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Posts posted by vdaybride

  1. The rings..

    Engagement ring

    Click the image to open in full size.

    couldnâ€t get a good pic of it on my hand to save my life!

    Wedding bands


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.

    I purchased my dress from Pronovias here in New York, my sales person was Carmel who used to work at Klienfield in NY and as seen on “Say Yes to the Dressâ€

    Dress on a model

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Dress on me

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size. I am taking this jacket to put on during the reception if I get chilly.. the red is the exact color of my shoes.. thought it might be cute together. If it doesnâ€t look as good as I think it does in my head, I wonâ€t wear it lol.

    (Elise is a manager at Pronovias now..she also used to work at Kleinfield here in NY) or she could be working for both..who knows. I also have a pic with Carmel, but she wasnâ€t looking her best (in the pic) and I didnâ€t want to throw her under the bus

    **Side note** These pictures are during my first fitting, the dress fits perfectly now, but I didnâ€t have my camera on the final fitting.. I know..shame on me.

    Grooms attire

    Chris is having his suit custom made at the Polo Mansion here in New York..I was not with him during his fitting and he is not one to whip out the camera and have someone take a pic ..I will attach a pic when we pick it up this Saturday, donâ€t know if he will be in it when I snap it, he is not camera happy like I am lol. It is a linen/silk blend in a dark sand color.

  2. The planning thread would not follow protocol if I didnâ€t begin by thanking Tammy for having the vision to put this forum together. I remember her saying that when the forum was very new that she would “ask a question and have to research and find the answers myself.†Well Tammy thank you for talking to yourself!!! This forum has truly been a Godsend! I started this journey not knowing what a TTD, BD, IUD…not IUD, but you get the point. I had NO clue of all of the wonderful things that were out there to help me make this experience so wonderful. Thank you MODS for keeping things flowing nicely. Thank you my fellow brides for all of the inspiration and help that you provided along the way. I love the†honor amongst thieves†going on because.. I stole/ borrowed so many templates, ideas and energy from you lovely ladies and I wonâ€t begin to attempt to name all the names, but two that stick out in my head are Geralyn and Andi..so to you ladies and the rest THANK YOU! XOXOXO

    I need to give a SPECIAL thank you to the February 2010 + our honorary February bride you have truly been a support system for me through this fun, exciting, stressful, happy emotional rollercoaster of a journey and I want you all to know that you are my girls!! Before I get all mushy…

    Our story

    I will marry my best friend at Dreams Resort at Los Cabos, Mexico on Valentineâ€s Day 2010. We always plan great trips for Vday and thought that it was the perfect day for us to get married. Our ceremony will take place at 4:00PM on the beach under a bamboo huppah. Our reception will be on the Oceana Terrace.

    The proposal

    He is my absolute best friend!! We have a 5 yr old daughter together who attends a ritzy private school here in NY. She is the apple of our eyes and I have secretly wanted to have her last name for a long time . We have been together a total of 7 years. His birthday is on Christmas. For Christmas we go skiing and stay at Whiteface Lodge in Lake Placid NY. A few years ago we had our usual suite. I was feeling a little sick so I said I would lie down before we went out for dinner. During the time I was napping, he ordered room service and had the bathroom all set up with a bubble bath rose petals and candles. We sat down to eat dinner, I opened my covered plate to find the cutest little blue box of course I said yes…

  3. Thank you ladies so much for all of the BM and hair/make up support. WHat would I do without you girls!!grouphug.gif No seriously, I get teary eyed like a wuss sometimes when I think that in a few weeks we will all be married women! Well except for our July sister. I hope it doesn't all fall apart. I will stalk if I need to!!!muscle.gif



    Whooo hooo picking up wedding rings... so much fun!! pics please :)


    Let me get some wedding stuff done.. I hope you all had a great day.

  4. YAY!!! my ALMOST twin date wink.gif that's right its your turn!! I am so happy for you! Your day will be so exciting. I will I could find my way around the geographical "nads" to give you the biggest hug ever. Thank you so much for starting the February brides thread! I have made friends that I am sure I will keep in touch with forever. Can't wait to see the pics and chat all about your big day when you return.

  5. You have truly been a dose of sunshine around here. You always have great advice and warm cyber hugs. I hope your day is as special as you are. You kept the February 2010 brides in stitches..we love you girl. Have a beautiful wedding. The first of us February brides, we are there in spirit. Enjoy your special day..



    Hi ladies... I got in contact with two great stylists in the cabo area. I am super excited. I am just negotiating between the two. I just packed up all my cute new clothes.. I am so ready for this trip!!


    I still have BM drama though.. One girl STILL does not have her dress or passport last I heard. THe other one has an airline ticket, but did not reserve her hotel room and the resort is completely booked. She is whining about not feeling safe staying at another resort..being drunk blah blah blah.. at this point I don't want either one of them standing up for me. What a headache they turned out to be.... They don't exist until March as far as I am concerned


    Whooooo hooooo February is here!!!


    BEAUTIFUL dresses hot mommas!!!!!


    Brooke happy you had a ball at your party, can't wait to come crash one of those comfy air mattresses. Congrats on the condo!!

  7. Yes you should be upset!!! There must be something in the BM water.. my BM had the nerve to spend the money I gave her for her BM dress!!! when I asked her for the 5th time in a week why she had not gone to be fitted she finally confessed that she spent the money! Can you believe it!?! sorry to go off venting you your thread, but I can completely understand your disappointment in your BM completely justified! Hopefully your wedding will be so faboulous that you won't even remember what a female douchebag she is being..

  8. I would have some sort of gathering for the guests. Like you said you have a big group. I can't imagine traveling a long way for a wedding and spending money to be there and then after the wedding the bride and groom wave goodnight and walk into the sunset..lol. If it is only a dinner or a cocktail hour, IMO you owe it to your guest to spend some time with them after the ceremony. Good luck with your decision

  9. Thankfully, I didn't have any negative nellies in my ear..if they were negative, they weren't within earshot anyway. I would suggest that you go with what you want to do. Regardless there will be one person who you will NOT be able to please regardless of the hoops you jump through to make them happy. At the end of the day you are absolutely justified to go off and have the wedding that you are dreaming of. I hope you keep your plans and your date set!! Good luck to you

  10. I think it is inappropriate. I had a shower at my favorite restaurant here in NY in a private room with a 4 course meal including 3 glasses of wine (for me) 2 glasses for my guests. My bridal party couldn't afford the entire affair, so I paid a portion and didn't have a problem doing so. They were paying a LOT of money to travel for my wedding so I thought it was appropriate. I wanted the experience so I did what needed to be done to make it happen. I hope this helps

  11. I paid for my parents and my sister to attend. I planned waaay in advance and used a site like that allowed me to pay in installments for their trip (they require a deposit, usually for the airfare, then a payment 2-3 months later and final payment being due a few weeks before travel.) I staggered the bookings out so that no large sum would be needed at one time (booked my parents one month and then booked my sister a month later...) I knew going in that they couldn't afford to attend so I put them on the "scholarship" I don't nor will I ever regret helping them. I am blessed to be in a situation to help them in this way.

  12. My honey gets an extra dose of sweetheart points.. he saw me bawling and asked what was wrong. I felt like a big baby, but I told him..he disappeared into the bedroom and came out 5 mins later with names and websites for hair and makeup artists in Cabo. Good ones too! I gave him the biggest hug. He said "I would marry you if you were bald with a paperbag on your head" I am thinking yeah right!! no you wouldn't! LOL so sweet and made me remember what the day is really about..that man really loves me :). I already sent out 3 emails asking them for quotes and availability. I am just hoping that I didn't wait too late.


    Teneil-I think you are using the wrong code the code you want should begin with ""

  13. This person seems to be someone who was instrumental in helping mold your FI into the man you want to marry. If a few hundred dollars out of your pockets will help her make it to see her brother/son walk down the aisle then you should have no problems doing what you can do to make that happen. I am sure over the course of his lifetime she has made similar sacrifices. I know that things are probably tight with planning your dream wedding, but IMO your FI shouldn't even think twice about contributing to her trip. This is coming from someone who has paid for 7 immediate family members to attend because I can't imagine walking down the aisle and not seeing them there. Good luck with your decision.

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