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Everything posted by michelle2011
Oh thank you. I actually feel really ill today. I feel so sick and cannot eat. I'm weak and a bit of a wreck to be honest. I haven't felt this rough in a long time. I wonder if the sickness is anything to do with the jabs yest or the pills i got off the doc but its not very nice.. Yes the jabs are for Mexico. Our doc said we have to have Tetnus, Hep A and Tythoid. (for adults the Hep A and Tythoid is conbined but not for the infants they have to have separate jabs) Best to check with your doc if you are up to date with yours. We have really bad luck so we weren't taking any chances... anyone else who had the jabs feel sick the next day?? I have a really bad fear of sick i cannot bear it and have palpatations and panic if i feel i'm gonna be sick. I know it sounds stupid but i just can't take sick.. whimp i know. For someone that had 2 kids with no pain relief at all i'm a total wreck when it comes to throwing up. I get myself in a right state ( I think you are feeling completely normal. Dont worry yourself over it. Its not your fault. Your SIL is very selfish and childish. Dont punish yourself for her bad behaviour. Your having the wedding of your dreams and nobody should make you feel bad or give you a guilt trip over it. What is her aim? What is she getting out of this upset? She is a silly woman. Let her get on with it. Its nice your MIL is standing up for you, just proves even more SIL is in the wrong. I feel much the same i fell out with MIL over a yr ago and nothing has changed we still dont talk. She's made no attempt to sort out her bad doing so sod her. I'm letting her get on with it. She's shot herself in the foot cos she's had nothing to do with the wedding and knows little about it and doesn't see her grandaugher as much as she used to but she only has herself to blame. I am over the guilt trip but i totally understand where you are coming from. Its the pure thought that your wedding plans have caused this upset. But its not because they are wrong it's because others dont agree with them. SOD em!! Jo said something that helped me when i felt a bit rubbish about things.... she said.. everything is highlighted now because of the wedding and big event coming up. After the wedding things will settle down and not be magnified how they are now and that advise is keeping me going... hope i've been some help to you...xx Enjoy your time away from it all. It will do you good to get away )
I honestly dont know what i would of done without you girls on here. It's been up and down planning for me and i have always felt i could turn to you all to vent, moan or advice!! So glad i have me laptop buddies Nicy - I LOVE primark!!!!!! Most of my case will be filled with primarnie! lol sounds like you had a fab weekend ) Jabs went OK. We had to have tetnus, Hep A and Tythoid! Got to go back to have tetnus she didn't want to give them all at once... scarlett went last and i had to hold her down screaming. I think it will be worse next time so gonna let her go first then lol.. Doc gave me some tabs for my back so fingers x'd it gets better soon ) If not i have to go back (
Oh your hen sounds FAB!! You will have a great time! That is the date of our AHR!!! good date lol ;o) Awww how cute your son is bestman! That is lovely. Its so nice the kiddies are involved. Harrison is giving me away and done a little speech bless him! Wont be a dry eye in the place ha ha We are off for our jabs this afternoon eeekkkk! Scarlett will go mental. I am bribing her now with pancakes... she said ok then but i know when we are there and the needle comes out she is gonna scream the place down! First time FI will witness her having a jab, I have warned him already! Harrison said there is no way he is going in the room while she has her's lol x
Thanx Lyndsey - still not right today! My doc's is a joke for an appt so just going to moan when we are there tomorrow having our holiday jabs and see if i can see one ( Yep i'm not doing any exercise ( Mel - OMG well done on raising all that dosh!! How nice of them to double it ) I love your frame it is perfect. We're not doing the sand thing but if we were i'd love a frame like that ) As for your hen, you really should have what YOU want and not be swayed into something that is more convienient for somebody else (trying to put it in a nice way)... a BBQ at your MOH sounds great but if you want a night away at Brighton then you should have it.. maybe just say to her you love the idea of having it at her's but you also had your heart set on something else too. Maybe do both and give her the option to come or not? Sorry dont mean to sound mean about it. I know its difficult bringing these things up but it's your HEN have it YOUR way ) Say you see it on here and thought it was something you'd also like to do.. I dont know how many times i've mentioned you guys to ppl.. i'm like " on the wedding forum this and the girl on the wedding site that" ha ha... x
Aww thanx Nicy, i feel a little better now, but i have been drinking wine since 1pm and still taking tabs. I might feel rough tomorrow but at that mo the back feels OK lol... we have our jabs on tues and if its still bad i will ask the doc then. It has been so bad though (think i have totally overdone it) its the feeling sick with it i can't handle!! I have a sick fear! Really bad! I SO need to lose some weight. We have 11wks now and 8wks till the hen and really wanna tone up my thighs and butt some more. If my backs better next week i will be lunging all week ha ha... we were with alot of the ppl that are going to mexico with us today and it really got us in the mood to go so was really nice ) REALLY cannot wait to go now. Got most of the kids clothes so just need to lay out all my bits and see what else i need and we are all set!! Also need to get Harrisons suit altered )
Nicy the post box really is lovely i must crack on and do ours... as far as DIY is concerned i think i've run out of steam ha ha..... Yeh Scarlett is sweet but also has the devil in her and boy when she goes does she go. Like most kids i suppose... Lyndsey i would of killed Dan if he'd done that ha ha... Laurel good luck with everything! Hope it all goes well and look forward to hearing all about it when your home ) We are off to a chistening today but i feel so sick in pain with my back. Didn't sleep much it's all on the left hand side and feels like its all my side now with shooting pains in my stomache... but can't get comfortable at all and the tablets dont seem to be helping. Don't know if i've made it worse by doing Zumba yesterday. I wonder if i've traped a nerve or something...? I'm sooooooo frustrated cos i just wanna exercise and tone up for holiday and can hardly bloody move. I've been in a terrible mood all week cos of the pain ( FI was worried it was a apendisitis or something but i think that pain is more on the right hand side.. never had pain that made me feel sick before though.. (
I think an ivory dress with accessories in your colour is a great idea ) Nicy - loving the post box well done you ) So exciting. So pleased you have lovely inlaws that have helped you too. So nice of them ) Zumba was good. I still have back pain though might have to go doc's monday and then back tues for all our jabs...eeekkk!!!!!! Cinema was good although she wanted to leave half way through and had to bribe her to stay in there. she found the film a bit sad at times and didn't like the ugly woman lol.. she enjoyed the popcorn and sweets though!!! We got her petal bag in debenhams today and FI got his wedding shoes out of next and reordered his ring in the right size ) x
Wow Nicy you have been busy. Can't wait to see it all when your done ) Herbie - sorry it wasn't that great.. ( how disappointing Going for my first Zumba session tomorrow morning! Can't wait!! Then off to Lakeside to change FI's ring size and taking Scarlett for her first visit to the cinema! Hope she's good and doesn't throw a paddy in the middle of it ha ha x
Oh wicked that is great!! One of my BM's swam with them when she went two yrs ago. She got in and did the $60 one with her daughter. Her other daughter went in and was lifted etc etc with them with her dad. That one was about $90 i think she said. But that was literally going and just swimming with them. I think Lisa's is a whole day out by the sounds of it and i suppose $100 each for a day out is OK. I'm really looking forward to it. I really wanna go in but think i might chicken out once i'm there lol.. just the thought of something swimming under/around me makes my heart race!! Apparently they are REALLY smelly too ha ha - i can hear Scarlett now "mummy what is that smell" lol.. Back to the flight, BM's hubby phoned the airline today to be told (something i had already warned them) that we wont have TV's in the back of our seats on our long haul Monarch flight. Their planes are not premium and a lower scale to other laug haul carriers! So they are not happy as their girls will be bored for 10hours and not like watching the TV in the aisle(they are taking portable DVD players but will only run for 2hrs). I understand ppl's frustration it is bad we are on there 10hours but it's old hat. We knew it and whats the point in moaning about it there is nothing i can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've also had a few dramas with ppl over the last few days about the wedding and AHR etc ppl not passing invites on and then getting the stick for it.... can't even be bothered to explain as dont wanna bore you all but it just absolutely makes me laugh how horrible and nasty trouble makers come out when a wedding is involved!! Actally makes me sick!!!!!!!!!! Rant OVER ) xx
Yeh we're pretty much the same ( funds have run out now and its a matter of take what we can... pants!!!! We want to swim with dolphins but hope it to come in under £400.. I know you said that was for the day etc etc... but Dan will go nuts if we pay that out on one day. He wants a golf day which will be expensive and obviously our nights out to Coco's but apart from that a little shopping trip round playa del carmen will do me. I want to RELAX on my holiday lol..
Nicy - i dont know. Our hotel is a 5* deluxe and although they are on a Thomson flight we didn't book through them we booked with CW. So would that still count? I think i'm just gonna try and get it weighed some how once its in the box to have more of an idea...x Roo - I'm so sorry your mum is going through all this. Sending you big hugs and lots of love. Really hope your mum gets better soon! Your feel better being by her side and sorting that silly hospital out!! Good luck hun and keep us posted xxxxx Herbie - any excuse to try it on ;o) x
Sorry luggage moan again.. i have just checked Thompsons luggage allowance and it seems that unless you have premium seats (which i dont think Kate and co have) you only get 5kg hand baggage too. So would be no good asking her to take it anyway. I will just have to wing it. Get the box to fit with Monarch guidlines and prey the weight is OK. Otherwise feel the wrath of the bride, hee hee ;o) Herbie - sorry to hear your dad has been suffering too. So horrible. Poor things. Really hope Roo gets the answers she needs x
I was speaking with FI today (3mths today is our wedding day) and he said maybe we should let Kate my BM take my dress on with her on the Thompson flight as you have a larger weight with them. I'm not sure though. I really want it with me. Am i being silly? She is going on the same day and just 15mins (providing no delays) difference in flight times .... i dont know what to do.. My WC finally got back to me. Didn't answer all my questions and didn't attach the attachment she was supposed to....aaarrrrgggghhhh!!! I have emailed back! I hope i dont have to wait another 2months for a reply!!! Roo - OMG i feel for you. It must be so horrible for you having your mum be ill and you be so far away. Can you take any time off and go over and 'sort them out'... I haven't got a clue about anything medical sorry. I'm no help. It sounds like they dont have a clue either. I totally understand your frustration. I would feel the same. Your poor mum. I bet you can't rest at all knowing all this is going on!! It would be driving me mad especially them saying she would die if the did the op and she wont be able to go on holiday in May! Here if you need to vent xx
Thomsons are great!! one of my BM's and her family coming for 10nights (travelling same day as us but 15mins earlier and from different terminal) are travelling with Thomsons. She has offered to take bits with her if i wish but i really want my dress with me ) Monarch dont let you have any extra for bride or groom and they wont let us pool our allowance either (Harrison wont have any so wanted to combine his)! Your hen night sounds fab! What a giggle ) I have just had a text off one of my oldest friends saying she may have to pull out of my hen cos maybe going on holiday with her inlaws now ( one of FI's bestest friends has also said he can't come to the AHR as he is on a work conference... ( can't be helped i suppose. Just wanted our nearest and dearest with us x
So glad your friends and family are all ok. x Ha ha yes i did scarlett's hair myself ) I haven't been that great. I have a good week then a bad week. I REALLY need to sort it out though. I haven't been eating loads but i have been snacking!!!! Bad move!! I will WILL try hard this week ha ha.. Well done you! Yes we are under 3months now and everyone has just finished paying their holidays off and letting us know so makes it even more REAL now too ;o) FI said this morning i'm really getting excited now!! Excited now i said! Are you mental where have you been for the last two yr's while I'VE been excited ha ha ha ... men ah? x