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Everything posted by Tifany

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Eliana Hi girls!I'm having a terrible week! at my work place we are having a week look celebration for our associates.. every day we have an AMAZING theme lunch in our cafeteria which makes it extremely hard to eat well... I 'm also in that time of the month which makes it even harder........... Yikes, I sympathize for you. Work food is hard, especially when it's good! I am angry at the cupcakes and cookies set out every day at work from random reps!
  2. Wow, go Mischaka!!! Congrats on getting halfway to your goal as well!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Interesting Tifany- what does a vegan cleanse consist of?? A vegan cleanse requires you cut out 5 things from your diet: animal products (meat and dairy), alcohol, gluten, sugar and caffeine. For 4 days I have had none of the above, but so far, so good. Just one heck of a headache on Sunday. It was like I was hungover! (Sympathy pains, maybe?) So now I stick to this for 26 more days. I'm eating plenty of good food, so it's kind of an eye-opener! I've falling off the workout wagon, but at least I'm eating well. Hopefully I can start some good sweats going soon!
  4. Popping in just now as work is crazy and I never get a chance to see what's all going on anymore! LeAnne - so jealous of your vacation next week. Have a great time! Jannae - Wow - hitting the gym while away is fantastic! Way to go! Natasha - You'll kick butt in the 10K. We'll be cheering you on from afar! Heather - I love the monogram. Who made it? Also, way to keep your spirits up for this week's weigh-in. You got this! This Saturday I start a vegan cleanse. Kind of scary and exciting all at the same time!
  5. Oops, I totally forgot to take my picture and send it this week. I had appointments before and after work yesterday and had to drive the boy out to his friend's house at 8am and just got back. My bad. Way to go ladies on your successes this week!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by elifrigo GIRLSSS I'M A U.S. CITIZZENNNN!!!! Afterrr being there from 10AM until 5PM! Totally worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy!!!! Congrats!!!!
  7. Week 1 of P90X...officially COMPLETE. But yeah, I do NOT want Pam the BLAM legs. My legs are tree stump-like, but let's hope for the best here! Hoping to do a round of P90X Classic the whole way through for a change. Definitely not following any kind of diet, my eating has been horrible. I'm making mini-goals each week to turn my bad ways into good without having to go cold turkey. That said, I'm going a month-long vegan cleanse starting on May 15th. Eek! BLAM!
  8. Natasha - So sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! I tried to finish up week 1 of P90X, but my foot cramped up (toes, actually) for an HOUR. Switched tomorrow's rest day to today. Yikes. I love the challenge idea. I've been making mini-goals each week. This next week, one is to have this Shakeology stuff each morning. I normally get coffee and toast at work, but the toast has been cutting my gums! Don't think my weigh-in will be great this week, but oh well!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jennypenny23 Tifany- Pizza is SO HARD for me to stay away from too!! Chipotle - The heels in your profile pic are ADORABLE!! Jennypenny - He had to tell me to stop staring. hahaha
  10. So I popped online because the fiance ordered Papa John's but won't allow me to have any. Then I scroll to the bottom of this page and there's a Papa John's ad. Seriously? LOL
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Sapphire723 Plus, remember, it's not the first donut that adds the pounds, it's the rest of the dozen that you ate because you felt guilty about the first one! You speak the truth. I feel that type of thinking sabotages my own weight loss and I try not to be as hard on myself. I will throw progress out the window if I'm not absolutely perfect on something. So one cookie leads to 5 and I don't workout because, well, what's the point? Working on changing my mindset anyway. Mere - don't stress about cake. It's your birthday!
  12. I'm still stuck at work, but I'll get it to you! We have til tomorrow at noon, correct?
  13. I've asked about this and the response I received was something like most receptions are later in the day regardless of ceremony time. They are willing to work with you to have it when you went.
  14. Ooh, Friday! I have been away too long and will remind myself to take a photo!
  15. I've been doing it for nearly two weeks now and love it. Just realized I meant to do Level 2 today and did Level 1 again. Oops! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's new challenge! I can tell that my pants are looser. Plus, I achieved my weight goal for April 1. Now off to achieve June 1's weight goal (5lbs less!)
  16. I think April 16th is fantastic. Plus, your thoughts for extending the time to send the weigh-in shot might work well!
  17. I'm game for another season! Friday weigh-in sounds good to me.
  18. Sheri - I've been doing 30 Day Shred too. I thought it was easy at first, but now that I am really pushing myself, I'm seeing improvement and results. (And it isn't easy any longer!) Today I ran a 15K and in no way, shape or form does my body like me at this moment. I have a half-marathon in a month, so there's some work to do for that! I also hit my April 1 weight goal today and I'm looking forward to setting a new one!
  19. I'm definitely keeping my maiden name professionally. However, I'm still on the fence about changing it on paper. I might double-barrel it, as it sounds good, but I'm not sure. Like another poster, I'm the last of my family name, so it's tough!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Fack...I forgot to send in my pic last night. Whoops! Me too! We were out celebrating and I forgot to forward it along! Oops!
  21. It is! I kind of didn't help things with my weigh-in by having pizza last night. Water weight and me are BFF. That said, things stayed even, so hopefully next week will be a big loss! So I ran 6 miles on the treadmill today. That's the most time I've spent on the thing. They're oh-so-boring.
  22. I keep saying I'm going to start and never do. But the 11th is one year before our wedding date and I think that's motivation if any to try it. Plus, I like Wednesdays as a rest day. It worked well for me when I did Power 90 a couple years ago!
  23. I feel that despite my decent eating and such this week that my weight won't reflect that. However, I have had 2 big loss weeks, so perhaps my body will come around! I tried the 30 Day Shred DVD and while Level 1 was a bit too basic for me, I look forward to trying Level 2. I love, love, love how fast it seems to go. It's over before you know it and is really great if you're pressed for time!
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