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Everything posted by hat0112

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by roxyqt I LOVE HOLLYWOOD TAPE!!!!! It is the BEST STUFF EVER!!!! I thought about doing this as well!!! Let us know how it turns out!!!! I definitely will!! I used it during NYE when I was a bridesmaid and it kept the dress in place nicely.
  2. Ha, I actually wish I was a little bit more of a slacker... maybe I wouldn't be so stressed! At least I only have details (and our rings and his suit) to worry about. eunice.kindred - My invites were mailed April 1st. I don't think it is ever too early to send out invites when it is a DW and people have to save money. AND you need a dress!!! My dress was from David's Bridal and I was lucky and it was here in 2 weeks, but my cousin's dress took over 6 months (she ordered from a small bridal shop).
  3. And you completed your first order (entered credit card info and got a order confirmation) then tried to make another order and it didn't give you the same price(free)? Maybe try closing out that web page and click on the link above for the free bags and start fresh. That's what I did. I had a hard time at first so after I did an order I closed out that web page and brought up a new one by clicking on the link.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by angelov321 I tried doing the multiple orders, but vistaprint is charging me for the others. I must have missed a step or something. How exactly did you do it? What are you trying to do multiple orders of? I just finished doing 12 seperate orders of the small tote bags and I got every tote bag for free (not including shipping).
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Kimmysals Try this link www.vistaprint.com/deals4you THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I worked! I had to pay an extra $2.49 to upload my own imagine but it is batter that $13.00!!!!!
  6. I am actually doing 2 veils and a tiara! Both veils are very thin and only one layer each. One veil is a cathedral length and I always wanted one so I put it on and I couldn’t say no. The second goes to my finger tips and had a gold embroidery that matches my dress so I didn’t want to say no to that one either. And I feel in love with the tiara. The tiara is small and not very big so it doesn’t look like too much on me and the veils actually look like one piece instead of two. For the wind issue (which I heard Aruba has a lot of) I am getting that Hollywood wedding tape and taping the veil to me so it doesn’t blow around and stays where it should while I am wearing it. It is only staying on for the ceremony and half the pictures, but I don’t want to play around with it. I am only going to wear the tiara all night.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by msglave Yes-but what you do is order only 1 of the free items. Shipping for 5-6 items is usually aroung 6.00 or 7.00. So all of your items are free and you only pay for shipping. Example---order one t-shirt, hat, pen, notebook and mouse pad--pay 6.00. Do it 8 times and for less than 50.00, you have 8 t-shirts, 8 hats, 8 pens 8 notebooks and 8 mouse pads. Yes it definitely comes out cheaper this way! I am so happy you made this post! I would have never thought of doing separate orders and getting all this stuff for free. I started ordering bags off Vistaprint Friday. I need 12. I only got to order 3 at work, then I was going to order the rest Friday night but my computer crashed! And I went to do it again today and the free tote bag promo is over! Crap. At least I have till October to order and get all my bags. Hoping for a giant fall sale (in August) at Vistarpint!
  8. OK! I FINALLY found some information on how to get this to work! I found that some couples present the mom’s with roses after they light the unity candle. So, since my FI and I are doing a sand ceremony, we are going to do it right after that. We are going to have the officant say something and hand my FI and I the roses and we are going to present them to our mom’s. The only thing I am debating is if each of us are going to present both mom’s with a rose (each mom would get 2 roses) or we just present a rose to our own mom. I have some sample wording below and I am going to get my officant’s opinion on the wording too. Hope this helps! 1) Honoring the wonderful women in your lives with a rose presentation is simple and beautiful. Before the ceremony, select a long stemmed rose for each mother/grandmother/person to be honored and tie a ribbon on the stem. Place the roses on the alter near the unity candle. Usually during the lighting of the unity candle, a special song is played or sung by a soloist. After the bride and groom light the Unity candle together, they each pick up the roses and take them back to where their mothers are sitting. The Groom presents his rose to his mother while the Bride presents to her mother, along with a hug and a kiss. The bride and groom then meet in the center and walk back up to the alter together, where they hold hands facing each other while the song finishes. 2) "We open this ceremony with a symbolic gift of beauty and gratitude to the women who gave the bride and groom life---their mothers." (I then give the roses to the bride and groom who then present them to their mothers with a hug and kiss. Sometimes, as they embrace I have heard a bride or groom whisper in their mother's ear , "I love you, Mom.") I give them that quiet moment and then say in my officiant's voice: "Mothers, it is in your honor that I offer this quote from Homer's Hymns: It is she who nourished you she, out of her treasures. Beautiful children beautiful harvests are achieved from you, the giving of life itself. 3) Officiant: (names of the couple) will present roses to their mothers. The roses symbolize the love and respect they have for the women who raised them. or Officiant: (names of the couple) wish now to honor their mothers through the presentation of roses. or Officiant: By presenting their parents with roses, (names of the couple) wish to honor their heritage and thank their families for their love and support.
  9. I just go this done for the second time yesterday. The first time it lasted 17 days. This one is clipping but I was painting and cleaning last night so that is probably why. I think as long as you ask for the OPI Axxium you should be ok. I just ask for the OPI Axxium manicure. I keep hearing it makes your nails stronger and helps them grow so I am going to try and continue the manicure through out the summer till my wedding in October. And I will make sure I get it done the day before I leave.
  10. I am staying at the Westin and they have a salon there to do my hair and makeup. Does your resort have a salon? Maybe your WC can recommend a salon.
  11. We are making 10 OOT bags. One per couple and one for singles. I plan on spending less than $15 per bag (haven’t started buying yet so we’ll see how that goes ). I am not planning on bringing a lot of extra decorations so I think we will be able to put everything in one suitcase, but my FI, parents and brother can always bring an extra luggage bag if needed.
  12. We are getting married at 5:30 at the recommendation of our WC. Sunset is at 6:18 on our wedding day and the ceremony will last about 20 minutes. We have been told that is the best time to take pictures after the ceremony since we will be taking them during sunset.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by swankster77 Wow these readings are all really good! I thought I had mine picked out but you make me rethink! I am also using a sand ceremony frame.. found it on etsy.com: Unity Sand Ceremony Frame by SayAnythingDesign on Etsy[]=tags&includes[]=title Oh I really like that frame! I may have to get that one instead! Thanks!
  14. YAY! Thanks ladies! Keep them coming! I think this thread is my favorite! I might just have to read all 49 pages a second time around....
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jaynreneewed I got a DJ- I just thought that I'm only going to have one wedding so why not do it right I agree. If you want a DJ then I say go for it. I LOVE to dance and so does a few people that are going so why not get one? I don't care if it is only me and one other person out ont the dance floor. And I don't want to have to fiddle around with an iPod the entire night.
  16. We are debating on having a dj. We have 16 people and don't know if we want to $1,000 on a dj.
  17. BUMP! I LOVE this thread! Where are all the newlyweds?
  18. It drives me nuts how rude people can be. I say no invite no gift. We sent invites to everyone and we know we won’t get gifts from the people who aren’t attending. And besides, you already got them a gift for the shower.
  19. I am thinking about doing the personalized M&Ms in some sort of container. I wanted a favor that people would enjoy and actually use. And how can you NOT enjoy M&Ms? I figure if they are too full after dinner they always have the next day.
  20. Here is the sand ceremony script my officant sent me. I believe some where on this site is a link to a picture frame that you can fill the edges with sand for the ceremony. I might use that. I'll post it if I find it. Edit: Found it! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ch-sand-57862/ SAND_CEREMONY[1].doc
  21. We are arriving Tuesday afternoon and our wedding is that Friday, then we leave the following Friday (10 days). Our guests are arriving Wednesday or Thursday and leaving Sunday or Monday. We are happy we did it this way. The first 2 full days will be us doing wedding things during the day while our guests relax, then everyone will hang out at night. We have the wedding Friday and Saturday and Sunday to hang out with our guests then we have 5 days to ourselves.
  22. Oh ok! That's great! I figured it would have.
  23. I did see that site but I didn’t know if it was the right one since the bus to the hotels (line 10) only goes to Arashi Beach, Malmok Beach and the Marriot from Oranjestad according to the schedule online. I would have thought it stopped more frequently at other hotels. Thanks!
  24. Thanks so much for the information! That's why I like the Westin it gives you the option of AI or not. I wanted to give my guests the ability to choose for themselves. We will definitely go out and check Aruba out and I here so many great things about the food too! Yes, I heard of the Tattoo Party Boat! It is on my Things to Do List.
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