SusieQ- I agree...I'd love to see your dress too!! And I think Shellk is right...when I finally tried on "the one" there were no tears, goosebumps, and I was only 90% sure it was "the one." I think I had been watching too much "Say, yes to the dress" that I thought it was supposed to be so much more. Maybe that's how you're feeling. I think it would be a good idea to try it on for your girlfriend (and show us) so that you get pumped up about it again!!
Shellk- I don't know what the standard is on how many don't show up, but last year my friend got married and 305 RSVP'd and only 250 showed $40/person that was an extra $2200!!! I couldn't believe how rude people are sometimes! I would guess with a smaller group of 100? you probably couldn't count on too many people not showing, but I'm not really sure...