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Everything posted by Tifany

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Cassie way to go cougs! Well I was up slightly this week. With v-day eating and then now being sick, I have a tendancy to let myself eat junk when I don't feel good. No excuses, I know! I think I need to look into this 30 day shred and kick it back into gear. I am the same way! I feel that being sick gives me the authority to allow myself to eat junk. Hope you kick the sick soon!
  2. I think I'm way up from 6 weeks ago, but I'm using it as motivation. I feel I have been way to self-defeating in everything and that does nothing but bring me down. Way to go on the running, Cougs! Now you know you can do it!
  3. That's the one thing that scares me - I have an 11am ceremony, so I must be there first thing. I just hope they finish up in time! I don't want to have to rush!
  4. Quote: Her Cameleon Dresses are identical to TwoBirds (which I saw on David Tutera's show too). I ordered three pieces from her cuz I loved working with her. So easy. Her name's vanessa, I think. If you already decided, that's ok, but anyone else interested in the versatile style, Isadora Clothing makes awesome dresses (I think she gives discounts for bridal parties). I second the shout-out for Isadora Clothing. I saw a recommendation on this site and found her on Etsy. I loved the idea and so did the bridesmaids. Seeing that she had some colors on sale, I bought a dress of my own that is being made now. Vanessa is a pleasure to work with.
  5. Very cool - thanks for passing along! Can't wait to check it out.
  6. I googled Moksha and it sounds interesting. I can't find any studios offering it here though. Maybe soon!
  7. What do you all tend to do if you get a cold? I've taken nearly a week off now because the idea of being in a hot room is not appealing at all. I'm just itching to get back now.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BakersGirl We booked a private sunset cruise that we are using as our reception. We thought that the cruise was 2-fold. It gave us a super private reception and it also provided something nice for our guests being it was a private excursion at no cost to them! Let me know if you need more info. We are super excited about it! Good Luck! That's a really cute idea. Who did you book through?
  9. Oh my goodness, what a frustrating experience! Do keep us posted on what they say! I'm sure you'll end up looking great!
  10. Voted - and voted on the rest as well. Some really great shots there. Love it!
  11. I totally missed weigh-in this week. I'm battling a horrible cold and have been a bit tragic the past handful of days. Congrats on the losses this week ladies and chin up! I hope I am able to feel better soon though because I just... REGISTERED FOR THE NYC MARATHON!!!!!! ...And it's time to start training!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 Cindy- did you send me your weight? There are a lot of you left to send, get on it girls!! Sent mine earlier. Let me know if you haven't received it!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx Good work ladies! I did alright this week as well. I figure any loss is great. I am also realizing that I am most vulnerable to eat badly when I don't get enough sleep. I was exhausted yesterday at work and it was almost more than I could manage to avoid the cookies that were available during an afternoon meeting. A good sleep definitely helps. Oooh, that's a good thought. I'm the same way!
  14. I need to email my weight in...but luckily it is lower. Somehow.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by poohshek It may take a few sessions before your body gets used to it. Stay hydrated and don't go in with a full stomach. Have a snack 1.5 - 2 hours before class and you should be okay. I second that it takes a few sessions before you get used to it. #3 was a charm for me! I've signed on to do a month now and see how my body likes it.
  16. Oh my goodness. That's absolutely insane. Please keep us updated on your friend's recovery. Our thoughts definitely go out to him.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva I remember my first spin class I needed a donut to sit down LOL Ugh, brutal! lol
  18. Good luck sammysgirl! I just got back from my bikram yoga class and got sick twice after it. EWW.
  19. OMG...I just got back from 90 minutes of bikram and felt nauseous as soon as I hit the locker room. I actually got sick twice. Gross! Either way, I can now say I DID exercise today!
  20. I'm getting ready to leave to go to Bikram yoga and sweat my tush off. I'll re-post after if I make it through alive.
  21. I have been a complete failure this week. I decided that the weekend must be different. Today at 12noon I have Bikram yoga and I will be planning my meals for the coming week. Also, I will be utilizing my bodybugg better. Oh, and drinking more water. I woke up with huge fingers...so swollen!
  22. I've been doing P90X on and off. I'm going to be switching out most cardio days, except for Plyo, with running, since I'm training for the nyc marathon in November. I'm also getting into Bikram Yoga and seeing if it's a good fit. You gals are going to look amazing on your big day!
  23. I took the photos and will upload when I get home. EEEEEK!
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