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Everything posted by TonyandTricia

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton So I emailed my new coordinator this week with very basic questions and STILL nothing. Come on I am 2 months a 3 days away... how about just saying Hi or here are your wedding choices... at this point I am ready to assume they are going to start kissing my ass or giving me EVERYTHING free because they can't get back to me. Time to email Claudia AGAIN cause she is the only one to respond. Anyone else having this problem with Kalena or Angelica? I have Angelica we've only exchanged a few emails. I looked back and she usually takes about 5 days to get back to me, but I think I emailed her last Tuesday and haven't got a response yet. I just hope that it's because of the holidays and then afterward they're gonna be on top of it!! May be wishful thinking...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Lol.... I will breathe in March! lol I have to stay up all night because for the next 2 nights I have to work red eye flights for 10 hrs of flight time and they go until 6 am....so I am all jacked up on coffee. I really need the retail therapy with Timberly today. Looking forward to it! So what else are you needing? Did you get your bags yet for your oot? I have 10 but I think I need some more. Give me a heads up if you find any good deals on your trip!! I travel to NY a few times a year to visit friends and would love to meet up with you guys, but I think we're running out of available weekends! It's getting sooo close!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich Hello ladies! The fitting went well, only need a few inches off at the bottom add a French bustle and its good to go. My mom went with me and took a few snaps The pics dont do it justice,,, arent wedding dresses gorgeous!! Also just since Im adding pics and I know someone asked about maps the other week- here's a pic of themap postcard we made.... http://i910.photobucket.com/albums/a...2009-12049.jpg one side a map of the resort, the other a map of the local area. ok and one more... a shameless plug of cuteness... this is one of our kittens.. http://i910.photobucket.com/albums/a...2009-12037.jpg I hope everyone has a Happy Christmas... Alison Beautiful, beautiful dress!! You look great! You'll make a gorgeous bride and I particularly love the Beyonce pose!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ OK You gals with the dog cookies... too funny... I have never baked for the kids let alone the dogs.... Funny story... last xmas our neighbours love our dogs (her son is 3yrs) they bought over these fancy doggie cookies in a clear plastic container, they had icing and sprinkles. My son come home a few too many beers in him, we were in bed... He pulls out the container and eats the entire package... I get up in the morning and the plastic container is sitting on the counter emtpy... Oh did he get teased about having doggie breath.... hmmmm Maybe if I made homemade doggie cookies, I could fed him and the dogs.... HaHaHaHa. Too funny!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by moonpalacebride I also inquired about David Pena, and they're insisting that all the photographers are the same quality. (Not sure if I agree, altho I haven't even seen any of his work, just heard good things!). I decided that I'm bringing a good photographer friend of mine down to Mexico with us. She's giving us all our photos as our gifts, and she's going to make a beautiful photobook also. For the same price as someone down there, why not right?? That's a great gift!!
  6. Well, sorry Holly, I thought I posted something on here, but maybe I was in too much of a hurry and didn't wait for it to post... I did receive the pashminas!!! And I absolutely love the colors that I got! I was a little concerned about one of my choices PA-013, but it is my favorite out of the 3 colors that I got! They all look great!! Thanks again for all of your time organizing this!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride I am a married woman yippppee Yay! Yay! Yay!! Congrats, girl! Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride Thanks so much for the congrats and well wishes. We both managed to get on a flt back to NYC tonight. We are so excited to be married and even more excited to be home! We had a great time! We gambled a little, walked the strip a little and got drunk and had fun together even more. Shells-"saving ourselves?" Uum, err NO! Lol My friend was supposed to fly to St. Louis from NYC and drive to KC to visit us, but since her flight was canceled she has no time for the detour to KC. Dang weather!! I'm glad you made in home safely though! Better to be stuck at home than stuck on the other side of the country that's for sure! Quote: Originally Posted by Raykel Tricia...I hear you with the baking. Ours is almost all gone...oh and the FI does not like coconut, shortbread, or maraschino cherries...so guess what...I have been eating the baking all weekend! I keep thinking....3 months...oh now 2 months! Plus Christmas holidays! MAybe it is a good thing I am working all the holidays this year....I won't eat as much, maybe... I know...we all officially have no excuses (and no time to delay!) after Friday! Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich Susie, its good to be a cheap date! I havent had a drink in about a week bc of dieting... 10 pounds in 6 weeks, do you think I can do it? I considered not drinking (after New Years of course) until we leave for our trip just to get bikini ready, but I'm afraid I'll be too much of a light weight come Mexico if I do that! Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich Also all of the baking is pretty much done here... (I love to bake as well) I am going to make the dog some biscuits so I can bake but without the temptation... and a few sausage rolls for the FI at work this week (schools out so we are off of work for 2 whole weeks) If you really have a dog biscuit recipe I'd love to have it!! My boxers would greatly appreciate it!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich PS- My dress came in, yippee (nervous excited, first fitting is on Tuesday) woo hoo!!!!!!!!! I hope you post some pics!! I love seeing everyone's dress!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Raykel I don't think my waist is that small guys....I am turned sideways a bit in the photo because I thought it would make me look slimmer- I guess it worked! Thanks guys:) Now if I can just look slim and svelte in my bikini in Feb! Argh that Christmas and all the food and munchies and this dummy goes and signs up for the bake exchange? Have you guys tried toblerone fudge squares? Umm....I am actually hoping FI eats the rest of those before I get home! Tricia - I am sorry you didn't like all your stuff from VS I order from them a couple times a year and find that for clothes I need to order two sizes in each article because they don't always fit the size they claim. I don't really mind excpet that right now with the exchange and shipping that can add up. Ah the price we pay to look beautiful! Sue...I got the emails....I did't have about half of what you sent me! So thank you again. I hope you feel better soon. My nephew was pretty sick the other day, but it only seemed to be bad for the one day and then he was just kinda weak the next day. Now he is good as new, so here's hoping that is all you have as well. I am hosting a cookie exchange as well! I don't know what I was thinking. With each girl giving the others a dozen each that's gonna be a lot of cookies...and I'm definitely going to be "sampling" them all!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by moonpalacebride I've started purchasing things for my OOT bags but right now I'm mainly focusing on my AHR. It's taking a LOT more planning than the wedding has! Also, I've been stressing about the Moon Palace photographers. Some seem to be quite good, but the more time I spend on here the more worried I get! I might fly down my photog friend to do our pics. Not 100% on that yet tho.... How about you? What are you doing for your photographer? I agree...The AHR has consumed most of my time, but I'm finally starting to focus on the wedding part! I am waiting to hear back from my WC regarding the photographer. I requested David Pena...only because he's the only one I've heard anything about! We'll see if he's available I guess.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by susanjplummer Hey, everyone! THANKS for all your info! We have a few questions. We're thinking of setting a date in labor day 2010. 1) We'd like an outside reception for a large party. Maybe 80 people. Did anyone have trouble getting a space that they loved for this many people? I can't find pictures of the outside receptions. Anyone have photos? 2) Did anyone go down or is planning to go down before the big day? 3) Is 9 months not long enough plan? We want anyone who wants to come to have enough time. But I don't want to wait until 2011:-) Welcome! 9 months is plenty of time to plan!! Our engagement is only 6 months long and I have had plenty of time and am actually thankful it's all going down in only 6 months...less time to stress!!
  12. I got my big stash of stuff from VS already! Very quick shipping, which was good too bad I only like about half of the stuff I ordered. That's why I hate ordering clothes online! I only liked one of the three dresses that I bought. Bummer! And still deciding on the suit. Brooke and Chris- Did you guys get your suit yet? If so, how was it?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Raykel Teshy your dress is really pretty:) So my fitting went well. Excpet they told me 30 mins - so I planned on an hour - and at an hour and a half I told her I had to move....I thought I was going to pass out! There is tons of chiffon and it is time consuming to pin....the seamstress said they should have booked my appointment for longer - thank gosh another bride was not scheduled for the 30 min mark! So here it is so far....the first one is just the dress and the second one is the sandles I think I will wear to the reception (thanks for the pose Timberly!). You look great in your dress!!! It is beautiful! I can't wait to try mine on when I see all of you ladies trying on yours!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by teshy1 I don't have a picture right now of my dress that I can access, but here is the url address to the website page with the dress. It's an Exclusive by Allure, style 2174. I loved the dress because it's chiffon, so very "flowy", and the style works well with my figure. I'm wearing silver wedge sandals with the dress. Exclusive : Style 2174 From AllureBridals.com 2 months to the day of our wedding! Beautiful dress!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by doblauvelt Rob- I was assigned the Bugambilias gazebo/terrace too. I wanted the Tucan gazebo/terrace but that's already booked, it's OK though. If you still need pics PM me. FutureMrsMoulten- Sorry to hear about the BM dropping out! Don't worry, it's them that'll be missing out. That's where I've been assigned as well. Have you been there and seen it? Just curious how you liked it if you have. I think that I'm going to have my private function later in the evening (wedding is at 2 pm) so figure that I don't necessarily have to have the terrace right next to it, but that's where I've been assigned as of now.
  16. Chris: Whew! Thank goodness that's not your real dress. I assumed, but a part of me was worried for your grandmother. Brooke: I have exchanged a couple of emails with her. I got tired of waiting so had my TA contact her. They said that the reason I hadn't heard anything was because we are supposed to get in contact with them 2 months before, but I KNOW they previously said 3 months so I'm not sure where this 2 months came from! One part that also kind of irritates me is that I know that brides that have their wedding in April/June/July have been in contact with their WC for months and picked out their gazebos and private function terraces, ect. and I finally talk to her less than 3 months before and she tells me where I HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED. What the heck?!? So other people get to choose, but that's my only option because nothing else is left. Well, how is nothing else left if we're not supposed to get in contact with them until 2 months out! Sheesh! I remember you saying that some of the terraces were awkward, like you were just in the middle of a walk way...do you remember any location in particular that was nice that I could attempt to request. Right now she says that we are in the Bumbiglia (SP?) gazebo and we can have that terrace as well?? I'm not gonna stress out about the location I know it will be great no matter what, but it just still irritates me a little.
  17. aww...poor kitty. I grew up with a siamese and you're right, they usually don't shut up! haha.
  18. We're not having a "beach wedding," but I'm still deciding on the whole bridesmaid part. I'm thinking a cute sandle of some sort. Not sure yet. I'll just leave it up to them most likely. I've been telling my guests sun dresses for the ladies and slacks, collared shirt for the guys.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jodimichelle I knooow i have ten now, and I already had some say they may not be coming. I had to give them a "deadline" though. I need to order the bridesmaid dresses the beg. of Jan to have them in on time. I said if they decide to come last minute we will work something out. Question: Beach wedding! Did not think of this... My aunt said she went to a wedding on the beach and her chair kept sinkin into the sand, so did her feet. I am assuming this will happen to my beach wedding guests. I wonder if I should say everyone come in nice flip flops? What is another way? Is that silly? Also, do the bridesmaid stand on the sand as well? If there is not a platform for them, I prob will have them barefoot. I stole this from someone else, but on our website we put... "Remember to dress for the elements (sun, sand and water). Leave your high heels, jackets, and ties at home!"
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Would you like a light blue or pink cover up? I bought 3 extra for girls who were coming and they aren't coming and they are so cute! I can send you photos.. I have them in smalls and they stretch really nice. It would be my gift to you for being an awesome bride! I see you made your 150 mark now go open all those docs you've been missing! How nice!! I would be excited to have either one...thanks! And I'm super excited about hitting 150! I've been opening attachments like crazy. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ It's friday ladies, whats everyone plans for the weekend? My Fi and i are going to his company xmas party tomorrow night. I have to work tomorrow. Then off to my friend and her husband's bday party tomorrow night! At lease I'll get a little bit of a weekend! Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride We are staying local this weekend, next weekend going to Vegas for the weekend to get hitched . Got a few DIY projects taken care of, will see what else I can get checked off of the list this weekend. Exciting!! Ours will be sometime in January! I need to figure that out soon...
  21. This is the suit that I ordered.... This is the one that I really like, but wouldn't ship until 2/10. That would be pushing it I think, but we'll see. I think it's early enough now that if the first one makes my boobs look like a 12 year old boy I still have time to return in and try again. We'll see I guess... There were so many good suits on there though!! I promise not to get the same one, even if mine doesn't work out! Did you get it in white?
  22. Hi Ladies! I've started to review the old 2008/2009 posts to get info on reception sites, restaurants, and any other advice I can find....Holy cow, it's gonna take DAYS to make it through! It's all very helpful though!!
  23. My WC is Angelica Martinez Mauricio. We've only exchanged a couple of emails so I should know more about her soon!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Ok Tricia... that little thingy is scarey... I am sure she is photo shopped so much her own mother would know her... there is a whole lotta waistline there... I am sure the Itty Bitty Bikini will look amazing on you. That wasn't my picture, but I definitely agree!! I am a "firm" believer that tan cellulite looks better than white cellulite, but there's no tan in the world would make my ass look like those ladies! That's why I also ordered a cute cover-up/sun dress to go with it!
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