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Everything posted by michelle2011

  1. Thanks Sam, glad you got your rings your have to post pix when you collect them ) Nicy, OMG your having a wobbly day bless ya.. Listen we all have them. I feel your frustration. I haven't heard from my WC either. I know we have just over 7wks to go but i, like you thought in the last 2/3 months they would be in touch more. Do you have a phone number for them? Might cost a bit but worth it if you are panicing ?? Having your makeup done will be lovely ) a little pamper session for the bride ) I'm SURE you are gonna look gorgeous on your wedding day. You look a knock out in your dress, Stephen will be dribbling at the end of the aisle ) I feel the same, havent lost any weight. Feel like a blob and have my final fitting tomorrow!!! AARRGGHH i have a swollen tummy and feel so uncomfortable. A bonus though is i haven't had back ache today ) hopefully on the mend, just wish my stomach pains would go now!! We still have ppl to RSVP it is SO annoying!!! and rude i think......... Hun, please dont stress it will all work out and be beautiful. I for one can't wait to see your pix. Music is hard maybe you could compromise and have one you like and one FI likes? xx
  2. Hi, i'm not sure on their actual website address, They are the hotel photographers for Dreams hotels. My contact is acrocker@v​allarta-ad​ventures.c​om . He si Anthony is the photo manager for the Riviera Maya. We are having a girl called Anel do our pics from Adventure as she has been recommended by a fellow bride from this site. Here are the pic's she took of her wedding, which i fell in love with ) http://web.mac.com/vallarta_adventures/WeddingsDRERC/FREY/ They are very quick and getting back to you and they will email the price list etc
  3. We are having a company called Adventure do our photos, our package is $1295 and that is for 100 pix printed and sent to us in an album, online slideshow the same 100 pix on CD. The thing that bumps it up is $300 fee to the onsite company, its a joke, but i'd rather pay that than have the onsite company!! I'm sure you will look gorgeous in your dress. )
  4. Erin you look stunning!! Such a pretty dress ) I have my final fitting on Monday.. eekkk..in 2months time i will be married..OMG
  5. Its just so depressing. I'm not sleeping and i need to relax to get better but i need to get better to relax. Hopefully the antidepressants will help sleep and once the IBS is under control the rest will fall in place ) Thanks for your well wishes. Your daughter looks beautiful, so pretty! My final fitting on monday!! AARRGGHH hope i feel better by then. Mothers Day sunday so hopefully i'll be putting my feet up and relaxing for the day which will do me good. Sick of work, work, work!
  6. Love love songbird, we are having 'better together' for the signing of the register and then 'i'm your's' for walking back up the aisle ) Oh girls i'm having a horrible time at the mo. I was up all night in pain again, i'm an emotional wreck. Went and sat in the docs all morning AGAIN... my blood tests came back clear, so kidney, liver etc are all working fine.. however she thinks i have IBS. I've also still got a really swollen floating rib on the left side! I can't take the other med's they gave me as it gave me chest pains so had to spend another £22 today on prescriptions! I've now got something to ease my stomach pain, a pain killer and anti inflammatory for my rib and back and an antidepressant. To top it all off i have a stinking cold and she said NO exercise!!!!!!!! I am throwing the towel in. I have a bloated belly and look 4months pregnant and just had enough. I am gonna look terrible in 8weeks time for Mexico if i can't exercise!! (
  7. Aww you look lovely!! Your dress is so pretty! You will be fine in the wedding pix you dont look bad now. Just think your be in holiday mode and all relaxed, (especially after a few tequilias, hee hee) x
  8. Nicy your not a scrooge at all. Every time we have a party we do our own food, my sister is in catering so she gets it done cheap within the firm. I would do that now but the hotel wont allow it. Another way of getting money out of you. We had our engagement party in a social club and did it on a really tight budget. We've spent alot of money on our AHR but it is only one night and no matter how much we all have or haven't spent on it we are all gonna have a fab time at our parties cos it will be with our friends and family! )
  9. I know i love them... Yes the dresses go in the box. Mine is a big dress and the bride shop have assured me that it will fit in a hand luggage size box ) The AHR's do add up. When we originally got a quote it was £500 to hire out the restaurant (which is what we are having with tables removed as its a prettier room than the function room) when we went to book they had repainted it and put the hire charge up to £1800!!! So after a moan and nag i got it for £1000. We have also gone for the cheapest buffet which is £11.95 per head. With 150 ppl it does add up!!! We wanted to put some money behind the bar but we just havn't got the money. Although i think my mum and dad will and my sister might too )
  10. Sam - at last was one we liked to as by the time we marry would have been together 9yrs, lol.. either that or 'finally' hee hee ;o) i'm walking down the aisle to eva cassidy songbird. LOVE IT !!!!! Mel - yes the at home receptions do add up. Ours is just under £3000 for the hotel and buffett and then £425 for the singers and i think we are also going to hire a card magicial guy we see the other week at a christening, just for a couple of hours at the start of it so that's £150 he just goes round showing amazing card tricks to ppl which is a nice ice breaker i think. Just glad we dont have to buy the cake on top of that as my dad/sister is doing that )..it can be done cheaper though. Just depends what you want really ) x Scarlett tried her dress on again today for my mum to see and OMG i could have cried, she just looks so beautiful and she said 'nanny, harry is going to be my prince and dance with me, and mummy and daddy are gonna dance together, cos mummy is a princess and daddy is her prince' ........OMG filling up lol xx
  11. Thanks girls i hope i feel better soon, couldn't sleep last night cos of pain and worry. So close to the wedding it's just our luck something will happen and i not be able to go!! Went for Blood test this morning so got to wait a week for those results. Lyndsey - OMG you poor thing. What horrible ppl there are out there! what sort or person does that!! Hope your ok xx I'm not doing a sand ceremony but think they are a lovely idea! )
  12. lol i know. I'm a chemist of my own ha ha.. sick of taking tabs though. Hope the scan and bloods show what the problem is so can get is sorted. Doesn't help when we have just 8 weeks till mexico. Think stressing about that is not helping at all. I'm going for the blood test tomorrow and i have to wait for an appointment from the hospital for the scan.. hopefully not to soon ( Glad your box came, i love mine too, must be a girl thing ha ha Dan wasn't as impressed as me, lol If i get the nails done i will post a pic x
  13. Aww Laurel your have to post some pix!! Well girls my weekly health update hee hee ;o) My jabs are finished, Harrison needs one more and Scarlett hers.. Doc is sending me for blood tests and a scan to check my ovaries... also said i have a protruding rib cage (which was very sore when he touched it) he said it is floating or something... so on another lot of different pain killers!! Hopefully these tests/scan will show why i've been in pain for so long. Finger's x'd anyway Hope you are all alot weller than me, ha ha x
  14. Wow your on top form this morning ) We are not chosing our floweres etc till we are out there but i know i want pink roses and the bm's will have white roses.. All i need to do now is get the BM's gifts and Harrison's favour. I'm thinking a small bottle of aftersave or something for him. I also need one more thing for the OOT bags and to print the welcome letter for them and i'm done ) We're not decorating our AHR as its such a pretty room we dont really need to so that's saved us some money )
  15. I got my box from ebay it was around £24 that includes delivery - they do have a website i think..boxofmemories or something like that. The girl down the road is doing the shellac for £15 going up to £20 in May and she said its £25 in salons. As Joden says you need the lamp etc to go with it. I dont think i'd trust myself to do french. Maybe colour i'd be ok but then you'd have to buy the top coat and colour and undercoat etc... maybe worth it if your gonna have it all the time though ) Got our last jabs today... the doc's said yes Scarlett can have her preschool booster and Hep A on same day so that will all be out the way on the 11th. Going to collect Harrison's shoes today and i have my final dress fitting next week!!! SO exciting. This time in 8weeks we'll prob be boarding our plane now!!! Yiiippppeeee x
  16. Wow that list is long lol, yeh i remember being like 499 sleeps away now we're under 60 sleeps....aarrgghh scary how fast life goes My sister is not going to get her nails done now and i dont really know her salon so now gotta try and look up where does the shellac nails but not having much luck ( its just not advertised enough at the mo (
  17. Well i was gonna have pink on my toes but now i have pink shoes i'm gonna go for french manicure. It is is nice on my fingers i will have it on my toes for mexico. I was having false nails for Mexico but if the shellac does the job i'll stick with that instead. Hopefully having it done Sat so will let you know... Ha ha yeh Gatwick wont know what hit em with us a day apart hee hee ;o) I love the 'post brides' thread idea..... i am gonna be a wanna be bride forever ha ha
  18. We've had a few m&s cakes as birthday cakes etc. They are lush you wont be disappointed ) Yep i'm the same really think i've forgot something :o/ 39 days OMG that sounds so close......AARRGGHHHHH exciting. I dont want it all to be over (
  19. Ha ha how funny we are all thinking NAILS!! lol. Yeh i was thinking of having it on my toes if any good. Lisa if you get it done let us know what you think. I'm going Saturday ) Snap Nicy except mine has the hot pink ribbon ) mine came next day so your's will prob be here tomorrow! SO exciting we are sooooooooo close now )
  20. Nicy - I LOVE your hair it looks SO pretty ) I had the same problem. I'd washed my hair the day before and the hairdresser said it was so soft i need to leave it a couple of days for it to hold better. So next time i will have dirty wedding hair ha ha. It does look really lovely though chick!!! Joden - Really? They sound great.. I dont really want false nails put on as they ruin my nails and to be fair my real nails arn't that bad i just want them to look perfect and have a bit of protection on so they dont break... I rang my sister last night and she said her salon she goes to for waxing etc does shellac and she's going this sat for it to try it out. How funny is that. So she is gonna try and book me in too! I'll let you know how it goes. Failing that i will look into what you have, see if anywhere local does it )
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