I think you just have to pay for a day pass for the photographer (cost varies with resort). I've read that some girls even paid for their photographer to spend the night so that they could do TTD photos the next day.
I agree with you. I'm not a big fan of the OOT bags either. What FI and I have decided to do is give everyone Bubba Keg's (perfect for filling up with drinks and keeping them cold) with a personalized label, and sending everyone a welcome letter thanking them. Not sure if we'll do anything else.
Thanks so much for the review. I've already contacted her for my wedding (have heard wonderful things about them on this forum) but it's always great to see some photos. I couldn't see any when I clicked on your links. Would you be able to send some to me personally (of the wedding and the falls)? My email is [email protected]
Congratulations and welcome to the forum. Take a deep breath and relax, you have lots of time. You'll find all the information you need here...good luck!
From what I've read from the other posts, it does sound pretty normal. In many reviews, girls have mentioned picking everything out when they arrive with the WC, guess that's when they order everything anyway. Good luck
Thanks for the review Carina, sounds like you had a great time. Gets me excited about going! How was the beach? Is it much different then the one at the suites? I've read mixed about it.