that stress plays/ed a major roll in getting pregnant. A woman I work with was trying for 2 years and is now 3 months pregnant. Her job is very stressful but she found a way to relax and it finally happened. Â We want to try right after the wedding, but I won't go off the pill till then. I don't want to risk being pregnant for the wedding.
  5. Wendy- Both dress are so different, but really cute! At least you get to wear both of them. Are you wearing one for the AHR? Â Â Hi Lori! Ha, we have 2 months and I have a hundred things to do that I have been putting off and now I really need to start doing them. Â The RSVP is so frustrating. We had 16 people reply back yes, but only 11 booked. I think one couple isn't going to book at all and I wish they would come out and say it. I even sent them an email just to catch up (didn't mention the wedding at all) and I am being ignored. I have already been working on the OOT bags and favors, but we only have a difference of 5 people, not 20. Since your RSVP date pasted you can try and call some of the 20 people and see if they are going to go.
  6. I agree. I think you should go to your FI, not wait for him to come to you, and tell him you understand that his family means a lot to him and that you can reschedule one more time. Your FI might really want to change the date but thinks you will say no or it will cause a fight and he may never come to you, but he might resent you for it anyway. Â
  7. I am sorry about your MOH. I know how you feel. What if you ask one of your current bridesmaids to be your Maid of Honor and say that your pregnant friend is your Matron of Honor? And when your friend annouces she is pregnant you aleady have a MOH in place. That way your new MOH might not feel like a second choice. Â
  8. I have to say like but its been years. Â Kraft Mac & Cheese?
  9. Well I think that if you really don't like the free bouquet you should try and get on you like. Can you look into finding your own florist instead of going through the resort? Maybe it will be cheaper for you if your resort allows you to use outside vendors. Â What about Michaels or another craft store? They sell real touch flowers and you can buy the ones you like and put your bouquet and everyone's flowers together. Â Ok, at first when it took a week to a month for my WC to respond, I had no problem with it, but I thought it would get better the closer the wedding got. I now leave for Aruba in 60 days and it still takes from a week to a month for a response. I am getting annoyed. Honestly I had a better response time in the beginning of the planning when it was 7-10 months out. I want to try and get the wedding plans finalized and get the prices and costs nailed down soon and I can't do that if my WC doesn't respond to me. I was suppose to get an event list with all the things we already discussed over 2 months ago and the few times I have talked to the WC he keeps saying I'll get it by next week.
  10. Good for you!!!! Don't let people tell you how your and your FI's wedding should be! Â
  11. Yesterday was Zumba and then 30 minutes on the treadmill after work. Â Tonight I am going to do a 60 minute dvd. I want to do one with some strength training so either Jillian Michaels Boost Metabolism or a P90x dvd. - I ended up doing The Firm Cardio Scuplt dvd for 60 minutes.
  12. Thanks for the information! Â My FI and I decided to hire a DJ even though we wil only have 13-18 people including us. Â I do have a question, can a DJ provide a sample playlist for a wedding? I am HORRIBLE at picking music and making playlists so I'm not going to do that but I want to make sure the DJ plays the right music.
  13. tanyasdream2010 - thanks so much for the information! Â
  14. never ever had... : my legs waxed
  15. Last night was 30 minutes on the treadmill doing a light jog. Â Today is a 30 minute Zumba class at lunch. I am also going to shoot for 30 minutes of cardio tonight.
  16. knacarato thanks for posting!!! I am going to copy the list and download it on my pod! Â
  17. kick boxing : would love to do
  18. Ha! That is what I will be talking about in my WW meeting today! Trying to figure out when you are satisfied from eating and not stuffed is hard. And then not eating for your emotions is really hard. Those are two things I still struggle with. I know that when I am trying to stop eating before I overeat I always stop after when I feel I had the correct serving/servings of food and wait 30 minutes. If I am still hungry I go for more, but usually I’m not.  Great job with sticking with the program!
  19. I love your dress! It's gorgeous! The folds in the fabric remind me of my dress a little bit. Â I saw some cute short wedding dresses at David's Bridal back in December when I was trying on dresses.
  20. Like (when I have the money for a vacation) Â Avon products?
  21. FI appointment with the neurologist : he doesn't have that
  22. Hi ladies! How is everyone doing on the program?  Welcome jkgirl83, sarahrose, & janapana! How has the program been treating you? I think it is a great idea to try and lose the weight as soon as possible. I wish I did…. Well I did, but I gained some of it back. My FI and I bought a house and fixed up and sold another this year and it really took a toll on my weight. Unfortunately I didn’t kick things into gear soon enough and now I won’t be the weight I wanted to be.  My weight has been staying the same or going up these past few weeks. I am great during the week with eating and earning my APs but the past 2 weekends I had some type of function and my weight is suffering. It is really upsetting since I just went for my first dress fitting last week and the dress didn’t zipper up all the way (it didn’t when I bought it). I know have 3 weeks to lose weight and fit into my dress or the seamstress will have to take the dress out.
  23. Saturday - Walked for 5 hours arounda craft show, but of course I ate way more calories then I burned.  Sunday - Nope  Today - No 30 minute lunchtime class. 60 minute The Firm Cardio Sculpt dvd
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