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Everything posted by kiwibride

  1. I am getting married at Dreams Los Cabos am a little nervous as i have never been there, but all the reviews on here are great! I just have to remind myself that what matters is that all my friends and family are there! Am pleased to here you are excited now. I am really excited we leave for the Wedding in less than 2 months!
  2. wow that is awesome happy house hunting!
  3. I have ordered a few things online from vic secret when i lived in new york. You can def send it back they send you all the information with you goods incase you need to send it back. Sizing i find pretty on average i have only bought swim wear though and summer dresses i generally wear a u.s size 6-8 and i bought mediums. Hope this helps!
  4. Ok that is terrible about your dad telling his friends that!! Waxing, i hhave had a brazillian several times and it is painful but not that bad, it is best to try and go somewhere that you know is really good like a friend has recommended etc. I have had my legs waxed twice and i think the pain is horrendous specifically up the front of your lower leg, tops of legs are not too bad. I have decided i am def going to get it done again beofre my wedding because it is so nice not to have to worry about it. I have never had my underarms done but am going to this time. The key to it is finding someone who is very good and quick! The slower they are at pulling the wax of the more painful it is! Good luck and if you decide to do it let me know what you think! Victoria
  5. Thanks for the advice, I am lucky the food i snack on at work is not bad it is just the kids left overs and they are very healthy eaters nothing fried or processed! I will get there heading to the gym in the morning!!
  6. This is a great thread i am desperately trying to lose some more pounds but am running out of time very quickly! I have 8 weeks on Monday until my wedding day and am still wanting to drop at least 5 k.g so about 11 pounds i try and go to the gym twice a week and do the treadmill once a week at home but the weight is not shifting as quickly as i would like! Have cut out all carbs at night but it is the picking that i am bad at as I am a nanny to 3 children and am constantly around food!
  7. I agree that is pricey for 30 mins! There are always so many extra things that cost more than you think they would! We just booked the dance floor andnit was $600 which i think is way over priced but FI said we need it! We will have to meet for a drink when i get to Dreams and swap stories!!
  8. You are very right Teira we will never be happy with our bodies! Good on you for doing it can't wait to see the pics! How is all your planning going? I think i am almost finished!
  9. Hi I live in Australia and am going to be in l.a for a couple of days before we head to Las Vegas for our hen/stag nights. Can anyone recommend a good place to go shopping for wedding rings in l.a? Thanks Victoria
  10. Did you do any snorkelling when you were in maui? If so can you recommend a company? Victoria
  11. Hi Jennifer Thanks for your post, I really loved the look of the Four Seasons and Grand Wailea but you are right very pricey! We have just booked the Westin which i am happy with and if a deal comes up for the four seasons, ritz carlton or grand wailea then we can always cancel the Westin!
  12. We were deciding between Maui or Kauai as well but finally decided on Maui as we are also going to Lanai and we can get the boat there from maui! We would love to stay at the four seasons but it is so pricey in Maui! We are staying at the four seasons on lanai for 6 nights and it is so much more reasonable, we got an amazing deal.! Good luck with your decision. Victoria
  13. WOW! You are right your dress is AMAZING!
  14. I love this it works really well!!
  15. Congratulations on your wedding, I will try and post some reviews after my wedding!
  16. Hi Little miss sunshine, Sorry to hear you had such a nightmare at Barcelo, we originally booked our wedding at the Sheraton but had to cancel because they were such a nightmare, i always think in the long run it is better to just cancel than take the risk, I looked at Sunset Da Monalisa and it looks beautiful i am sure your wedding will be amazing. Good luck with the planning. Victoria
  17. Congrats on your engagement tammi and good luck with your finding your venue this website will def help with the decision making! Victoria
  18. Travel agents are a great help and don't you or your guests anything, I am using a travel agent i found on this website. Congrats and good luck with your planning. Victoria
  19. Congrats Valerie and welcome to the site, try not to stress about the planning, try and enjoy it, you will find all the info you need on this site. You have plenty of time to find the resort that suits you best. Victoria
  20. Congrats girls and welcome to the site, enjoy the dress shopping it is so much fun!
  21. Congrats and welcome to the forum, have fun planning your Dream wedding!
  22. Congratulation Lisa you seem like you are very organised!
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