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Everything posted by michelle2011
Aw Nic they look so lovely! I bet you did have a blast. I will take lots of pic's on mine and failing that i have a girl Donna coming that is like a pap! She gets EVERYTHING on camera....ha ha.. :o/ OMG yeh its your wedding day! Whoop that has to be an omen and bring the braces good luck hee hee ;o) 2 weeks sunday? 2 weeks sunday? How is that possible! OMG your getting married so so so soon!!! yipppppeeee!
Oh well done you. You have done loads. The lady at Wolfestone i spoke to was lovely. She said they have it back to you in 1 to 2 working days! I thought that was brilliant. Will defo ask for Mari when the time comes, you might have to remind me when it happens ha ha. Have a brain like a siv! lol OMG how funny!!!!!!!!! we fly at 9.15am on the 24th!! I'm so excited. I love the build up!! ) Just been for another sunbed, building up a little tan for my hen ) I might have to go to bexleyheath then and get some wedding colouring books ) my bloody car is broke at the mo though.. fan needs doing. Dan can do it but it's still £115 we could do without. His car broke last week and was £300!!! Cars are nothing but trouble. Still least we have ours.. Any news on yours Lyndsey???? Harrison had his brace check this morning and the orthodontist has moved his next appointment to the 6th May!!! The day after my scan (so much going on) and she said there is a 50/50 chance it could come off before Mexico!!!! Not holding my breath but really excited about that )
we have 23 coming but i am doing an OOT bag per room not per person. So i only need to do 7! It was work collecting the bits and ordering labels for them etc and the cost does add up but if you do it bit by bit and have the time i think you'll be happy. I know i'm glad i did them now ) ooo how lovely 4 weeks is not long! Tenerife, yum, nice and hot )
Little bit of info for you girls, hope its helpful. I spoke to my friend today that also married in Mexico. She said her marriage certificate came through the post in about 8 weeks and she used a company called Wolfestone to get it translated. I just gave them a call and she quoted me £49 + vat to do it. )
In mine i have a welcome letter, playing cards with a wedding sticker on, lipbalm with a wedding sticker on. antibactieral hand gel, wipes, insect repelant pen, starfish bottle stopper, resolve, wedding pen, wedding note pad, (when i say wedding they are personalised with our name and wedding date). Scholl party feet blister spots. I'm also going to put some normal plasters in and some immodium. )
Sam it was lovely to see her. I hope she comes to our reception as Kate one of my BM's also knows her from primary school so will be a mini reunion. And Kate's twin sister will also be there. ) I have 3 sets of twins coming to the wedding how funny. ) So lovely seeing the kids enjoying things. I love it! ) Nicy i wanna go on your hen weekend.!!! It really does sound wonderful. I feel gutted now i didn't book 2 nights but i just can't be in that same close space with MIL for two nights i dont know how i'm gonna get through the one. I literally feel sick when i think of being around her. I wish wish wish she weren't coming ( My hen is also the weekend of the royal wedding! ) I went out for a meal last night with some of the girls and they said OMG next time we're together will be your hen.. its REALLY hitting me now. I'm getting a bit nervous ha ha.. Herbie - I am also now off for 2.5 weeks! Yipppeeee i dont work in a school but i work from home for the firm my sister is director for its a catering firm and they supply catering for schools, colleges, uni's etc so they put me on a term time only contract. Happy days ) Awwww that assembly sounds lovely! How nice they make a fuss of you like that. So nice ) OMG i cried like a baby when Harrison left primary school. You better take lots of tissues that day, it will defo be very emotional for you I'm going to give my OOT bags out when we are there. I've heard lots of storey about it being a nightmare giving them out so i'm going to put them together when we are there and send the kids round to the rooms to deliver them ) We all arrive together so can't have them in the rooms already. For the BM i will prob have the hotel put it in his room as they arrive a few days after us. )
Oh Nicy what a lovely weekend. I'm really smiling reading your post. I can feel your excitement!! I really hope my hen is a lovely as yours. It sounds like a perfect weekend and right up my street too. Shopping, drinking, lunch, CHOCOLATE, ha ha.. really lovely! Something that will stay with you forever! So happy you had a lovely time. Now the sleep countdown till you go MEXICO!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! xx We went to Dan's mates wedding reception on Saturday night and the bride only turned out to be a primary school friend. I couldn't believe it. I was so shocked i just burst out crying. What a div!!!! I was so overwelmed at seeing her again. ) I am an emotional wreck lately. I'm not really a cryer but the tears have fallen over the last couple of weeks, just think everything came out at once. ha ha...
24 weeks will fly by!! x FI laughed when i explained the legal cert thing to him, "so we wont actually be married when we land back in the UK" he said. Well not legally NO!! ha ha... Cheeky SOD!!! lol. Lisa, you are so creative you've just been hiding it. Of course i dont mind. They look wonderful, well done you. They look very professional. I can't do an order of service cos i dont know what's happening yet. We can't decide if we want the cocktail hour straight after the ceremony or to have it the hour before the meal. The meal we wont know what time we are allocated until one week before we fly!! So it will be a bit of a rush putting one together but i would really like to. Unless i do one and just leave a space blank for times and write it in when we get there.... hhhmmmm.. Anyway chick they look great !!! x Lyndsey - I all seems SO real now! Exciting !! x
Aww thank you and to Sam x It is so expensive. I am lucky i can slap whatever on my kids i have got a mixture of Nivea and Ambre Solire, 50, 30, 20 factors. I have got 4 for them so far so they will have two each, but i might get some more as i've heard its really dear out there to buy. Me and Dan like piz buin so i'll start getting them too. Hopefully 4 bottles for us will do. I use the kids one on my face and neckline and bikini line as that is where i burn first, plus like a high factor on my face (aging and all that jazz, lol)... i think you can always slap on some bronzer so i'm not to fussed. We are gonna book our trips through the hotel when we get there, were doing dolphin discovery, the coco bongos bar crawl and may do one other but we're gonna wait till we get there. ) mum wants to go to that day out where you can do alsorts can't remember what its called now. We'll also have a shopping day out. My main thing on this holiday is to relax!!! relax!!! relax!!!!! eat, drink and be merry! )
another thing i forgot to say which i'm getting from other brides is, you can use the copy when you get home to change your names in Doctors, dentists and such places but you need the legally stamped one for banks and passports etc.. ) I am feeling OK today thank you ladies, i'm just hoping i'm on the mend now. Really on eggshells that the pain will come back but probably all in my head. I have a niggley pain in my abs but i'm gonna just take it easy over the weekend and see how it goes )
Nicy - i hope you have the best time. I will be thinking of you.. OMG your going on your HEN! Whoop whoop!! Still as i said before 'in shock' it's all coming round so fast!!!!ARRGGHHHHH have a fab time hun you deserve it! xxxxxxxx Ok ladies my WC has emailed me back, shock horror in 24hours, i feel honered ha ha... This is what she answered to my questions, sorry they seem so simple and numbered but if i dont ask like this i wont get all the answers i need... hope it helps you ladies too and as Nicy says there is a fee i think ours is $55 and you will need to get it translated when it comes through the post as will be in spanish.... Hi Victoria I hope you are well........Can you help me please? 1, do we get a marriage Certificate to take home with us?[Victoria Vazquez] yes you get a copy of the married certificate but in 3 moths we will send you a other one with the seal 2, do you send this off for an apostile stamp and then send it to us at home to make it legal in our country?[Victoria Vazquez] yes in 3 months we will send you Many thanks Michelle
Hi girls, can anyone help me out with the legal certificate thing.......my understanding was that we would get a 'dummy' cert to take home with us and the legal 'real' cert was sent off to have the apostile stamp put on it and then sent onto us 4 months later for it to be legal in our country. Does anyone know if this is correct? Or what actually happens to make the marrage cert legal? Many thanks for any help
Hay girls, my understanding was that when we have our legal wedding in Mexico we will get a 'dummy' if you like cert to take away with us and the actual legal cert is sent off (by our hotel) and they have the aposile stamp put on it. Then it is sent home to us 4 to 6 months later and we would be legally married here. It has to have the apostile stamp to be legal in this country. We'd then need to have it translated i suppose... that's the just of what i got. I will ask the girls on the barcelo site to see if they can help more but most of them are from America so dont know if same rules apply :o/ Rings - FI's ring is palladium, he got his in Fraser Hart at Lakeside. It was just under £400 and he got a little discount on that. Mine is white gold with diamonds and was £575 but with MIL discount i got £230 off that. Awww bless my lovely friends, i was picked up by Donna who is also coming to Mexico, she drove us round to Laura's (one of my BM's) and there was a big L plate on the front door, Kate (my other BM) opened the door and they had our friendship song playing. I walked in the kitchen and they had banners all around the room with Mexican symbols and wedding bits on and a big banner saying 'pre mexico meal'.. all along the kitchen were pictures they printed off on board had 'your soul mate' on with me and FI on it, then 'your kids' , 'your family' and 'your girls'... all with pic's on them.. it was so lovely. They printed off a fact booklet for me and Laura had cooked us a Mexico meal of chilli, tacos, etc ...it was just so lovely, so thoughtful, nobody has ever done anything like that for me before, i was really touched. I had to wear a flashing hen badge and a bright pink top hat head band! So cute, so lovely, i'm very lucky to have my girls ) xx
Ha ha no i didn't take any pix you will have to wait and see. Mind you everyone else was snapping away i just hope they are not showing everyone...i dont think they would :o/ I can't believe ppl are going off on their hens, mine is in 3 weeks time and i still can't get my head around how fast it is going!! in 7wks time we will be in Mexico!!!!!! We got our wedding rings from jewellers. FI got his band in Fraser Hart and mine was from Ernest Jones. MIL from hell works in there and FI ordered it with her discount so it worked out about £700ish for both of them using the discount. Well girls, dare i say it............................ i woke up this morning for the first time in 7 LONG weeks to only a small niggling pain on my left side. I dont know if it was the 20 poops i did yesterday lol. Sorry for being rude :o/ or the buscopan i took but i feel slightly normal today. NO back pain. If the little niggle went i would feel fine. I dont want to speak to soon and am gonna carry on with the tabs for now and see how i am tomorrow morning..not completely 100% but getting there.... good luck to all the girls for their dress fittings. Its such a lovely time, i can't believe i'm done now till we go...x A little MIL rant!! she has Scarlett for dinner once a fortnight. I drop her off and FI collects her so there is minimal contact with me and the dragon... she hadn't paid up her hen balance and i thought oh good she's not gonna come. I mean she doesn't even answer the door to me she sends FIL or SIL and i'm never invited in, not that i would and it doesn't bother me either. It is mutual we dont see each other. Then yesterday she paid her balance into my sisters account!!!!!!! I can't get round her coming. We dont flipping talk. Its all a front to make herself look good. I just dont get it. She knows i dont want her there and apart from saying hello i wont talk to her. I mean she has to come to Mexico for FI but she could stear clear of my hen. Absolutely gobsmacked at the cheek of the woman!! Rant over )
Hay girls the dress fitting went really well, love love love my dress!! I had all of the train cut off and it looks so much better, it only needed one small alteration as was uneven on one side but other than that perfect. A bit baggy on the boobs but nice having a bit of room ) Health check - my back is LOADS better, only the odd twinge. My ribs dont feel to bad either so hopefully on the mend. I still have a really bad stabbing sharp pain in my lower left ab which surely can't be IBS. I really think it is something else but i wont know till the scan on the 5th May. Its been quite bad today so if it still bad in the morning i might go back to docs and see if i can get the scan moved forward. Just can't settle when i'm still in this pain, its just not right.. Hope you are all well, and sounds like all your planning is coming together nicely.. getting lots of bits done!! Can't wait to see all your pic's of dresses, shot glasses etc...... Sam so nice your son is giving you away. How proud will we be on the day with our boys by our side ) x
Aww fingers crossed they get back to you. Will be lovely having a girlie morning with your mum and SIL. Champagne, relaxing, it'll be great. I can't wait. I can't wait to just be relaxing in the sun without a care in the world. No work, no washing, no cooking.....ahhhhh blisss.....) Are you all set for your hen!!!!!!!!! OMG its come round so quick. I can't believe you are on your hen next week, where have the last 20odd months gone???