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Everything posted by michelle2011
Oh Nicy that was good, how you manage that with the cert? I've been told by the WC it will take 3/4months but the girls on here say it takes at least 6mths to come ( Come on we need details, storeys, pix we are all dying to hear about your day and holiday ) xx Roo - WOW you couldn't really fit much more in your day could you hun? Gosh i how awful about the the house on fire. Have you any pix of your new hair do? Speaking of hair the spa at our hotel have changed their prices for an up do now. It goes by length. It was $77 but now its $68 for short hair, $88 for medium length and $100 for long. So now my bill has gone up for 4 of us it will cost me $380!! I know it will be worth it but gosh they could have waited ha ha we have 6 sleeps now!!! OMG. I have packed 3 cases and we are just waiting for our tickets now. (should be arriving today) had my hair coloured yest, have my lashes going on sunday and my nails monday and then that's it. I'm off early tues morning. I am literally shaking as i type that....AARRRGGGHHH!! Nicy we will have to have a new Thread for us married women ha ha. I hope Lyndsey had a great day!! I had more MIL drama yest. After the FIL didn't go on the stag cos he had the pooh's. MIL was due to have Scarlett yest afternoon and i got FI to ring her and ask if FIL was OK now as i dont want Sassy getting it before we go away. MIL said yes he went to work mon and today and is fine but if Michelle is worried i will take her to the park or something. So ok fine she can go....near on 1pm she rings and leaves a message saying FIL has come home with a sore tummy and best Scarlett not come round as i quote 'YOU dont want her coming round here being ill'... WTF... what happened to the park? What the hell letting me down that late in the day. My hair appointment was at 3pm.. luckily, very luckily my dad was at home and he said drop her up here. God that family P me off. So she didn't ask to have her another day or anything so Sassy is not seeing her nan this week. I give up i really do!
OMG what did it look like?? Lol, i'd be the same. I really can't wait to go. I'm sick with excitement now!! I can't wait to read all about your wedding Nicy. I think when we get back i will put our wedding pics on FB after our AHR so friends and family can see us first hand on that day. I will post some pic's on here for you lovelys though ;o) Herbie you have been busy!! Wow you got alot done. Look forward to seeing your jewellery! Oh wow Lyndsey getting married tomorrow. How fast has that also come round!
Awwww welcome back Nicy! We missed you! I just told Dan you were back and he said OMG how quick did that go!!!! I so glad you had a great time. I can't wait to hear all the storeys and see the pix of cause! I can't believe we leave in 8 days!!!!!!! Our tickets still arn't here but the travel company said they were sent out the weekend so i'm not worrying (yet) lol x
Amanda you poor thing. It is so unnecessary for people to at in such a way especially over your wedding. How would she feel if the boot was on other foot?? Its so not fair. I hope it all works out ok and i think you have been more than accommodating i think i would have told her it was tough seeing as she was making it difficult to go and try on the other dresses. What does she expect you to do?? I have had major dramas with my MIL over our wedding. She came round last January and had a right go at me screaming and shouting at me infront of my 2yr old daughter and then walked out and hasn't looked back since. We have hardly spoken since!! Mexico for 2 wk's with her should be fun! Weddings really do bring out the monsters in people. I feel for you... x I collect my dress on saturday!!! We leave in 8 days!!! OMG!!
Wolfstone is the company i am going to use for getting our wedding cert translated when we get back. A few ppl have used them and said they are very good so a good recommendation ) hope you get it sorted. Luckily we dont need our birth certs at our hotel. Well girls Dan came home a bit worse for ware yest. ha ha. They all had a great time but were all soooooo hungover and tired. They dressed him as a banana with flippers on to travel down in which he nearly got arrested at Victoria station for indecent exposure ha ha. Then they all had personalized tops for the friday night and then they all dressed in 80's fancy dress the sat night. He was full of storeys yest but i bet today having to get up for work at 5am he wasn't so happy lol.... He was a little disappointed though as his dad and brother didn't end up going. His dad apparently hadnt been to well since wednesday (excuse my language) he had the s**t's. so he told Dan he would drive down with his brother on the saturday. He didn't turn up so Dan rung him and he said he still didn't feel right and couldn't face the drive down... may sound a bit harsh but i thought he could of taken some immodium or something?? anyway i thought he must of been ill to not go on his sons stag. Anyway Dan got home and we had a chat about it and Dan even said himself he hadn't had sickness or anything with it just been on the loo alot.. sorry but i said he could of at least come down for the day saturday even if he said i've got to go back home. He should of made that effort for HIS sons stag!! Dan said he thought the same as his dad sounded OK on the phone. So that was a bit of a let down but at least he had his mates there to entertain him. He still had a great time. I am hoping now Dan is starting to realise what a let down his family are.... they have shown no interest in the wedding from day one and not wanted anything to do with it. I just hope Dan can see that more now. I mean he normal jumps to their defence when i mention them but he didn't yest so hoping its a break through!! Inlaw rant over and out. lol x Yah Nicy is home today!! Can't wait to catch up with her!!! and see the gorgeous pix of cause! x
Thanks girls, i've also done the welcome letter for our OOT bags. Getting there slowly but surely ha ha FI has gone off on his stag do this afternoon. 20 odd blokes at butlins i dont think they will know whats hit em hee hee ;o) I've already had a drunken phone call from the bestman i wonder how many more i'm gonna get tonight now they have his phone lol The girls are round tonight for wine and chinese yum yum!!
OMG its really my time to post my planning thread!! I’ve been on this site for near on 2yrs and I have made so many wonderful friends and had so much advice and help from so many people. The girls on the 2011 thread, the UK thread and the Barcelo thread I couldn’t have done it without you all. I’ve had ups and downs and everyone on here is so supportive.. I LOVE this site!! So a massive thank you to everyone (especially Nicy, my bride partner in crime ;o) thank you so much ) Ok so FI and I met 10yrs ago at a mutal friends party, we didn’t get together straight away as I have a little boy from a previous relationship so didn’t want to rush things. A year of getting to know each other we finally got together ) FI proposed on a beach in Rhodes in 2004. We did it all a bit back to front. I already had my son Harrison, we bought a flat together then a house which needed lots of major work doing so that took up a few years (and all our savings). I then fell pregnant with my daughter Scarlett and so getting married is the final piece to our puzzle. We always knew we wanted to marry in Mexico (never been before but just knew) so we researched hotels for around 5mths and just fell in love with the Barcelo Maya Palace and knew that was were we would marry. We have 23 people coming with us. I have two of my best friends as BM’s and my sister is my MOH. Scarlett is flowergirl and my son Harrison (13yrs old now) will be giving me away ) FI’s childhood friend is his bestman ) We leave in 2 weeks time ) We marry on 1st June 2011 and have our AHR on 18th June 2011 Ok so here we go with the pic's..... first up "THE DRESS" Maggie Sottero - Ambrosia The tiara The shoes The rings OOT bags and fans for ceremony Vest i made all the girls for travelling in and bags for us all to take too ) Two of my BM's in their dresses Home made place cards and shot glasses for the reception meal AHR invites my by myself and a little help from FI ) Fiance is wearing a light brown suit trouser and jacket with open collar white shirt. sorry i dont have any pics of that, my son will wear the same but a waistcoat instead of jacket. I think that is it for now. Once again thank you so much for all your help girls its been a fun 2 yrs on here.... but dont fear "I will be back" ha ha x
Thanks Char i have no idea why she came either. Even at our BBQ on sunday she didn't breath a word to me or my family! She is horrible. FI just cannot see it. My BM said i hid the dislike well and had she not known about the tension she wouldn't have guessed as there was no atmosphere. That is all i want for Mexico. So i will do exactly the same and if i get the chance to have a quiet dig at her when and if we are alone i will take great pleasure in doing so!! Apparently she's been telling my BM's how much she's looking forward to it all - as we've said before its all for show. I mean doesn't she think its odd that she makes the effort to talk to everyone except her DIL and family! Weird weird woman. I will breath a sigh of relief when we are home and i have NOTHING to do with her again! ) I love the car and cake they are really lovely. Good choice ) its all coming together x
I wondered where you had got to ha ha ;o) i dont blame your FI for getting the hump with his mum! What a horrible thing to say and about such a special birthday too! She is as odd as my MIL!! I'm just glad for you that your FI can see it. Mine has his eyes shut to it! I LOVE your invites they are beautiful, well done they look great no wonder everyone loved them ) Ps. Welcome back x
Aww sounds like a fab night. How nice of them to arrange all that for you! lovely!! glad you had a great time... I am also in packing mode. FI is on his stag this weekend so i'm having the girls around friday night for a take away and wine and then i'm gonna sort all the packing on saturday and then out saturday night. Can't believe we leave in 15 sleeps!!! OMG... Our mexican BBQ went well yest. I even put up with and managed to dodge the MIL from hell the whole time so i am patting myself on the back and thinking if i can dodge her in my own house and garden then i can get shot of her in a massive hotel so happy days!! As predicted she didn't make any effort to talk to me my family or anyone else for that matter. She just sat in her little corner with HER family! Suits me. Didn't show the kids any attention and then wanted a kiss when she left. Scarlett just push her away! She's a smart girl that one at the age of 3 she already knows! ha ha definately her mothers daughter! Nicy has been gone a week now! how fast has that gone!! cant wait for all the storeys when she's home )
Yah Lisa have fun on your hen, cant wait to hear all about it and see the pix ) Herbie thank you. Harrison looks so sweet with his lovely new smile, we are all very pleased. He has to go back next tues for his retainer to be fitted which he will wear of a night for the next year. Scarlett is fine now. She must of had a 24hr bug. She had temp and runs for a day and is back to normal now. Thank god as we have all our mexico buddies coming round tomorrow for a BBQ. Hoping the sun comes out for us and its not a wash out.... I know what you mean about the shifts. FI is in print and he works anything from 10 to 16 hour days ALL the time, he's always at bloody work i hate it!! Early weeks are the best though. I got my invites from pocket fold invites site....www.pocketfoldinvites.co.uk and we had them printed through one of the company's FI uses at work. I had to order the envelopes from another site though cos pocketfolds only do ivory or white and i wanted pink so i hunted down the right size and RSVP size envelopes and ordered separate.
Good luck Lyndsey, will be thinking of you. Hope you have a wonderful wedding day! So excited for you!! x Happy wedding day Nicy!!! OMG can't believe the day is finally here!!! x Girls we leave in 2.5 weeks and i feel like the time is going so fast and i'm not ready. I just wanna press pause for a couple of days to catch up. Need to sort holiday bits but so busy with work etc and now Scarlett is ill AGAIN i just can't keep ontop of things.... Today may be the day Harrison's braces come off........watch this space i will update you later x