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Everything posted by Woodsylou

  1. thank you! can i ask girls, where did you get your wedding jewellery from? my dress is plain and i need some bling! oh. this is me in my new dress! YAY!
  2. i would be interested, but i leave the UK for Mexico in 4 weeks, can we get them quick enough? i would need 35 (depending on cost obviously)
  3. Thanks honey i'll have a look now love it that we're both two dress brides! haha! i will try and find a pic of my new one, i am so happy with it! got it from Divine Brides in Chelmsford Essex what did you order from vistaprint that you need changing? i can't believe we go in 4 weeks! YAY!
  4. Hey Girls! Michelle you all looked FAB! what a fabulous outfit! love it! i had a bit of a wedding tizz on Monday night. went for my dress fitting and left in tears!! i bought my dress when i was 3 stone heavier and i think i wanted something that kind of just hid my body. now i've lost the weight the dress looked really bad. just hid me (which is what i originally wanted!) and i hated it. burst into tears and had a minor panic attack!! i took Tuesday off work and went to a few wedding dress shops and ending up buying one off the peg!! i loved it, and i got it cheaper (reduced to £350! bargain!) i am sooooooooo relieved! i have a fitting tonight and im sooooo excited!
  5. butlins for a special occaision? did you have fun?! i am writing one now of things i need to do. i need to do a packing list too really.
  6. Morning ladies good weekends? do you girls have any kind of check list? i feel like i might be missing something!
  7. i am mega excited! but realising how unorganised i am so beginning to panic! gulp! I have a decent base colour now, so i will have a few more sneaky sunbed's before mexico how are your plans coming? my H2B has his shirt fitting monday. his shirt is costing more than his suit! hahaha! bit like me with my shoes costing more than my dress! nothing like doing it the wrong way round! haha!
  8. Hi ladies 6 weeks till my big day! Yipppeee! still haven't done anything really, i'm so unorganised! but i am soooooooooooooooooo excited!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx Im 30 (31 next month) and i too work in banking in Carlisle, just over the border from where i live in scotland.. I work for a building society... do you work at a bank or in offices/call centre associated with banking? Sorry im just nosey!! Never tried slimming world, have tried weight watchers and worked really well to start with but then stopped working... Me and fi are starting a joint diet excersise thingy next week, me to loose the weight and tone up and Stephen to tone up and put on :-) haha x I work in investment banking. trading and selling. Zzzzzzzz Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 We're booked we're booked!!!!! YIPPPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! you must be SO excited!! it's so lovely once you book! congrats! Quote: Originally Posted by jodieP Hi there fellow uk ladies.... Just wondering if any of have thought about wedding favors yet? We're a little stumped with this.... contemplating lots but prob personalized cd's and candles? What are you all thinking of doing? Jodie.xx i dont favours from cancer research x How is everyone? not been on a while, been to Ibiza on my hen weekend which was IMMENSE!!! so much fun! wedding is only 6 weeks away! we fly out in 5 weeks time! GULP!!! still lots to do! x
  10. Hey girls! morning! I'm 32 too, i working in banking (booo hisss!) in London. thanks on the weight loss comment, i'm doing Slimming World. it's the best diet EVER! only started in Feb and it's great! those bargain dresses sound amazing! let me know how you get on! i fly on Friday for my hen and im so excited i can't sleep!!!!
  11. we're having our AHR at a private member's bar in Hertfordshire. i've hired the photographers. they're great, they're diong a 'studio' in the venue too, so people can go in for shots, tehy have props (Mexican sambrero's, fake moustaches etc) too! the pics should be sooooo fabulous i can't wait!
  12. i was going to do a ttd but not now, as i want to wear my dress to my AHR, so cancelled it. although at our AHR we have three photographers and we're doing things like photo's in a shopping trolly and things like that! wahooo!
  13. ohhhhhhhhh really? china town in london? brilliant i'll go this weekend! £5 is a bargain! my fans - i do, i'll try and post some later they're like paddle fans rather than the conventional kind
  14. Morning ladies how is everyone! i can't believe how quickly the wedding is coming around! 8 weeks to go!! I am doing OOT bags. i got the bags from IslePac Gift Packaging | Quality Organza Bags - Jute Bags and Gift Boxes just gold organza bags. I am making a mini hangover kit (paracetomol, berroca, and a recipe for a banana smoothie) and then i've also got invites to the stag and hen night, a wedding day itinerary, a map of the resort, a welcome letter, and some colouring books and crayons for the kids. i am also going to get some insect repellent and i've made mini bottles of aloe vera with our wedding logo on them! they're so cute! i've got favours, i just bought them from cancer research and they are like little cards saying 'a donation has been made in your name to cancer research for Louise & Andy's wedding 30-7-2010' which is nice. i've also made fans for the ceremony (with an order of service and details of the wedding party on it) and i've made goodie bags for the kids at the table to keep them amused! i really want to buy some parasols, incase it's really really hot. but i can't find any cheap enough! any ideas?! I have to have my dress fittings soon! YAY! it'll need to be taken in 3 dress sizes!
  15. i'm wearing heels honey. sinking or not, i would have to wear heels! (my H2B is 6ft 4! i'm 5 ft 4!)
  16. brilliant!!! we're having dinner there but i think we'll go to a bar inbetween the ceremony and the dinner and take our ipod and docking station and have our first dance etc there.
  17. i think you could request that there is a lot of flowing white material, i'm sure it wouldn't be a problem x
  18. Hey girls, morning! how gorgeous is the weather today?! I've got some music to play before the ceremony starts. then i've got: 1 song for walking down the aisle 1 song for the sand ceremony 1 song for whilst we're signing the register 1 song to walk out to. i didn't do any more for the DVD man.
  19. ooh i don't think that at all, i was just curious!! i totally understand, and i wouldn't want to go away with a new born either if i was her!
  20. ladies - have you booked your flights/hotels but are awaiting a wedding date by your TA's? if so why don't you bypass your TA's and get a date direct? I used my TA just for the bookings of flights/hotels and i've spoken to the hotel direct for the rest. i booked June 2009 for a July 2010 wedding and got my dates immediately doing it that way. as for the hen do's, i've had leeds and Ibiza is next weekend (eeeek!) then i've got one with work at a bar, and one with everyone at a mexican restaurant. and then once we're in mexico one there at Coco Bongos Josietoms - that must of been a hard decision to make re the baby. is your hotel an adult only resort then? why can't a newborn travel with you?
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