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Everything posted by sweetluna

  1. I too think it's wonderful to include family. Having the kids involved in the wedding party is great and I sounds like it would be meaningful for you to have your mom & step dad walk you down the aisle. Great you're including all the kids in the sand ceremony. I attended a wedding where there was a step child and they had him involved in the ceremony and you could see it meant a lot to him. In addition, when they exchanged rings, they included the child in the ceremony by having the step dad give the boy a necklace (masculine of course) and the child gave his new step dad a gift (didn't get to see what it was) it was just beatiful watching the exchange between the step child and new parent in the family. I think you'll be very happy to watch your children/step children getting involved and making it a whole family event. All the best!!
  2. Good information to know, ladies, thank you!! Are any of you getting one of the bridal packages they offer? I noticed that they have hair, manicure & peticure, makeup for$240. I thought this was a good deal. Did anyone else choose this?
  3. The clerk was right that it is always smart to really verify where you are sending money before doing it. Actually, I wish more clerks were as diligent in expressing caution because there is a lot of people out there who fall for scams because they didn't do their research first. Even if it's annoying, I think the clerk did a great job. As for Jan's, I've read a couple of posts where people were happy with their services and I've been in touch with them too. She will be my vendor of choice.
  4. Nice to find fellow November brides. I'm getting married Nov 12th at RIU Ocho Rios in Jamaica. My colours are aqua and chocolate brown. I feel like I still can't do much because I have no idea how many guests to expect. Everyone is taking their time booking the resort because they are still waiting for seat sales on local flights. I'm giving them until August and if they haven't booked by then, well too bad! They can show up but I won't have an OTT or favour for them. Other than that I do have the photographer booked and our flights are paid.
  5. Congratulations!! Glad to hear you had such a great time & thank you for such a detailed review.
  6. Our wedding rings are going to be our gifts to each other. We both agreed that was all we needed.
  7. I've heard a bunch of different things, there are a few posts about this already. I've heard between $50.00 - $100.00 depending on the size of your party, I guess. I've decided to wait until I get down there and then I'll decide how much to tip. I've also read that it is better to tip with $$ because they don't get paid a lot. Some people will bring a gift for their WC, which is nice and I'm sure is appreciated, however I think $$ is what they really need. (And don't we all!)
  8. This is why I love this forum. The fellow brides who KNOW exactly what I'm going through and the support I get from everyone on here. Although no one in my family would dare say to my face that I'm being selfish, the word has spread that some are saying it behind my back - not sure which is worse. Anyhow, we're sticking to decision to have a DW because it makes sense for us and it is what we want. I'm kinda looking forward to sharing the pictures of our wedding with all the neh-sayers because they are SERIOUSLY going to regret not joining in the fun. The good news is that one of the BM's who is now unable to go (she just adopted her first child) has offered to put on a reception for us when we get back. So I get the best of both worlds.
  9. I read about this on CBC today and immediately thought about my fellow brides on BDW. I hope it all works out for you, try to remain calm, and let your TA's work their magic. I hope it turns out like Heather says and you get through the inconvenience and move forward with a great vacation & wedding.
  10. Oh I'm so glad that I found this forum! When I feel like I must be crazy, I read here there are so many other brides feeling the same way. I have been so stressed that people are not booking and those who were "so on board" when we first started are now giving me the silent treatment rather than "fess up" they can't go. I don't even care that they can't go (I mean,yes I'm disappointed but I realize it's expensive so I'm not mad if they can't go) I'm just hurt & angry that they wouldn't talk to us! My budget has changed so many times because I have NO CLUE who is actually going and how many people to plan for! After reading this, I'm so glad that I'm not the only one.
  11. Yeah, I think it becomes a conflict when you have a child in your wedding party but tell everyone else "no kids". Also, this isn't a local setting, you've asked your guests to join you in a foreign country, you can't expect them to be comfortable with strangers watching their kids, AND, don't forget the kids might not be agreeable with a stranger. The kids themselves are out of their routines, in a strange place, they will probably want to stick close to mom & dad. You might just have to accept the kids are part of the circle of family & friends who are travelling to support you on this special day.
  12. great work. I wish I was even half as creative! You've given me some great ideas though!
  13. TA Maureen, thank you so much!!! We must seriously drive you crazy when we get so worked up about things but the tone of your replies are full of patience and you always make me feel better. Thank you, I know you've been doing this for a while and how you've remained so calm, I'll never know. You're the best and I really appreciate the time you put into helping us brides organize and plan these weddings. Thank you.
  14. Spanky, congratulations! You've heard it already to relax and breath. From there, you get to have fun. Read what's on here and talk with your FI to determine what you want. Do you want it simple with ceremony & dinner? Do you want additional decorations? Contact Chandlyn and ask for the price list of options you can choose. She will get back to you (usually within a week) and it will give you an idea of what you can choose from. There are 2 choices for the ceremony : Beach or garden gazebo. Lots of brides on this site have provided pictures and reviews of both. You can also get a ton of pictures on tripadvisor. You can also decide, do you want: Private dinner/private reception - that will cost extra. (approx. $55/person for dinner) (can be held poolside or on the beach) or Semi-Private dinner/private reception - Dinner is included in all the wedding packages and then you can have a private reception either poolside or beach (approx. $15/person for set up and bar) or Semi-Private dinner no reception - the simpliest and most cost efficient Have a talk with your FI and decide what YOU BOTH want then go from there. You really have the opportunity to customize the overall wedding for what is important you and what is in your budget. Have fun!!
  15. I'd love to have the whole wedding experience, the showers my friends & I put on have always been great fun because it's more of a gathering of friends than something full of chessy games. However, sadly I won't be having a shower because 2 years ago I moved away from all my friends & family and I live in another part of the country with my FI. His family is close by but they don't plan anything! I'm the "planner" who organizes the family holiday parties and games nights, etc. I love where I live but if there was ever a time that I really missed my friends and family it is now. I wish they were around me as I plan this wedding. But, I will be thankful that we are all meeting up in Jamaica soon enough. Then it will really be a party!
  16. totally puts everything into perspective! You totally called in on the family/friends bailing with uncreative excuses! We went from 30 people FOR SURE to about 12 people "saying" they are coming, only 5 have actually put down a deposit.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Ladies, the Free Wedding Package 2010 Includes the following for FREE: * On-site wedding coordinator to help plan the special day * Decoration set up for the ceremony location * Bridal Bouquet and matching boutonniere for the groom * CD or recorded music during the ceremony * Semi private dinner for the wedding group at one of our specialty restaurants * Wedding cake for 20 people * Sparkling wine for 20 people (during the main toast only) * Surprise spa gift * Ten percent discount on all spa services for bride and groom MINISTER OR JUDGE SERVICE, LEGAL DOCUMENTATION & FEES ARE NOT INCLUDED. So that is where the $350.00 comes from. Yes, that's how I understood it to be and how I've been planning all along but I got nervous that the sales department apparently told Future Mrs. Coleman "minister's fees and documentation is an additional $300"
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Christy335 My advice is not to stress too much. Both time slots have advantages and disadvantages. If you try to pick "perfectly" and then something doesn't go as planned, it will be easier to get upset about it. The great thing about Jamaica is the "No problem, mon" attitude. I'm letting that be my mantra for planning the wedding. If you choose the later time and you only have enough sunlight to get 50 pictures with your groom instead of 70, will it really be that big of a deal? If you choose the earlier time and you have 1 less hour to get ready, don't think of it as less time to get ready... think of it as 1 less hour to stress out. Either time will work out well for you - and there is no perfect answer. So don't think of it as getting it right or wrong. Just go with the one that you feel slightly more inclined towards, and then let it go. :-) You'll have a great time! Well said!! I find myself freaking out some days but then realize that I just have to chill and take a breath. Unlike a local wedding, when I chose a destination wedding I was deciding to "let go" of some of the control in exchange for a relaxing, stress-free wedding. It's hard not to get caught up in the planning but I find reminding myself why I chose a DW helps to bring me back to calm.
  19. Ok, so now I'm seriously confused about this point "the "free" package is $350, the minister's fees and documentation is an additional $300." This is the first time I've heard of an additional $300 fee. I understood the $350 INCLUDES minister fee AND legal fees. So, does this mean that the "free" package is actually $650 with documentation?? If so, my TA has some serious explaining to do!!
  20. Congrats!! Your dress was gorgeous and it looks like you had a fantastic time!
  21. Future Mrs Coleman, good point about bringing glass vase on the airplane. They ARE much stricter now. I also want to add for all Canadian brides, before planning a sand ceremony please speak with Canadian Customs. I called and they said that sand is no longer allowed to bring back into the country. I'm not sure if the guy was referring to regular sand or the sand that is used in these ceremonies. The customs agent told me that it was a newer law in place so you might want to check so it isn't taken away when you arrive back to Canada. For me, like Marie, I just can't be bothered so I'm foregoing this part in the ceremony and replacing it with the blessing of the hands ceremony instead.
  22. Yes, thank you. This is great information.
  23. Great question, I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for answering TA Maureen, you're always so helpful!
  24. I agree with Justustwo, you'll want to get it booked as soon as possible. I'm pretty sure I've read on here that they will do what they can to accommodate and have been known to set up a 2nd location on the beach for more than one reception.
  25. You've definitely come to the right place for answers! I haven't had my wedding yet but I think I can answer a couple of questions: 1) Using the Free Package - The Royal package is the more expensive and you get some of the extras that the Free package doesn't offer. However, I would go to the RIU site and review the different packages & what is included. If you picked the Royal simply because of the # of people you are expecting, you may want to consider looking at the free package and then upgrading the cake & champagne if that is important to you. From what I hear the cake is good (comes with the free package) but not necessary to upgrade because a lot of people are so full they don't really eat the cake. The free package cake should feed up to 20 people according to the website 2) I emailed the WC with the same question about an earlier dinner - my wedding is at 2pm also - and she said that ALL dinners start at 6:30. We'll filling in a lot of the time with getting our pictures done then. I wouldn't worry too much about your guests not returning for dinner. They are there to celebrate this special event and their only other choice is to go to the buffet or join you for dinner - I suspect they will be joining you. 3) See #1 4) Another question I asked and the answer I received here on BDW was that it will be difficult to have a reception without having the area reserved. You wouldn't have lights or electricity without booking the location. I think for private bar & table/chair set up it is $15/person 5) Yes, you do bring your own decorations or you can find a local vendor there. Some of the brides on this site divided up what they needed to bring and asked family & friends to bring some in their luggage to help with the weight restrictions. 6) From my understanding, yes you can decide on flowers when you get there. The florist the resort uses is on the expensive side (according to information from other brides). What a few brides are doing is researching other florists and getting a better rate for the extra decoration flowers, bridesmaids flowers, etc... but if you're just getting the flowers included in your package then you don't have to worry. You can decide when you get down there. Good luck and I hope you have tons of fun!
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