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Everything posted by Tifany

  1. We'll see how brave I am. Maybe a sport tank and spandex shorts?
  2. I had emailed the WC at Beaches about this last week and am awaiting a response. I think that if within a few weeks I don't hear back, I can just follow-up with the option given above and that might help things along.
  3. I just finished up my first real week of good exercise in a long time. Wow, that felt good. Yesterday I decided to try Bikram yoga. Holy crap is that tough!!!! My eating leaves a little to be desired, but I'm making a sweet potato chili tonight to bring to work for my lunches!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by damaris I've been going for 3 weeks. I'm totally hooked!! Just being nosy, Damaris, but where are you taking your classes at? I went to Bikram Yoga NYC yesterday. On another note, has anyone noticed any health benefits from practicing this?
  5. I just had my first class yesterday. Got a good deal for 10 days and will try it within the next few days again to see what I think. I will wear my bodybugg next time and let you know exactly how many calories I burn during the session.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen They wouldn't have an issue with that because technically your ceremony would be a vow renewal. You would be able to show them proof that you got married in the US. The problem is with having a "symbolic ceremony" with no proof of marriage. That makes enough sense then. I just don't want it to feel like less of a wedding because it would, to us anyway, be our real wedding. You know?
  7. Interesting. I'd definitely err on the side of the immigration lawyer. He does this for a living anyway! I wonder what the resort could really say if you said that you were advised legally to have a wedding in the US, but a ceremony there. They couldn't deny you that, especially if you're bringing them so much business. My fiance and I have spoken about doing a JOP "wedding" to make it official before going and I didn't think the resort would have an issue with this... I'm really glad you brought this up.
  8. I think that's an odd thing he was told by the immigration lawyer. I think an organized affair with friends and family, despite the location, would make it appear a bona fide ceremony. Also, I think the policy is once you apply for the green card (NOT the marriage license) you are unable to leave the states unless special permission is granted. My fiance isn't from the US, but we have been through this with many of his friends. How will the resort know if it is a legal ceremony or not? Don't they just hand you a certificate there? I swear friends of ours were married in another country and just kept the certificate they were given.
  9. I'm having an 11am ceremony and while not at Riu, didn't consider the fact I may not be able to do a daytime reception. That said, I like the idea of waiting til nightfall, so we aren't out in the sun with heavier clothes on. Go back, change, relax, have a few drinks, come back, PARTY (and eat/drink/be merry).
  10. Good luck selling it. It's gorgeous! Actually quite similar to the dress I ordered in style.
  11. The show is like a drug. And I need my fix!
  12. Hmm, I've never heard of this. Sounds good. I'll have to check it out!
  13. Fuchsia and teal here. I went back and forth on it for a while. Lucky for me FI will sign off on just about anything.
  14. I would be game for it...but I was never involved before so I'd need to know what to do!
  15. I'm from PA (York, right near you!), although not living there now. My parents stayed at a Sandals and loved it, thus influencing my decision.
  16. Yikes, good luck vdaybride! I heard on the news how a lot of outgoing flights had been canceled. I made my gingerbread last night and have a roast in the crockpot for later. Easy peasy day ahead.
  17. Yikes, good luck vdaybride! I heard on the news how a lot of outgoing flights had been canceled. I made my gingerbread last night and have a roast in the crockpot for later. Easy peasy day ahead.
  18. I was just reading about it. So sad!
  19. Our situation is pretty clear in our case. We spend Christmas in one country one year and in the other the next. If we don't spend the day with my family in a given year, we have a make-up day in January.
  20. So FI tells me today how much of a strain it will be for his family to afford to come to the wedding. Note: DW was his idea. That said, even if we had it in the US they would be putting money down, since they would have to travel from Europe. We are scheduled to get married in March 2011, but do I offer to push it back to that fall? What would you guys do? How would you react?
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