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Everything posted by debbmach

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Mel4983 That sounds like an amazing price... who is the photographer? Here's her website nbphotos ~ Fabulous Feminine Boudoir Glamour Pin-Up Fashion Empowerment Experience She's based out of KW, but does travel.
  2. bachelorette party : pole dancing
  3. I love the show too! Unfortunately I haven't been able to watch much of the new season, but there's something about it that just draws me in! I too am happy that Tamra and Simon got divorced. He's controlling and treated her son Ryan terribly! I don't mind Vicki, I definitely admire her drive but she's a bit of a spas (sp?)! I'm sure I would hate her if she was my mother. I like watching the storyline with Gretchen. Every one was so catty with her over her ex! I love anything with lots of trashy drama I miss Jeana, I found her to be the most 'normal' of all the girls. Any idea why she didn't come back?
  4. They look awesome! I'm also thinking of getting my invites from Cards & Pockets. Do you have templates for all the inserts?
  5. This is a terrible situation that unfortunately happens far too often! I work at Sick Kids and hopefully your friend can find a community of support there. Her family is in my prayers!
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