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Everything posted by TonyandTricia

  1. Susie, good to hear! Brooke, I did get a package that included 3 of those so that's good. Also, here's a picture of the dress, but I ordered it in white...I think it'll be perfect for booty-shakin' with my new husband.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya oh! and my first dress fitting is tomorrow!!!! YAY!!! Can't wait to see some pics!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 That totally sounds like me! We've been working out hard core, tanning and I get my teeth whitened on Feb. 4th, 3 days before we leave for Mexico! Has anyone had the on hour teeth whitening that the Dentist has to do? I'm a little worried because I heard it really makes your teeth/gums tender and sensitive. Is there anything I can do to help that? Augghh. It's worth it though b/c I want pearly whites. A tan also helps your teeth look whiter...double benefits! Erica, I would recommend that you get some sensitivity toothpaste now (Sensodyne or Crest Sensitivity) and start brushing everyday with that until you bleach. It will help get your teeth ready. Your dentist can also give you stuff, but if they didn't mention it to you they must not be planning on it. Then if your teeth are sensitive afterward continue to use the tooth paste for a couple of weeks. It's just temporary, but not exactly pleasant! I wouldn't necessarily have chosen to do it so close to your departure date, but it will be fine! They're also probably going to look a little blotchy afterward, but it will fade in a day or two most likely. Yay!! It's almost time, girls and I am just so excited I can hardly stand it! My sister surprised me Monday and said that see booked Boudoir shoots for both her and I next Sunday (as in less than 2 weeks) and my whiter than white booty hasn't seen the sun in months so I started my tanning last night in preparation. Also, my civil ceremony is next Sat, (1-23). Tony just sent me an email that said "10 days baby!!!! I LOVE YOU!!" It's just so cute to see him as excited as me. And I ordered a "party dress" for the bars/disco after the reception. I just got a sassy bridesmaid's dress and had them order it in white. It comes in one week before we leave...I hope I like it! February is almost here!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton I am totally there with you Tricia. Please don't take offense to this brides who are getting married in 6+ months because at your 2 month mark you will feel the same way. I am so pissed off that they are even talking with people whos wedding are 3 or more months away and giving them the chance to book because it screws the people who wait and follow the rules out of the process-- they should send them back emails that say-- we will put your request on file and contact you at your 3 month mark. So now we are less than 50 days away and we can't get any help or answers because they don't have time!! WTF? Tricia the new brides have NOTHING about only getting credit if they use the moon palace-- so talk to your travel agent and tell her to start pushing them to give you your cocktail hour and stuff. I am in fighting mode now!! amen sister! haha.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by indy_chic Sooo I 'm getting married at MP in April 2010 - I just received my first email from my WC last week as I was advised by the wedding sales exec. to expect an email no sooner than 3 months before my wedding date. So she sent me some vague information about meals, honeymoon breakfast and additional services but no mention of the wedding /reception location. I sent her an email today to confirm (try) my ceremony and reception area. She tells me the area I want has already been booked?!!! WTF....how is this possible if you're not contacted until 3 months before the wedding This obviously isn't the case as I know alot of you have already had contact with your wc's - but fair is fair. If this is their policy this is what they should be following. Any advice?? I just sent them an email telling them that I'm frustrated with the whole process. I too was assigned to a gazebo and a private function area. I've been told that I cannot submit my ceremony script for my symbolic ceremony when other brides have. Mseddy just wrote about how well they said hers. The restaurant I wanted for my welcome dinner is not available because I have too many people and have read that other people had theirs there with MORE people. I do not qualify for the complimentary cocktail hours even though I have about 15 rooms booked. And have been told that since I am bringing down my bouquet they will order me the complementary flowers and I can assemble my own boutonneires with the flowers. Just what I want to do before my wedding. It sounds like I'm having a pity party, but I am just frustrated. I know it will all be fine and beautiful, but today I am just having a frustrated day!
  6. My WC just emailed me and said that we can't write our own script even with a symbolic ceremony?? Does anyone know anything about that? She said we can have our own vows and a guest can do a reading, but we have to have our own minister is we want to submit a script?
  7. Susie- I'm so sorry to hear the news. I'll keep all of you in my thoughts and pray for her recovery!
  8. Hmmm...I may have to jump on the wedding crashing band wagon! I don't know about the rest of you, but I didn't going around sticking my tongue on cold things like Brooke apparently did. Haha.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by doblauvelt Was anyone contacted exactly 90 days before your wedding took place? I'm just wondering, I have 5 days until I tell myself to expect anything. I don't want to be disappointed on the 5th day so I'm mentally preparing myself if it's not exactly on the 90day mark (lol). I can almost guarantee that you won't hear anything. I waited until one week after the 90 day mark and emailed them and had my TA call them and they said they're not contacting the brides until 60 days now so I wouldn't be hearing from them again for another 3 weeks!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 I forgot to share pics of my flowers... I just love them! Now I just have to pack them good so that they travel down to Mexico okay. I have a folder of receipts for all the stuff I'm bringing down there. I hope I get a green light and don't have to go through inspection! ~ Erica Beautiful flowers, Erica! As far as the pregnant question...I'm hoping within the first year.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 Thanks Tricia for the great idea... why didn't I think of that duh! i'm so scared that the heat and nervousness will swell my fingers and I won't be able to put both of them on. I have seriously had nightmares of this. How dumb huh? Erica, actually I have thought the same thing. My body is super sensitive to sodium. All it takes is me going out to dinner and having a couple of drinks and I can't get my ring off the next day. During Thanksgiving it was stuck on there for 3 days! Like really, really stuck. It was horrible. I had to wash my hair with it on when I showered! I had them size my ring up a quarter size when they had it while making the custom band. When I got it back this past Saturday it felt pretty loose. Tony and I went out to dinner Saturday night and I had 2 drinks and Sunday I woke up and couldn't get it off til the afternoon. It's horrible. And being at an all-inclusive resort for 3 days before the wedding!! I have worried about the same thing!
  12. I just got done with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...Sooo good! Slow start, but definitely pays off!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 Okay, I have a silly question. When you are exchanging rings at the altar do you keep your e-ring on do you leave it on and just put it on later. I don't want to be fumbling around with my e-ring when FI is putting on my wedding band. I could just see me dropping it in the sand! Help pleaseeeeee!!! I'm losing sleep over these minor details... ~ Erica I'm just going to have him put it on my finger in front of my e-ring and then I'll switch them later. BTW...I picked up my custom band yesterday and think they did a GREAT job of matching my e-ring. Here's some pics...and you guys are right, it's hard to take pictures of sparkly things... Also, I needed some larger filler items for my bags and found these frisbees...I think they'll be fun for the beach in between activities!
  14. What kind of gifts are you guys getting your parents? Are you getting your FMIL a gift? At our weddings all of the aunts get together and make Italian Cookies for our cookie table and I can't for the life of me think of a gift. My cousin who got married last year gave all of them aprons that said "And on the 8th day God created Italian Cookies" and they all thought that was the best thing ever. I'm feeling some pressure to get them something unique.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Wow that does seem like a ton of flowers-- I am ordering the confetti to mix with the roses that are being thrown because its cheaper and will make for more specks with the photos of it being thrown. So kind of an oddball question for you Tricia- I don't know if you've seen my engagement photos but my mom is a great photographer and I had asked her if I could use her cool camera to snap off some photos of your wedding (figure it never hurts to have lots of photos to choose from) and she said "Sure you can, but I would love to get the practice for your TTD photos with the camera if she would let me take them." So if you would like someone else who is amazing with a camera to snap off some photos we could give you a SD card with them before you even leave the hotel and you could do whatever you want with them. So would you mind an extra photographer there? I guess I could always use more photos. Sounds good to me.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride Tricia-- forgot to say CUTE shoes!! Thank you and your boudoir pics are absolutely gorgeous!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by susieq i too have to book the treatments and hair... My hair is being coloured and cut jan 22 manicure/pedicure & waxing i still have to arrange. Wonder would doctor nip and tuck would work some magic on me before i go.... Nah i'll take may sagging ass and boobs the way they are and off i go in 18 bloody days.... Yup 18 days, just 18 days, only 18 days, get outta dodge 18 days..... I know shut up already.... 18 days?!?! Yay!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton I can't do the waxing-- I will do my eyebrows but that it!! I went out and bought some wrinkle reducer for my forehead and eyes area and some celluite cream that got good reviews in Shape magazine. If you find any great products let me know-- I'm willing to try almost anything! My sister got me some celtrixa. It's more for stretch marks I think than cellulite. It's hard for me to tell if it's working because my stretch marks are on my behind and it's hard to see back there. She swears by it though. I think she got 2 bottles as samples and gave me one.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by TeNeil Never thought that I would have to use the words scissors and wedding dress in the same sentence, but.......... Drove 3 hours to pick up my dress and have my first fitting today. When I arrived at the store the consultant told me that the seamstress wasn't in and would be unavailable until the 12th.........WHAT?!?!?! Laughed it off, but deep down felt pissed that I drove all that way and couldn't even have it pinned for alterations. Tried on my dress, which I still love, and pranced around the store for a brief moment. The consultant goes to help me unzip, but the zipper is stuck. Yes thats right........I am stuck in my brand new Pronovias wedding gown. I'm laughing, while two more consultants attempt to get me out of my dress. OMG, the zipper is broken and they couldn't get me out. The only option was to CUT me out of my dress. To make the day worse, I couldn't find any sexy heels......everything is looking very winter in the stores, so I am going to wait a few more weeks and pray that spring stock starts to arrive. What a day......haha......all I can do is laugh and try not to think of how stressful these next 4 weeks are going to be. I hope you all have a great weekend (just compare is to being cut out of your wedding dress and anything will sound good.....haha) Oh my gosh! I gasped when you said they cut you out!! I know they will make it right, but still... Also...I was having a heck of a time finding shoes too. I wanted some like these... But couldn't find anything similar anywhere so I went to David's Bridal and asked if they could dye some 2 different colors. They said if anyone could do it one girl who was out of town would be the one. She called me yesterday and said she thinks she can and is going to give it a shot. So, I guess we'll see how they turn out!! If you're just looking for white I saw some cute ones on Zappo's too. I also got word yesterday that my wedding band, and therefore engagement ring were in!!! They've had my e-ring for a little over a month so I am so excited to get it back and see my custom band. I will try to take pics and post them.
  20. By the way...I just ordered my petals tonight from flyboynaturals.com. After talking to Mrseddy I decided to order 128 cups (buy 120 get 6 free). It sounds like a crazy ton to me, but when I called and talked to the lady she recommended 148 cups!! They have certain amounts to choose from so I either had to get 60 plus 8 free or 120 and get 6 free. I didn't think 68 would be enough for the guests, aisle, and reception tables so I decided to go with the 128. I guess we'll see how much it is when it arrives! By the way it's shipping Monday. Super fast!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by CristiandJamie Thank you for the link! I'm thinking about doing real touch flowers. One bride from Aventura Spa said that her real flowers stained her dress and she wished that she got real touch instead. Just thought I would let you guys know... I ordered mine from the same website and have read tons of good reviews on them!! I am excited to get the picture that they send and then from there I can make changes if needed!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia Thanks for the site!! And $3.75!! Even better! Plus 6.50 shipping?!? What the heck Haha. I'm still gonna get them anyway.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 I got my I DO rhinestones from: Mindy Weiss - Mindy Weiss Party Consultants - Weddings, Events, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs Good Luck! ~ Erica Thanks for the site!! And $3.75!! Even better!
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