i have gone with the free package, because as much as i fancied the diamond, there were things i didn't want (the horse and cart, fireworks etc) and things i wanted adding, and you don't get any give and take. if you dont want the bridal bouquet, you can't 'swap' it. you lose it if you buy another, you know? so the free one, with add-on's is better value, for me anyway.
as for the private event, im not sure either. at the moment im weighing it up. the only reason i really want one is because i figure every night of the holiday we'll be eating in the restaurants, so if we do on the night of the wedding, how will it be different to any other night, you know? but then i begrudge paying $400 per table, plus $60 per hour (after two hours) in an all inclusive resort. so im really not sure!