Thanks for the suggestions ladies...they are very much appreciated! I've been thinking about the ideas given to me and I really like your idea Sapphire about tying the girls together with some sort of accessory...I like the idea of trying to find something like a sash, purse, brooch, etc! I will begin my research for that! I also think silver or gray for the fourth girls dress...but do you think it should be pattern or solid? And for my daughters dress, I think you are right sapphire about her being old enough to be a bridesmaid and that white might be I'm scratching that idea! lol
As for the guys attire...I'm still up in the air....I never thought of having them wear gray shirts, but that sounds like it might work! I'm not sure the fuchsia tops would go over well with all of the guys Ayita but gray really does sound like a nice choice! LynnieS do you have a picture or link to the attire your guys are wearing? I'd love to see how that looks!
Here is a picture of my dress (unaltered) if that helps any....but I think it's a little hard to tell with the lighting which color stands out more?? My face is blocked out because I was going to sell this dress online, but have decided to keep it.