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Everything posted by Tifany

  1. Hey ladies - just a reminder that the meetup is on Saturday! There's a list that went up in the Jersey Brides Meetup thread in Forum News & Updates --> BDW Get Togethers. Can't wait to meet all of you!
  2. Michele aka Jerseykitten Tracy aka tracy0716 Chritine aka Cristinimartini Jenise aka Jenise LOL Tifany aka Tifany I might be +/- 15 minutes, but I do plan on being there! So excited!
  3. Way to go Jenny and Lindsay! I'm trying to come up with new things to eat this week. Might make some of those spicy toasted pecans.
  4. I have class in the morning, but I should be able to make it home in enough time to shower and get on the road. Let me see if the fiance won't be needing the truck that day for work!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by saza175 Tifany--Can you give me an example of a typical day? Is it basically fruits, veggies, pasta? LOL I Think I would go INSANEEE LOL Good for you I give you credit!!! Sure, here's an example of what I might have in a day: Breakfast - granny smith apple and cashews or leftovers Snacks - raw cashews, hummus & veggies Lunch - cauliflower-carrot soup, kale salad Dinner - stir fry, quinoa tabbouleh I've been cooking a lot. I think that's the biggest improvement of all!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by knitgirl13 that sounds like a great (but difficult) plan! i have about 12 vegan cookbooks at home that aren't being put to good use because most of the recipes incorporate soy which my FI can't tolerate but maybe i could do vegan lunches at work and cut out the rest of the junk. except caffeine, i would cry That's interesting about the soy. I've learned on the cleanse that soy is much harder to digest and it is recommended not to have it, unless it's tempeh (a fermented soy cake). I have a lot of issues when it comes to digesting things correctly. I've been eating nuts as snacks and raw is better than roasted, but it seems neither really agree well with me. It's a learning experience!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by knitgirl13 What diet are you following? I swore I posted this just a bit ago, but perhaps forgot to hit submit. Anyway, I'm doing a 30-day vegan cleanse. The premise is to flush your body of toxins. I'm to stay away from 5 things: animal products (meat/dairy/eggs/fish/etc.), alcohol, caffeine, sugar (including tropical/citrus fruits), and gluten. I have found that I must have had an intolerance to gluten because all the stomach issues that plagued me before have since went away. I'll probably continue to stick to this plan to some extent afterward, with the very occasional slab of meat.
  8. I've been fortunate so far. I've lost 8.5lbs in 2 weeks. However, I'm following a completely different diet than what is outlined in the booklet.
  9. Weigh-in dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! What is everyone doing for the weekend?
  10. I wanted to re-ignite the Insanity chat. I love, love, love this program. The only program I've ever stuck to was old-school Power 90. I've never stuck with P90X for more than a month. However, I actually enjoy Insanity and am seeing some fantastic results. I'm trying to get 2 rounds in before a trip to Ireland in September.
  11. My phone broke yesterday and I've been stress eating. How did I ever become so dependent on a phone Sad! P.S. - The replacement came in today. Whew.
  12. I'd be willing to host next season's BL. Natasha - Maybe you'll have a scale in your room too! hahahaha
  13. Hi all - I don't think I've ever posted here either. I'm in Union City and looking forward to a DW next March. I could use a vacation right now though. Hope you are all enjoying your weekend so far!
  14. I was consistently up this week (same weight every time I checked), but stuck to my diet and followed my workout program. I'm not too stressed about it!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 So for those of you that don't chat in the Shout Box, I finished my 10K on Sunday in 1:01:47. I am pleased with t he time, since its my first run, but I'm a little disappointed as well. I am so sure I could have broken an hour, if it weren't for this mean hip cramp I got around the 8km mark. Oh well, there is always the next one! Natasha - Way to go! You're much faster than me, but I'm pokey joe when it comes to running. Do you have any more races on the schedule?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jennifer I had a great conversation with the head of the weddings department for Sandals & Beaches! I just wanted to share some of teh new information! More to come later- she had another appoinment to run to ! --The set up fee- it is $250. This fee is for labor costs. A couple of notes: - if you are having a guest just placing something simple on the tables there is no fee. If it is an elaborate setup there may be a fee as it is likley that staff will have to take down or undue/pick up the decorations. There will be no hanging items- this is because of liability if a guest falls or gets injured. You can bring a silk or other bouquet- but you CAN NOT bring in live flowers from an outside vendor. Regarding the set-up fee, is $250 inclusive of ceremony and reception? Or, is it $250 per? Good to know for budgeting purposes. And echoing everyone else, thank you for the update!
  17. At this time, I think the set-up fees are one item of confusion. It seems like some brides are being told one price and others are told another. I think this is important to call out, as we're all on budgets and if we went to bring our own items, we need to know this ahead of time. Also related is bringing in things like flowers from the outside. I'm planning on creating my own (fake) bouquets with my mom, and perhaps I've read wrong on here, but people were getting flack about that as well? I think it all falls into the WCs in Miami not being well-versed in things.
  18. Thanks all! Natasha - Best of luck on your 10K! Let us know how you do!
  19. Yay!!!!!!!! Your dog is TOO CUTE! It might be a lot of work, but it is a stroke of good fortune for sure. Congrats to you and future hubby!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Thank you SO much Renee! I truly believe that everythign happens for a reason- and I'm trying not to stress so much because there is nothing I can do to change the outcome. I'll keep you guys posted- I know we'll hear probably after the weekend. And I am the least patient person on the face of the planet What a situation! Glad that there was a headstart on the interviewing and definitely keep us posted!!
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