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Everything posted by gennygetsmarried

  1. Ok.. no problem! But how about Sonya that's looking for a photographer?? It's just funny how her message is still accepted. But it's ok, I got the picture. Btw, the link that you sent me wasn't working, so I couldn't read you rules and the complicated part was not about the forum but about all the rules you have to read beforehand. Sonya Lurker Join Date: Nov 2008 Location: Alberta Canada Posts: 1 Points: 208.66 Bank: 0.00 Total Points: 208.66 Donate karma: 0 Sonya is on a distinguished road Default Re: How Do I Find a Photographer?? I am looking to share a photographer for the end of April/beginning of May 2010 at the Iberostar Varadero. Anyone interested? Also, to those of you that have brought/are bringing your own photographer - approximately how much is this costing you if you do not share? Sonya is offline Add to Sonya's Reputation Add Infraction for Sonya Report Post Reply With Quote
  2. I don't understand at all what I did wrong??!!! I'm sorry for the thread I posted but I didn't know... Then, I wrote on the post ''How do I find a photographer'' and you delete my message!!!! I'm certainly not the only one asking for that on the post?? What the hell?? Why is this forum so complicated?
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