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Everything posted by CHAKLIT

  1. Congratulations on your engagement! Happy Planning!
  2. Sux...I knew things would change once Spirit bought them...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by amqueens A lot of guests can make that tricky. My Fiance is Jamaican. I am hoping to get married at Riu Ocho Rios in July 2011. They have a rule, that 80% of your guests must be staying there. I think most of the guests will be my family. I am hoping to put his mom and best man in rooms for the night, so I hope I make my 80%!! Day passes can get expensive! That does get expensive...a resort is not even an option for us...congrats & happy planning!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SSNM Here is a thread of other people's budgets: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/f9/budget-933/ The problem with the thread, though, is that it is very hard to tell what the dollar figure that they are quoting includes and what it does not. For example, does your $5K budget include EVERYTHING including your rings, attire, marriage legalities, travel, etc? If it does, I would say you will be VERY hard pressed to host 200 people. I tried to work with a $5K budget to host 60 - 100 people when I started and found that I just couldn't get the price low enough...and I was trying to low ball EVERYTHING. If $5K excludes your travel, attire, rings, and legal fees, then you may have a chance, even at an AI. We've got our rings.... and we'll already be married...so it's a symbolic ceremony. Thanks for the link...I'll check it out
  5. The few folks that will be flying in, mostly will be my bridal party and a few friends....possibly 30-40...everyone else will already be in ja. I'm just getting discouraged with our budget in relation to our guest list... ..thanks for reading
  6. Ladies, I'm very early in my planning stages...4/2/11 seems far but really isn't. I'm just wondering...how you ladies made out...$$-wise. Especially the women with a high guest count. We're expecting possibly 200 -- we're both Jamaican, so most of our family is already down there. My concern is the price for our wedding. I've been reading thru the forum for the last couple days jotting down different quote you guys have received and now I'm saying to myself...how the heck can we pull this off and stay close to our 5K budget? Sorry...just venting here...how much did everything cost you? How many guests did you have? Thanks in advance!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jhakimi1 I am new to the boards but I am looking into having my "off-site" wedding because my future hubby has lots of family in Jamaica and most hotels charge a fee for guest not staying at the hotel. Our wedding is in June 2010 and we will have around 50-70 guests. Anyways I am also awaiting pricing from venues but I found a few that look good and can handle big amount of guest - The Ruins at the Falls (Ocho Rios), The Coyaba Gardens and Mahoe Falls, and The Shaw Park Beach. Look these places up online. Hope this helps. Fast forward 9 months later! Who did you end up going with?? I'm in the same boat...possible 200 ppl with both our families.
  8. Weird...I need dancing at our reception...although we don't have a venue...just reading all they comments about places you ladies are talkin about
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by msmoodyr Hi, Ladies: Airtran Airways is running non-stop flights from my area (BWI) to Montego Bay ..starting in FEB 2010.. just wanted to pass the word in case it may also fly from your hometowns .. :smil e29: This is great...all we've every had was Air J!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsRell When some close friends of ours got married, they didn't say their own vows but they did say something... they each said "I knew I loved you when...." They each said three things. It was blended really well with the vows/ceremony. Everyone was crying because it was so sweet. I remember one of the brides was "I knew I loved you when you slept on the waiting room floor when my dad was dieing in the hospital" This idea just might have to be my "Something Borrowed"... I love it. =) I'm taking notes!! Sounds like a real tear jerker
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Oh you are sooooo lucky that you're waiting till 2011!!! LOL Our guy is going to be our ring bearer at just under 2 years, we are just squeaking him in on the plane while he's still free!! lol So I think he could possible be a HUGE handful - and we'll be truly thankful that all the grandparents are going to be in Mexico with us so we'll have tons of babysitters!! On the cleft lip note, I don't really know what causes it...I'm assuming it's hereditary but then again I have no idea? I'm sure we'll find out soon though! Congrats and Welcome BTW!! Maybe you'll be able to help me out with the whole potty training issue!! LOL, not like we're anywhere near that yet - he's 16 months but I'm already terrified!! Well we don't really have a choice...they money isn't flowing like it should be...and we're hoping that things will look better for us b4 4/2/11!! That would be interesting to have our lil lady our ceremony now...I just don't think it would work out...she's got the terrible two blues -- falling out on the floor and everything! If it means waiting til she's almost 4...sign me up!! Thanks for the welcome!! Easy to train boys...drop cheerios in the toilet and tell him to aim!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Oh you are sooooo lucky that you're waiting till 2011!!! LOL Our guy is going to be our ring bearer at just under 2 years, we are just squeaking him in on the plane while he's still free!! lol So I think he could possible be a HUGE handful - and we'll be truly thankful that all the grandparents are going to be in Mexico with us so we'll have tons of babysitters!! On the cleft lip note, I don't really know what causes it...I'm assuming it's hereditary but then again I have no idea? I'm sure we'll find out soon though! Congrats and Welcome BTW!! Maybe you'll be able to help me out with the whole potty training issue!! LOL, not like we're anywhere near that yet - he's 16 months but I'm already terrified!! Well we don't really have a choice...they money isn't flowing like it should be...and we're hoping that things will look better for us b4 4/2/11!! That would be interesting to have our lil lady our ceremony now...I just don't think it would work out...she's got the terrible two blues -- falling out on the floor and everything! If it means waiting til she's almost 4...sign me up!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lara&mike I don't know what caused our daughter's, and there is no known exact cause. It is generally thought to be hereditary, or due to environmental reasons. Neither of us have it in our family. I met my father late in life (single mom) and he had 2 other children after me who had club foot (where babies feet turn inwards and require surgery for correction). I had hip dysplasia which means i had a cast for the first 3 months of my life. So, i figure he's defective..haha. Seriously though, i was so careful with everything and am pretty healthy. Ate organic, worked out, drank water, don't smoke, etc etc. It was pretty shocking. The facial development occurs in the first 6-10 wks of gestation. It happens when the 2 ridges above your lip are forming and something occurs that prevents this from fully forming correctly to the nose. Re: ultrasounds. It should have picked it up but they are so quick around the head that unless there is cause they generally focus on the organ and limb development. next baby i will go to another hospital for full craniofacial exam of the fetus to know what to expect. You really can do only what you can do make yourself healthy. I didn't know i was preggers until about 7 wks and had some drinks, but seriously meth addicts have healthy babies....how can a few drinks cause this? you really never know. Sorry I had to chuckle when you said your dad's defective... Well we're never given more than we can handle!! Our 2 year old just had tonsil & adenoids removed 3 weeks ago...the recovery was harder on me, that it was her! I was crying in the recovery room b/c my lil princess was in pain and there was sh*t we could do about it. She had ear tubes put in back in may, but that was 10 minute procedure, she was more frightened than in pain. It's tuff being parents...especially when things happen and you just don't know why...
  14. dishes! Would you rather too cold or too hot??
  15. Ladies...any idea what causes a cleft lip??
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ I am home with a cold today (no that's not funny), I am trying to find something to smile about. I have two things to share that made me burst out laughing. When FI and I got engaged and annouced to his mum we were doing the distination wedding, her response to me was "can we still go to Europe and buy your dress?" Yeah right!! As I choke on the mouthful of wine I just swallowed. "We're doing this wedding on a beer budget" Actually probably a little classier "wine budget"..... I tried to recover from choking and be sweet about it, I could see her disappointment. lmao... She married well, 3rd time around LMAO x2. Second funny of the day: A few weeks ago FI and I we're having desserts discussing our age and being done with having kids (both in our 40's). I suggested he be the one that goes and gets snipped. His response "dear god, it's working perfect, why the hell mess with that? It's 43 years old and might not recover." There was cake flying over the table... I totally bursted out laughing... I might be SOL for a while... desserts is stressed backwards... FUNNY!!! "it's 43 years old" My man refers to it as "him"
  17. I'm on yasmin (when I can remember to take my pills) -- I haven't had any major side effects...and this is the first i'm hearing about them in the news today...interesting!!
  18. 4/2/11...haven't done anything constructive except go to bridal shows and eat lots of cake samples & drink mimosa's!
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