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Everything posted by loua4

  1. I wish I could offer you some support, but I am not getting married there. I will keep my fingers crossed for you, and hope that things go well.
  2. My FI and I are getting married November 27th 2010 at the RIU on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. So excited!
  3. i was just at future shop today and they recommended it. Well the $700 huge version first and then the smaller $300 version. I would love to see how it works even though that is still alot of money I think to spend... cant wait to hear...
  4. I think everything looks great so far. And dont you think that is the most perfect dress in the world?! can you tell i have the same one? lol. I would stick with the ideas you have and pay the extra money (if you have it) so you can get your dream wedding. Congrats by the way!
  5. Great post! Thanks so much. i didnt even think of this yet.
  6. I was reading my paperwork from the RIU, where we are getting married and they say that a WC might not call you until the month before. But! my cousin got married at a RIU (in mexico mind you) and she said that it worked the same way and that you just have to relax and go with the flow of a DW and once that WC calls or emails you they are pretty quick and attentive to what ever ?'s you have. so dont worry to much.
  7. Thanks for all your postings! I am so glad that so many of you didnt go all out. My FI and I are paying for our whole wedding with cash. We dont want to be in the hole over this. And I was starting to feel bad because I cannot afford anything other than the semi-private reception. But dont get me wrong, I want it to be more relaxed and fun. So glad about those of you who are also going the less traditional way and just having fun and relaxing with your group.
  8. We are getting the Royal package from the resort and using Tim Allen as our photographer. His prices are amazing, he is from there and his pictures are stunning. His website is: Bahamas Wedding Photographer | Tim Aylen Photography you guys should check him out.
  9. OMG Radiant_princess. I am so sorry that i did not respond till now. I didnt see your posting till now. Our rate from T.O is $1613.25 per person from nov 21-28th, and for those of our guests who cannot come for a whole week they get $1183.25 per person double occupancy. it is like an extra $400 to come as a single for both prices. I also got children quoted at $1213.25 for the 7 days. I hope that helps. Sorry for the late reply. Quote: Originally Posted by radiant_princess No problem Amanda! We are planning to get married there too in November 2010! We are just waiting for our TA to get back to us to see what the best rates are in November. What kind of group rates did you guys get per person? We will be flying from Winnipeg to Toronto then Toronto to Bahamas (AI packages are much cheaper from Toronto)!!
  10. congrats! I am getting married there this coming November. i cannot wait!
  11. I went to a travel agent and got a few books on resorts. Then I used trip advisor alot. After going back the travel agent and she helpped look into what my FI and I were looking for and getting a few quotes from different resorts, that is how we decided on our all Inclusive resort. And i cannot be more please. Trip advisor though you have to take with a grain of salt though remember. There are going to be so many people wanting to just complain about everything, no mater what. I think as long as you have an open mind and just relax almost no matter where you go, and if they have "in paper" all the things you want, you should go for that place you love. Good luck!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyandRich We only planned 2 things... a sailing trip we took our guests on and the wedding. The rest of the time we let our guests vacation! Part of the beauty of a resort wedding is that everyone can hang out ...if they want... or do their own thing. You're the bride, not the entertainment staff!!! Most resorts have so muh going on, that entertainment takes care of itself. We took time every evening to dine with different guests. It is too hard to cordinate a large dinner every night. This allowed us to have more intimate conversation and spend time with everyone. I love that you had your week like that. I want our week to be just as relaxed and to not have to feel that we have to be with everyone all the time so that each person gets a vacation out of that week and we can still slip away and do our own thing if we want. Thanks so much for posting that.
  13. Great job! I love how you split up meds and put them in little ziploc bags with business cards on them. I just might do that too. Thanks for the posting!
  14. loua4


    Thank you so much for posting this. That website is amazing! I havent found anything that good anywhere.
  15. Wow! what a great review! Its okay about the typos. I knew what you were talking about. I think that is the funniest thing that your mother brought down febreeze and lysol! LOL!!! thank you so much for posting this review. it is awesome!
  16. I was feeling the same way. But I have come to realize that it is not about them. This is about you and your FI. And I know my I will have a great time with those who have booked already. Head up and it will still be fine in the end.
  17. wow! you did so much stuff. Congrats on all your hard work. It is going to make your wedding so special!
  18. we are doing espresso brown and pinky coral. I think it will really pop with the sand and the water.
  19. congrats on finishing your oot bags! everything looks great!
  20. Wow! Everything looks great. I love, love the shoes! Cant wait to hear what you do with the floating candles.
  21. Welcome and congrats to a fellow Bahamas Bride!!!!! Which resort/hotel? I am getting married at the Riu after you. So happy for you!
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