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Everything posted by FutureMrsYak

  1. I also thought of the candy bar, as our AHR will be 2 days before Vday. My mother hated the idea and says it's not for a wedding (even though this isn't really a wedding!) but whatever. I found shot glasses for about .60 a peice which i think is a great idea, then we could fill the shot glass with M&M's or something. I was thinking of putting on the shot glass "I went to Scott and Nicoles wedding and all I got was this shot glass!" and then the wedding date! But I have to think of some other type of wording because they are not actually coming to our wedding. I feel like with shot glasses alot of people collect them, and it is something people can hang on to and its not awkward having our name on.
  2. I was thinking of having the DJ annouce us just by saying "Let's welcome home the new Mr. and Mrs..." and have a fun song playing. The the FI and I going right to the dance floor, doing our first dance...going right into my father and mine and his mother and his dance....then just hanging out after that. We will be doing a sit down dinner and favors, but we are having it at an American Legion Hall...so it's only about $10 a person, and open bar isn't crazy pricing either. I'm undecided on doing a seating chart and all...I really don't want to give it the wedding feel...my FMIL was saying a seating chart is a must because people need order they need to walk in and know where they are sitting, when they start trying to figure out who they want to sit with and all it would be a mess...are you guys doing a seating chart?
  3. Question ladies: For a symbolic ceremony, you go through the entire wedding as if you are getting married correct? Do you still sign anything afterwards? I'm having second thoughts and thinking of do the legal stuff here (if the city hall here doesn't make you say the vows- I just basically want to go to city hall sign the paperwork, get on the plane and off we go) the thing is we are only telling our parents and no one else. Im nervous about people finding out during the ceremony we are already married. Does anyone know how real it appears doing just symbolic? I would appreciate any advice on this....
  4. Wow Michelle I'm surprised you can't just atleast hold the date! My TA said airfare prices are usually out about 333 days prior to the date you are leaving. Our wedding is only 11 months away now, but I still feel like it's forever away. It is starting to feel real when I call to make an appt to try on dresses or speak to the resort and the ask the wedding date...I was telling my FI- like it's a real date now!! It's not just a date I have in my head! lol But we are having a AHR also, so I really need to start planning that, because that's like planning another wedding!!
  5. Love! bridezillas?? (the show lol)
  6. I have sent my booking form, and deposit to hold the date. The wedding contract was sent to me today. I was speaking to consultants at the resort more than one year in advance, and they told me I could submit my booking form and deposit at any point to hold the date. We are getting married at Real Gran Porto. I find it odd that you can't atleast save the date yet!
  7. Yea yesterday, when I called it kept just ringing. So I called the 1800 number, and recieved a message that there computers where down yesterday so then closed early... Definitly call tomorrow. Suzanna was very nice and couldn't apologize more. We'll just see if I get the contract!! I'm sure I will.
  8. I finally called this morning, and recieved a call back from Suzanna who told me there must have been a misunderstanding and they did track down my booking form and credit card info. They will charge my account and she says I will have my wedding contract by tomorrow. She asked me more questions about the wedding than the person that I spoke to when I initally sent my booking form and gave my credit card number over the phone. So I finally feel much better about it, that I should be in the actual system now!!
  9. How frustrating is it, to try to make someone take money out of your account!! I guess I need to start calling instead of emailing. I haven't recieved the contract or anything....
  10. I sent my credit card number and booking form on 1/22. I actually faxed the booking form and called in my credit card number, the money still has not been deducted from my account! I have sent 2 emails with no response back yet. Did anyone else have issues with this?
  11. Playa2009 - February 5, 2010 diana&steve0304 - April 3, 2010 kimmy44 - April 21, 2010 jcooper79 - April 22, 2010 aerazo - April 23, 2010 llm78 - April 25, 2010 kimmy44 - April 28, 2010 AprilandRyan - May 1, 2010 jennie.lewis - May 7, 2010 SDbeachgirl - May 7, 2010 LynnieS - May 14, 2010 Lexibride - May 15, 2010 tutti1299 - May 15, 2010 astreit - May 16, 2010 boolo318 - May 28, 2010 Denisema00 - May 29, 2010 Lady_Di - May 29, 2010 candicemarie - June 5, 2010 kenlyn8984 - June 10, 2010 ~Stephanie~ - June 11, 2010 super19 - June 21, 2010 cinny726 - June 2010 Pattie - June 2010 Jamk32179- September 18, 2010 smckinney22 - October 9, 2010 Shirley_Ken - October 28, 2010 Celine- November 5, 2010 bmlynch - November 6, 2010 Randi - November 11, 2010 jesmcan - November 12, 2010 futuremrs1113-November 13, 2010 giraffexx - November 19, 2010 mslisaaragon - November 22, 2010 Trinas79 - November 2010 MichaelandAraceli- December 18, 2010 Lisa DSO- January 1, 2011 FutureMrsYak- January 11,2011 pineapplebride - *maybe* April 2011 vlynnw - May 6, 2011 speedy130 - May 7, 2011 stevensfiance - 2010 -Royal, Cancun
  12. I considered getting married here first and not telling anyone, the only thing with that though is our anniversary date is truely different then what everyone thinks.... : (
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by YIweddings Calling all February 2011 or Majestic Colonial brides! Actually can anyone help? I want to get married (the man does to!) at the Majestic Colonial in feb 2011. I have read pages 1-16 on this thread but just can't continue so I may be asking the same question. I understand that you can book your wedding before you reserve the hotel or flights. How do you have any idea when you will arrive in at your destination. I would like to say I'll get married on a Tuesday but the last direct flights from Thunder Bay were on a Thursday and that would be my last night there. I won't find out until May or June if my city will fly direct to Punta Cana, otherwise my guests have to pay another $500 just to get to Toronto. How do I send save the dates, book a wedding at the resort so late in the year and not miss out on the day and time? Thanks for your help. Sitting here patiently waiting for your answers. I first would see how many days ahead of time you need to be at the resort, if you are thinking of doing a legal ceremony. We set our date, and sent out the save the dates/invites yesterday. I'm planning on getting married on a Tuesday, we plan to get to the resort on a Friday and start Friday to Friday. I guess I just assumed there would be flights. Luckily we live near an international airport so we shouldn't have a problem, but our guests are kind of scattered all over. We sent our deposit to hold the date, and just hope everything falls into place once the 2011 prices come out...
  14. Hey Brooke. Where did you winde up getting your sand ceremony stuff from? Does anyone know of any tricks for the sand ceremonys so on the flight back to sand doesnt get mixed up
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