We met through mutual friends on the night of my bday at a bar. We didn't really talk that night though, I was talking mainly to his friend. The following week we were at the Virgin Music Festival at Centre Island (in Toronto), I was sitting at a picnic table with a friend having a beer when I saw the 2 of them walking across the lawn. I ran over to them and started chatting (I'm fairly outgoing) and the 4 of us spent the day together. By the end of the day, we had definitely made a connection and exchanged numbers.
Our first date, we just went out for dinner and drinks. What was so special about it, was how long we talked for! Knowing now that my FI takes a while to come out of his shell with new people, he opened up to me immediately. When dinner was over, neither of us wanted the date to end, so we walked along the street till we found a pub and went in there till it closed. Still remember what we both ate that night