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Everything posted by juliepfeif

  1. I'd love to see! I need to get started with my OOT bags, and Papermart was one of my possibilities. Thanks!
  2. You're so clever!! That is such a great idea. Everyone will definitely love getting that in the thank you cards!
  3. Thanks for the encouragement Naye!! We've been stalking the airline prices, and nothing yet, but I'm hopeful that as the weather warms up here on the East Coast, the prices will go down. I'm assuming that with all the cold weather, the airlines have been taking advantage of folks making summer vacation plans. And, I'm back online at home - have a new housemate that I was "sharing" a laptop with, but FI got me a new one Kate - congrats on the first fitting! hope it went well!!
  4. Totally stalled here because airline prices have jumped in the last few weeks and we are paying for ~ 1/2 of our guests. This has completely demotivated me. Add that to lack of computer access at home plus severe decrease in RSVP response that officially ends Mar. 30 = total slacker bride. Need motivation from my fellow June `10 brides!!!!
  5. You should wear whatever you feel great in!! Personally, I'm not even wearing a wedding dress. I had a tea-length multicolored floral sundress in my closet that I loved and that's what I'll be wearing!! FI will be in ivory button down, short sleeve shirt and khaki shorts. We're pretty untraditional
  6. Hi Cindy! Welcome to the forum. I, too, have lurked on some of the other boards and by far, this one is the best! The people here are so nice and supportive and willing to share their ideas and advice. Have a great time with all your planning!
  7. I got a separate policy just for my ring through Chubb. Very reasonable and happy with the coverage.
  8. I used a handwriting type font and printed the addresses directly on my envelopes for my invites. Several people told me how beautiful my handwriting was
  9. Hi Sally! Welcome to the forum. I was pleasantly surprised at a Vegas wedding I went to a few years ago at the MGM Grand. It was really nice!
  10. Hi & welcome to the forum! I have a friend who LOVES The Mirage and stays there every time he goes to Vegas (at least once a year!). Good luck & have fun with all your plans!
  11. I completely understand the points so many posters are making here, but I guess I'm too independent for my own good ;-) If it were a man, would anyone have an issue with Dr. and Mrs.? I like echo2_62's idea of Introduce the new couple HisName & YourName LastName
  12. Mr. and Dr. You worked very hard to earn that title and you regularly use it to introduce yourself.
  13. Definitely stick with Photoshop - you can absolutely do a lot more!! Try adding drop shadows by right clicking on the layer and choose Blending Options. I'm sure it will turn out great whatever you do!
  14. I think you're coming along nicely with it! Not sure what program you're using, but can you add a drop shadow to the text? That always helps make things "pop" from the background!
  15. Hi Trisha! Welcome to the forum. We've been together 10 years too, and it will be 11 by wedding time Have fun with all your plans!!
  16. Hi Kiera! Welcome to the forum. San Fransisco is such a great city!!! I love it there! There are a ton of great restaurants for sure - it all depends on what you're looking for!
  17. juliepfeif


    Hi Gail! Congratulations on setting a date and welcome to the forum!! There's a lot of great ideas and advice here! Good luck with all your plans!
  18. juliepfeif


    Hi Emile! Welcome to the forum!! Good luck with all your final plans!
  19. Hi MaeK! Welcome to the forum. We're getting married in Key West June 26. Let me know if you have any questions! I've been there a bunch of times and we did a scouting mission of 4 different hotels back in November. We decided the Pier House Resort was the one for us and we're happily planning away.
  20. juliepfeif


    Hi Jasmine! Welcome to the forum. Ditto on the STDs - this is the only place where I "said" that instead of Save the Date ;-) Good luck with all your plans!
  21. Hi Sara! Welcome to the forum! I would think any DW resort is perfect for barefoot on the beach!! You'll definitely find a lot of great ideas and advice here. Good luck with all your plans!
  22. Trouble logging in today - entered username & password and spent looong time with thank you for logging in screen before finally ended with this error (in Google Chrome): This webpage is not available. The webpage at http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/ might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. Refreshed the page and it did load.
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