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Everything posted by michelle2011

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by josietoms I know bargain and on Saturday when I got there it was 25% off as well!!! Love Oriental Pearl I've been there quite a few times as work in Longfield so can pop to Bluewater in my lunch. We are having our party a week after we get back on 5th feb so still out of wedding season think the room hire was £400 and then £13 per head for buffet so v good and their customer service is excellent. We popped into the High Rocks which is nice BUT they wanted the full £1000 deposit now and it was non refundable - that deposit was for the room and food. I refused to do that so they lost our booking! They also have 3 - 4 rooms so you may not be the only wedding party there which we didnt want as for most of the people coming it will be like the real wedding so we wanted to make it just as special. I thought getting married abroad was the cheaper option but its all starting to add up - lol! Whoops beta get back to work ........ What a bonus having 25% off! Lovely. I do love a bargain!! That price is brilliant for your reception. What gets me with mine is we opted for the restaurant at the Thistle. Stunning room, we didn't like their function room. But the function room hire is £800 and the restaurant is £1800. They said as it's been refurbed, but surely they have a contingency fund for that, it's not down to the guest to pay for their updating...... Sorry having a little rant there. I will on Saturday when we are there too. Seeing your price defo makes me think twice about the Thistle! I know what you mean. It does add up and you can easliy get carried away with it all. Sometimes i have to take a step back and have a think about what i'm doing and why...lol. I am lucky i work from home and am on here all the time. lol. I am addicted. It's like facebook, hee hee!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by josietoms Turquoise ruffle baby doll dress - Evening & party dresses - Dresses - Women - Toe Post Floral Thong Flip-Flops-Marks & Spencer Bridesmaid dresses and shoes........ hope this works. Arrr they are lovely and what a good price. I love Debenhams, my mum practically lives in that shop, lol.... We are having Pink, although my sis is not a big pink fan. So i am letting her have a big say in the shade of dress. She is also on weight watchers so waiting a bit till she trys some dresses on. Oriental Pearl at Bluewater have some pretty dresses around £138 so that's a bonus too..... I know the Hop Farm. It is lovely there, we went to a christening there last yr. Beautiful for a wedding. We might have a pop down there ourselves. Was the room hire expensive? My FI also said last night about Hever Castle. So if Brands Hatch fall through we have some back up's! High rocks is in Tunbridge isn't it? That's supposed to be a nice wedding spot too )
  3. Breens - thank you for all the info. Very helpful. I will make sure i make a note to them before we arrive. )
  4. Awww thanx girlies! Love the kiddies so much! I have been blessed with beautiful children and am very proud of them! Harrison is a cheeky boy and very sensitive and emotional. Scarlett is total opposite. She is a diva! She is the hard nut and nothing bothers her, lol.... Harrison will probably cry with emotion at the wedding while Scarlett will be rolling in the sand, hee hee....I can't wait! Nicy, your nephew is gorgeous. What a cutie! Bless him. They grow up so fast. I wish my sister would have a baby so i could do all the auntie things and spoil them rotten! Mexbride83 - Thank you! I love those dresses you have chosen! Very pretty! I need to think about my MOH dress but sis wants to loose some weight before we go shopping so might wait till summer... Josietoms - Yes i'm from Welling, Kent! Not far from Tunbridge Wells, about 40mins away! I love Tunbridge! We did look at Bickley but really want to go with Thistle Brands Hatch. It's just the room hire has gone through the roof so we need to sort that out or it's back to the drawing board... Prettypigpig - If i watched anything like that i would never get on a plane again. I avoid watching anything like that lol, such a scaredy cat! Julie2011 - Wow you are busy. Scarlett is 2.5 and i couldn't cope with another just yet lol. All very exciting for you. New baby and wedding ) lovely that both kiddies will be with you on your special day! I'd like a pink rose bouquet i think,
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx Cant find a pic anywhere online of the bags sorry, I might get one for me, if i do i will post on here. But yeah pop in they quite a bargin really and can be used on beach to for towels etc. Yeah neckless is done it matches the barefoot but i dont know if it looks tacky!!! Awww, it really is a shame, I wouldnt pay that much for somewhere (but thats me) especially if food etc not included, its a shame coz i know you really love the place but thats a hell of a lot of money just for room hire..... Hope saturday goes well, if not just think its not meant to be and there is somewhere out there better that is absolutly meant to be :-) x I bet it looks lovely! It is alot and it's all adding up fast. What will be will be, but do love that place. Thanks Nicy, i will let you know what happens! x
  6. Nothing to do with weddings but this is my little prince & princess...Scarlett & Harrison. The reason i smile everyday x
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Nicyx My FI is also petrified of flying always takes a trip to the docs before hand and gets valium.. its the funniest thing to when he has had a few, says the most funniest things... I cant actually understand it either as i love flying... wish i could do it more often :-) Hey any UK brides doing an OOT bag i was in H&M (dont think US has one? Correct me if im wrong) today having a nosey and saw some bags in there for £1.99. Black, Yellow, Pink. I asked if they do more colours but she aint sure, im going to keep poppin in i think to see if they do Aqua (or as close as) they are with the beachwear, as they are beach bags but would be ideal, i will try and find a pic online and post :-) x OOooo i will have a look. I love H&M! That's good price too ) I know it's a bummer all our family members can't make it. He said yes, then no, then yes. But it's a defo No now. I understand and i'd never make him do it. I'm sad he wont be there but i'm sure i will be so wrapped up in the day i'll be fine when we're there. And like you say thank god for pix....x Oh you've done your necklace..... so exciting, cant wait to see! The jump in price is a joke. I don't know how they get away with it. The food on it's own is around 2k, you'd think they would lower it alittle. FI has said bluntly, NO we are not pay that for an evening only hire charge. Ut oh we'll see....I'll let you know how it goes Saturday!
  8. Ha ha yes that is a good question. My partners brother and sister are coming with us and sharing a room but they defo wont want to share a bed......
  9. Julie - thank you, he is a good boy and i'm sure we will all be emotional on the day. My friend has already said she will cry when she see's Harrison walking his mum down the aisle. Bless..... Our colour is PINK! I am Pink mad! It couldn't be anything else for me ) Mexbride83 - I totally understand what you are saying. I to am petrified of flying but like you i dont let it stop me from going away. I have always had a fear of flying and also like you i panic at the thought of it. When we get to the airport i panic alot and it's not nice. I will not let it get in the way of my dream wedding in Mexico though. My dad used to fly every year then he stopped and he can't go back..... It's sad but it's our choice to marry abroad and i dont want him getting all worked up over it. He will be at the AHR so he's not totally missing out.. ) Ha ha that is so funny your FI is a pilot.....My fiance, son & daughter think i'm strange as they love flying. I just sit quietly, glued to my seat, jumping at the slightest turbulence! lol
  10. wow i've missed loads. lol Mexbride83 - thank you hopefully when the flights are out we will confirm us being date twins! I think i will do the same as you and get the hotel to put the OOT bags in the guest rooms and like you say those arriving the same day will understand if they are alittle late..... welcome Josietoms! Congrats on your wedding! Nice to see another fellow UK bride! Nicyx - love your sandals, your so clever! I can't wait to see what else you come up with! Linhy - I think your letter is lovely! From the heart and i'm sure your guests will be very happy and honored you invited them! We had a bit of a blip this week! the AHR room hire charge has gone up by £1300!!! going from £500 to £1800! ( I think this is around $2600) A massive jump from what we thought it would be. Thats without food, entertainment, drink etc... So unless we can get this lowered we will need a rethink on the AHR as everything is adding up fast and with not knowing what Mexico will cost it's a bit of a gamble! ( Also my dad is not coming. Not because he doesn't want to be there he just can't do the journey. He hasn't been on a plane for yr's now and he is panicing over it and i dont want him worrying for the next 14 odd months... I am upset but not going to dwell on it. I am going to ask my son Harrison (he will be 13 when we marry) to give me away! So on the day i wont be sad Dad is not there i will be proud my little man is doing the job!! x
  11. Linhy - I know it's hard but try not to let it get to you to much. Like you say it's your wedding and they have been invited as your guests and should respect where you have chosen. If they can't afford to come then fine you understand that but DON'T feel guilty about it. It's your dream wedding and nobody should question your decisions! I'm sure like Nicy says it'll all work out in the end. Just try not let it get to you too much. Concentrate on the good things and YOUR dream wedding. There will be cheaper alternatives and everyone that goes will be happy in the end ) Nicy - can't wait to see your sandals.... The reason we are booking our AHR now is because we have found the dates we want in June 2011 (especially saturdays) are going fast over here so dont want to miss out on the date..... (and of cause we are very eager to book it all lol) Mexbride83 - I haven't heard back from my email yet regarding the saturday. But a girl on the Barcelo thread on here posted a link to their wedding website and it only says no legal ceremonys on a sunday and mexican holidays on there. No mention of saturdays. Sooo we are hoping the saturday will be fine. I'm not going to stress to much now. I'll wait till we've booked (hopefully next month) and then see what happens when we confirm everything...... How are your plans going? Good idea about the OOT bags, it's just getting around the ones that arrive the same time as us and book in with us........
  12. mexbride83 (my almost date twin ;o)... those bags are lovely. How nice! What a good website! That's a great idea you getting bits out there! I was going to do OOT bags but like you say only one per room instead of per person! We will hopefully fly on sunday and then have some fly in on the thursday. Most family will come at the same time as us so dont know how to go about giving them theres? Any suggestions? Maybe have them put in their rooms on the second day...... I dunno! I have my AHR date on hold (18th June 2011) we are going on saturday to check everything and put our deposit down! Yippee!! How funny we are booking that before we can actually book Mexico but hay hoe it'll all get done in the end )
  13. Prettypigpig. I think your Mum is right..... As soon as you have your own kids you will see things differently. I have two. Harrison 12yrs and Scarlett 2.5yrs. They are my world! I think if i didn't have kids i might have thought about an adults only resort just to make the most of it before i have kids but then again i love kids and to me it wouldn't be the same without kids around. Some parents dont keep their kids in check and then it gets a bit noisy and distracting for others. I make sure my children are respectful to others and considerate. But i do see where your coming from.....
  14. Linhy you got your shoes YAH!!!! Your have to post pic's... what are they like? And your welcome bags. You have been busy! Prettypigpig - I'm really looking forward to our AHR because we have so many friends and family not coming to Mexico it will be nice to have a celebration with them too... AND..... I get to wear my dress again. Yippee!! The cost does add up though ( I need a lottery win, lol Congrats on everyone confirming their dates and all those date twins out there. Some of you less than a yr away now. Very exciting!
  15. We went to a Hotel today which was quite old fashioned but lovely. Lovely grounds and highly recommended. Bickley Manor... But we have decided to go with a more modern hotel which we feel is more us! Thistle Brands Hatch. I just need to check the dates tomorrow and hopefully book this week/weekend coming... I'm very excited! The WC is called Michelle, that's gotta be an omen right? lol....... I know exactly what you mean hun, i am very happy but very jealous of ppl already booked. hee hee! I'm finding it extremely hard being patient now lol Look forward to seeing them ;o)
  16. Prettypigpig - It doesn't seen you get alot for the Blueberry one compared with other hotels for a similar price.... We looked at Strawberry but thought the same about the 15 people. We will hopefully have 20/23 coming so although not alot more it all add's up! Also we dont want our reception on the beach like you get with some packages so that's why we narrowed it down to Blueberry..... Nicyx - can't wait to see your website and barefoot sandals.... It wont be long before we are all booked up! Whoop whoop!! We made a decision on our AHR today so we just need to see now if they have the date we want. Finger's x'd it'll be booked soon and then we can cross that one off the list )
  17. Congrats Jrb and skadow! Wonderful news you have your wedding dates!! ) ahollo02 - we have to be in the country 4 day before the wedding at our hotel. So we hope to fly on the sun and marry on the following saturday. That's the plan anyway. Until flights come out nothing is confirmed. I have just been looking on the hotel site and one of the basic packages ($1520) doesn't include flowers, hair etc.. so will have to add that all on! If i go for a higher package it means they limit guests (or pay more) and you have a dinner in a banquet room which we dont want....hhhmmm decisions decisions... Good ones though, (i'm not complaining)...)
  18. sfrench0621 - thanks for the info. I've just had a look and it says in small print that legal ceremonys dont take place on sundays or public holidays. Nothing about saturday. So hopefully we will be OK to marry on the saturday. Wicked!!! Thank you for the link, i hadnt seen it before. Very useful!!
  19. The french veil is very pretty for you ) As for overloading luggage i thought the same but i'm going to give mum, sis, etc bits to take too so hopefully ok. I'm not going to go over the top with them just a little something and a note to say thank you for coming etc I'd like to maybe get them printed with our wedding date on (depending on price) so i wont buy just yet. Just getting ideas and window shopping.... Sorry to hear about your resort Prettypigpig, such a shame but a least you found out early so you hadn't set your heart on it. I'm sure you will find the perfect place and i cant wait to hear about your site visits..)
  20. CeeCee76 - Arrrr bless your FI. But that does say it all, your the best and he loves you! ) I will probably go with a card like Nicyx. I'm sure FI will write a beautiful speech. He is very good with words. He was recently best man to his best friend and he did us all proud so i'm sure he will have me in tears on the day....Now getting my dad to speak is another storey! I think my dad may give me away and then mum say a few words. She (like me) likes a chat, lol...I'm just not good at doing it publicly! Have you girlies though of OOT bags and what to go in them? I also found (through this site, it's WICKED) some tote bags for the bridal party. But will i feel like i've left other female guest out?? If i buy for all it will get expensive so not sure what to do....? Maybe i will just get for Bride, Mother of the bride and Maid of Honor..... These are on graciousbridal.com
  21. Ha ha Nicyx - yes great minds think alike ah ;o) There are so many nice things we can do i love hearing new things too..... I cant wait to see your necklace....!! I just googled french veil too (thanx Nicy) and i agree. Lovely. I think it will look gorgeous! Maybe the power of our mind and all the wishing in the world will hurry those prices up! hee hee!!!! I can't stop thinking about it! But it is sooo close now!
  22. Arrr thanx girls i'm glad you all like the hair style. I showed mum today and she loves it to and agrees it would be perfect with my dress..... soooo excited! Nicyx - OMG, OMG. I am soooo happy you said that. I swear when the prices are out i will camp outside the shop till it opens, hee hee!! I bet by the end of this month beginning of April they are out! Yippee!!! We are getting one step closer to booking..... I love the first style too Nicy. I like the second but totally see where your coming from with the backdrop necklace. An updo would be perfecto!! Mexbride83 - thanks for the info. I'm really hoping as they have held the date it wont be a problem. I still havent heard back but surely that is a big mistake to make ......? I suppose i should stop worrying and once booked and confirm it all and the contract comes through see what happens then... Hhhhmmm vows. My fiance and I dont really like being centre of attention (hence the small wedding in Mexico instead of a large one at home).. So we probably wont write our own vows. Dont get me wrong i would love to but i just am not a public speaker and think i will have problems saying my vows as it is without doing my own. It makes me panic just thinking about it. I think i will shake and cry my way through it! So soppy! I think it is a beautiful thing to do though. Maybe i will write something in a card or letter and give it to my fiance on the morning of the wedding or the night before? hhhmmm something else to think about.. ha ha Prettypigpig - What is a french veil? I've never heard of it..... ?
  23. I am only really stressing about the date. It's a little unclear but once that's sorted i will be fine. There is nothing more i'm really needing to know at this point i absolutely love the hotel and i'm sure it will all work out fine. The most important thing is we are getting married right? I'm sooooooooooo excited... Yesther - wow less than a month. woo hoo!! Can't wait to hear your review. Good luck!
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