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Everything posted by loua4

  1. that is so pretty! And you dont look like you need to lose a pound in that dress. it looks perfect!
  2. this is fantastic. I would love to know if anyone has tasted it yet.
  3. loua4

    New to the site

    Congrats and welcome to the forum. You are going to love this one much better than the Knot.com with the destination wedding info. The girls here are great and the ideas you will get are priceless. Happy planning!
  4. that sucks. I would talk to your travel agent and just let her know what you were planning on doing and still want to do.
  5. loua4

    new members

    congrats and welcome!
  6. That is a shame, she was so young. I liked her movies, and she was just trying to come out as a singer too. She was pretty talented. Her poor husband and family must be devistated.
  7. I am addicted to the twilight series as well. if you liked those you should try the host that is also by the same author. it is really good. The time travellers wife is great, all the emily griffins are good. The vampire diaries are good to. Right now I am reading Edgar Sawtelle story..... very long read. dont really suggest it to anyone. Happy Reading!
  8. omg! those are all so funny. lol! And I was just going to put down that i hate it when there are these really long readings that everyone else has at their weddings. We are not having any readings, and if it was up to my FI there would not be any speaches so that people wouldnt go on and on and on.....
  9. Hi guys, I had posted a thread earlier looking for a photographer in the bahamas, and was directed to Tim Aylen's wedding website. His photos look amazing and the prices are outstanding, but I was just wondering if anyone out there has used him or knows someone who did? Thank you!
  10. loua4

    Still undecided

    Hi Erin, Welcome to the forum and congrats on your engagement. What I would do is it get a travel agent. They will be able to tell you the different resorts out there and which are small verses big. where you can have your ceremonty, and everything. Plus you will be able to find out about what it could cost as well at the same time. good luck!
  11. loua4


    Congrats! and welcome to the forum.
  12. loua4


    Congrats and Welcome!
  13. Hi I have to agree with SusieQ. All the women that have been invited to your wedding and all the women who have been close to you while you grew-up should be invited to have the chance to wish you well, and if that means you have to have more than one shower then that is how it should be. Plus those who are not invited but want to share in your happiness may want to go as well.
  14. loua4


    welcome and congrats! I have heard wonderful things about St. Lucia. You are going to love it. Happy planning!
  15. Those are great! thank you so much for sharing. i want to do a passport invitation as well but i had not seen one done on powerpoint. I love it! You did such a great job.
  16. Wow! thank you so much for the suggestions, these are amazing. Well I do know that unfortunalty, it is not in our budget to fly a photographer down with us and then pay for pictures on top of that. But I will definalty still give all your suggestions a try
  17. loua4

    BP Bride!

    Congrats and welcome to the forum. You are going to love it!
  18. Your things look amazing. I am so happy for you! Congrats and enjoy! cant wait to hear about it when you get back. have fun!
  19. I will have to agree with NaM. But the price for a day pass is usually only $100 per person. Good luck with your search. If you find and A/I that is really reasonable you should post it so other brides will know. That is a great ? you have
  20. That is aweful! they will be in my thoughts and prayers for sure.
  21. I would send with the postage. It really is not that exspensive and I will show that you care enough to not have your friends and family that live in another country by their own. You may not get a reply if they have to take the time to get the stamp on their own.
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