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Everything posted by loua4

  1. I would call head office too, but she I bet it is just that she is busy. even though I agree that is not an excuse. Call head office and see what they can do about it. Keep us posted...
  2. those are great! I love the extra tag you put on them. good job. I think I have seen them at michael's if anyone is wondering where to buy them. In the bridal section.
  3. That is a great idea! I was just going to get some for the guests, but to get extra for the bridesmaids and to jazz those ones up is a great idea! I love the ribbon and bling.
  4. loua4


    congrats and welcome to the best forum. Happy planning!
  5. loua4

    Newbies mom

    Hi and welcome to the forum. Yes I agree your daughter should join the forum as well. this is a great place to get ideas from.
  6. loua4


    congrats and welcome. you have come to the right place.
  7. Wow! everything looks amazing. I am from the GTA as well. how did you get all that stuff down to your DW? Did you ship it or take it with you in your suitcases? Thanks for posting it. lots of inspiration.
  8. I am wondering the same thing as amygirl1169. Are you booking the hotel and flights separate. We went through a travel agent and booked our resort and flights as a package really early and got our week for an excellent price, about $2000 cheaper because the resort just went through reno's to upgrade and it was so early. Good luck.
  9. question, how do you get any of the templates? i got the program that it suggests to download but I dont know what to do from there. Help!
  10. wow! your wedding was probably amazing and to give each guest a necklace from tiffany's! That is so nice. I bet you had a great time and so did your guests
  11. loua4

    Newly Fianceed

    Congrats and happy planning!
  12. loua4


    Welcome and congrats! sorry I dont know of any place to help you, but you have come to the right forum.
  13. The party flops idea is amazing, I think I am going to steal that one. Is it that much more to get them for the men? If it is, I like the flashlights. So the men can scavange in the dark. you know they want to. Also the frisbees is a great idea. you could make a sticker with your monogram or the date on them. Well good luck! i cant wait to see what others add on here as ideas.
  14. juliepfeif has a really good idea, and then depending on when your wedding is that week, why dont you just let your guests sit whereever they want. We are getting married on the last full day of our trip so that is what i think I am going to let my guests do, and it is one less stress and thing you have to worry about. good luck!
  15. Welcome! As you can see most of the girls here at the forum are either getting married in Mexico, Jamaica, or the Dominican. We have chosen to get married in the Bahamas. We got an excellent deal for the Riu there. If I were you I would think about an Island you have always wanted to go to and then start planning from there. With us it was about how we really wanted to go to the bahamas and then we found a great travel agent and went from there. Good luck! and cant wait to hear about where you choose to go.
  16. Hi. I have the same question as cruisebride0410. How are you getting them to your destination?
  17. I am planning on going barefoot for the ceremony and then getting some nice low flat sandals for after. I absolutly love the ones that Island Princess got. those are sooooo cute!
  18. That looks so good. You should be so happy. I would be. I dont have a ring bearer, but I almost want to make one for our rings to go in anyways. lol!
  19. Wow! So much to take it. i have not even started looking for my dress yet. I go feb 6th/10. I am glad someone started this. I now have lots of questions to ask when i go shopping. Thanks!
  20. I know that my boss wont go and that 90% of my co-workers will not be able to get the time off to come to my DW. But I love them all. We are a small bunch that work in a clinc. About 16 of us. I see them all day everyday, we share everything with them so if there is a chance that a couple can go, I will invite them and have invited them all. I can totally understand if you work with tons of people then no I would not be inviting anyone from work unless they were a close friend like my co-workers.
  21. Yes, did 30 mins arobics this am, plus 10 mins abs, then did 45 mins of wii fit tonight and an hour of walking. just over 122000 steps put in today! so modivated! dress shopping in 1 mth yesterday 11mths til the wedding
  22. That was the best I have ever read too! you should do a blog. I have an account that I use for our wedding webiste. It is WordPress.com — Get a Free Blog Here you should totally set up an account and blog! It would be frickin funny and make so many peoples day, like today. I have started to wonder about this dw and how come I feel stressed. I keep trying to contact the resort for ?'s I need answered and no one calls back or emails me back. I just want to scream constantly and i have 11mths to go...... please continue you made my day
  23. It's okay. You rant on! Dont let them push you around and make you feel guilty. When we decided to do a destination wedding my FI and I made a pact that we would still go even if everyone we invited could not go, because it is about the bride and groom and no one else. Just remember that, and stick with it. It will all be okay in the end. just think about where you are going and who you are going for (you and your FI) that is all that matters.
  24. Congrats! that is awesome that you live in T.O. I live in the 'shwa. I am getting married next nov in the bahamas. My suggestion is to get a travel agent and think about a country you would love to go to more than the others. We are getting married at a Riu resort. They have great reviews and the prices are amazing. Good luck!
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