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Everything posted by Woodsylou

  1. Woodsylou


    welcome welcome xx
  2. this is brilliant, thank you ladies! i was worried that if we had a dinner in a restaurant it would just be like any other evening, but i guess not! i love the idea of taking you ipod and docking station and just setting up your own party! very cute! thank you ladies! how exciting! if you didn't have a private event, how did you decorate your tables in the restaurant? x
  3. this is brilliant, thank you ladies! i was worried that if we had a dinner in a restaurant it would just be like any other evening, but i guess not! i love the idea of taking you ipod and docking station and just setting up your own party! very cute! thank you ladies! how exciting! if you didn't have a private event, how did you decorate your tables in the restaurant? x
  4. Woodsylou


    Welcome! im getting married at the Moon Palace in July 2010, let me know if you need any help/advice!
  5. Congrats! i'd love to hear about your wedding! im getting married at the moon palace, any info would be a great help! welcome xx
  6. they are soooooooooo fabulous! i wonder if i can get something like that in the UK? wonderful!
  7. oh god i just can't decide. currently im on 'here there and everywhere' by The Beatles
  8. Woodsylou


    Hi Kelly! welcome xx
  9. no offence taken! i was being totally deluded when i booked the wedding, on our budget. as it's getting closer i've realised that unfortunately money doesn't grow on tree's! we considered borrowing money, but i just can't justify getting into debt for one day (even if it is the most special day of our lives). I did book on a impulse. loooking back i would of done a LOT more research, but that's just me! too late now! haha!
  10. Hi i am suffering from a budget problem! so trying to cut costs. i just wondered if anyone else had a destination wedding and didn't have a private event? did you just have the meal in a restaurant? what were your opinions? how did you make it special? any moon palace brides do this? if so which restaurant do you recommend? thank you xxxxxxxxxx
  11. you looked GORGEOUS! your dress is just beautiful! i love your pics! congratulations xxx
  12. so so so gorgeous! that's made me excited for my wedding! congrats!
  13. Welcome! im a mp bride too, July 2010! enjoy! x
  14. i have gone with the free package, because as much as i fancied the diamond, there were things i didn't want (the horse and cart, fireworks etc) and things i wanted adding, and you don't get any give and take. if you dont want the bridal bouquet, you can't 'swap' it. you lose it if you buy another, you know? so the free one, with add-on's is better value, for me anyway. as for the private event, im not sure either. at the moment im weighing it up. the only reason i really want one is because i figure every night of the holiday we'll be eating in the restaurants, so if we do on the night of the wedding, how will it be different to any other night, you know? but then i begrudge paying $400 per table, plus $60 per hour (after two hours) in an all inclusive resort. so im really not sure!
  15. i was going to ask the exact same thing. also, after being in the pool/sea in your dress, can you have it laundered and it's ok?
  16. i have Kalena Arroniz. she's been really helpful, although hasn't replied to my last mail (send 2nd November) but tbh there is no rush, infact im not sure i even need a response!! she's been great though!
  17. wow, they are great prices! our flights alone from the uk are about $945!
  18. how much are your flights to mexico from mainland usa? if you don't mind me asking?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Karen11085 Is anyone's wedding coordinator Kalena Arroniz?? I emailed the Miami office asking if I could contact my planner early and she replied with an email address for Kalena Arroniz. I then tried to email Kalena but found out the address was invalid!! I emailed the Miami office again and am waiting for a reply... Just wondering if anyone may have a working address so I can get this planning moving!! me! the email addy i have is [email protected] is that what you have? x
  20. Great thanks! i was looking to have a private event for my wedding meal, so that would be included too? that's great! i have to negotiate this!
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