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Everything posted by debbmach

  1. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
  2. I watched the whole thing too and didn't hear anything about a pregnant girl...WTF! Who is it
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by bikegirl That is so low. Since this is during a game, he wouldn't be criminally charged, just either discharged or permanently banned from the league right? I think he SHOULD be criminally charged with assault. Intentionally hitting someone and in the FACE...he KNEW what he was doing, he KNEW the harm it would cause. There is absolutely no excuse. This isn't roughhousing...shoving and pushing. This is definitely trying to cause serious harm! Sadly, this happens all too often and seems to be a part of hockey. It sells. And you can tell even by the kid's leagues....start them young. He can still get criminally charged. I work at a hospital and we had a kid who died from a rugby accident and the kid who's fault it was, got charged!
  4. Hi Everyone! I've just downloaded the diet plan and am going to start in a few days, once I make a plan and go grocery shopping. The only thing I'm worried about is that I work shift work (days and nights) so it's going to change the eating times for me. I guess the main thing will be to space out my meals and eat 6 times a day. Anyone else in this situation or have advice for me?
  5. My thoughts are with you and your family. I know Cormier is suspended indefinitely, but he should definitely be banned. Even my FI agrees and he's a HUGE hockey buff! Keep us posted!
  6. i love watching it too...as much as it does irk me. i love the drama with the girls!
  7. I did book the resort separately, I did it directly with the resort's wedding coordinator. They don't require a deposit. You just fill out a contract dn email back to them. I'll book the resort and flights in the spring when the pricing comes out (just hope it's not more than this year!)
  8. dislike (overrated...yet i participate and celebrate!) glee (the show)?
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