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Everything posted by hat0112

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege If the majority of your guests are arriving on Saturday, I'd do your bridal brunch on Sunday. And then I'd recommend doing a rehersal dinner or a welcome dinner. One or the other and give the other night to your guests to have dinner on their own or with you if they so choose. Just my opinion. I also think you should have either a welcome dinner or rehearsal dinner. This is also a vacation for your guests and they might want a night to have dinner by themselves. But other than that I think it looks great!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Diva I agree hat0112, I always wanted that look as well. So far he has not put up a stink about the black suit thing. I should have clarified on that because it would be too expensive to rent a tux from the states and take it there for a whole week. He has a black suit, but it is wool and too heavy, so I think we will just look for a lighter material that is more breathable and he can change to whatever for the reception AFTER our first dance of course Since you have plenty of time you should keep your eye out at Men's Warehouse (I believe you said you had one near you). I know every once in a while they have amazing deals (a friend bought a tux there for $200!). I think you should be able to get a good deal on a nice light weight suit, especially towards the end of the summer. Good luck!
  3. Diva - I think you can include as many or as little items in your OOT bags as you want. I think it depends on your budget and the amount of people coming to the wedding. I have see OOT bags with 4 things in them and some with 20. I think we are going to end up with around 10 or so items. I don’t want the bags to be too stuffed (and I can’t afford to have too many items). FurtureMrsYak – I think you could still say Thank You for Coming even if they aren’t there yet since at that point they should be fully booked and definitely coming.
  4. I am planning on buying a strapless bathing suit to help me not have tan lines. I will be tanning before I leave so I am hoping that if I do get some tan lines it won’t be too bad. I was thinking about being a little crazy with it and buying some strapless tops to wear during the day. I am only in Aruba 2 ½ days before the wedding so hopefully I can avoid any tan lines. By back up plan is makeup and self tanner. Of course now I need to find a strapless bathing suit. I am not as big as some other girls (only a D) but I do need some support and the strapless tops aren’t very supportive.
  5. I am from Springfield, Pa and work in Center City. My FI and I are getting married in Aruba on 10/22/10. I am actually going to a DW in Riviera Maya at the end of April for a friend from NJ. She is getting married at the Excellence. You should definitely look into it.
  6. Well I really wanted my FI to wear a tux, but he didn’t want to wear black on the beach since he says it will be too hot. So he is now wearing a tan suit. I still wish he was wearing a tux. It is how I always wanted my wedding to be and it’s what I want still, beach or not, but he is hot ALL THE TIME so I didn’t make a big fuss (maybe a little one) when he said he wanted a tan suit. But he did agree to it originally which is why I made a little fuss when he said he wanted a tan suit. We are going to a DW in April in Mexico and the groom is wearing a black tux so I am hoping he is swayed back to the tux or at least a black suit. I know it will be hot and he can take it off after the ceremony, but it is just something I have wanted since I was young.
  7. My FI had my engagement ring custom made from a private jeweler in Center City Philadelphia. We are planning to go to him for our bands and the quotes we got are really great.
  8. I love option 1! If you can fit it in your budget I say go for.
  9. I haven’t tried it yet, but Jillian Michael’s book Making the Cut has a great diet and exercise program to get you really lean and super fit. I heard from some other people that did it that said they got great results. I have the book, but I need to get into better shape before I do it. I plan on doing it before my BD shoot and before the wedding.
  10. Uh, that is horrible what the hotel is doing. I would be so furious if my hotel did something like that. I think you should try and find out if you can have the photographer you want in PC stay at the resort as a guest and have him take your pictures. It would probably be cheaper than flying out someone. Also I would definitely talk to the manager about the $200 photo deal. If it is in your contract then I would think that they have to do it (unless they included some weird wording like as long as the hotel offers this special or something). I hope everything works out for you. Good luck!
  11. Fuzzy : Bear (Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear!)
  12. Thanks for the replies! Well, my FI doesn’t really golf and neither do his friends, but maybe we can do it together. I could always buy us some lessons Hmmmm, my FI’s hobbies and interests are movies and politics. I did get my FI a weekend to the Pocono’s to go skiing. We don’t ski, but we thought it would be fun. I would get us a trip to some where but we are already going to Mexico and Aruba this year. Thanks for the help. If I come up with something good I will let you guys know!
  13. I think you should try and price out a few places to get a custom made ring. Even if you go and talk to the jewler maybe they can give you idea on the type of wedding band you can get.
  14. Dislike. Spending hours in Barnes & Noble (Or any book store) reading different books and magazines?
  15. That I am very shy and have social anxiety. It makes it very difficult going through life, but you would never know I am if you met me. Other than your FI, who is the one person you would reschedule/rearrange the wedding for if they couldn’t come?
  16. Great thread! I am currently working on my list for my OOT bags and this has been very helpful.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TLC4Rock I also recommend considering how many of your guest would really appreciate cigars? That could help you and FI work things out. I know Cuba is known for cigars but how about candy cigars. Maybe you can create some clever tag that request donations to the cancer society etc. Like a play on words. Candy Cigars I agree with everyone and you definitely can't do both. Also, what will other family members who cared for your father think when they see you handing out cigars? I just think they might be upset by it. I love this idea for the candy cigars. So cute.
  18. Well what I was thinking of doing is putting postcards with a pen and a note in a little bundle in the OOT bags with one postcard with our address on it and stamped. The note will say something like thanks for being here for our wedding, in lieu if a guestbook we are asking our guests to fill in the pre-addressed postcard with some words of wisdom and wishes and mail them once you are back home.
  19. Like those type of shows, but never saw it. The Biggest Loser?
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