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Everything posted by Stina4242

  1. Thanks everyone. We are staying on the Canadian side but getting married on the US side and having dinner at our hotel (CA side). I love Embassy's but the front desk has been little help and the wedding planner just flat out stopped getting back to me, I guess because I am not doing enough there! Thanks for the info on the presidents lounge, going to call about that today!!! Thanks!
  2. Did you guys do an outer and inner envelope. This is the first I have heard of this and since I am paying a calligrapher and this would double the price I am leaning towards no. Am I crazy or do a lot of people leave this out these days?
  3. I am from the US and am having my wedding at Niagara Falls. I have NEVER been there, not anyone else I know either really. I was wondering if any of you have been to the Embassy overlooking the falls. I am not having my actual ceremony there (I only have like 9 rooms booked so what good am I to them) and I am just doing dinner in their restaurant. They have been little help. I am trying to decide if we should just do like a cocktail hour before dinner in the bar or at the managers reception if they have it in the bar or not. This is the first day I am stressed about not seeing the place.
  4. My FI and I didn't set a date for over a year either. We were gutting a house and I refused to start planning till "I unpacked the last box". That was in October. We are getting married this May! For me setting a budget was keep it as economical as possible. We went through a lot of ideas and did a lot of research before choosing what we were going to do. We decided to wed in Niagara falls with less then 30 people. We are getting married next to the falls ($250), and having an intimate dinner at our hotel restaurant over looking the falls, $40 PP. Another great idea that I loved was getting married on a cruise. They have tons of options, but my favorite was getting married at port then sailing off on our honeymoon... without our guests. You have to figure out what the most important things are to you. For me it was having a beautiful dress and my dad walking me down the isle. It takes a lot of time, research and phone calls but you will figure it out! So hey, all you Canadians... any advice on Niagara Falls. We have never been there before!
  5. This is mine: I did it in word in bullet form (with heart bullets). Due to the fact not everybody will have a car I will be asking that everyone with room in there car allow others to ride with them. I will send out information to let you know who you are riding with at a later date. It is very important everyone arrive at the chapel BEFORE 2:45. We will all meet at the chapel and follow each other to the ceremony location which is at the park a few minutes away. The ceremony will conclude around 3:30, allowing people time if to take pictures around the park if they would like. Dinner will be at The Keg Steakhouse in the Embassy Suites at 5:00. Not sure if this helps, good luck!
  6. I am doing an RSVP card, Some facts about Niagara Falls and Details about the wedding day. The tiers are going to be on the right side of the invitation. Not sure if this answers the questions about how I am doing them....?
  7. I am trying to think of an acronym for LUV? I am making wedding invitations and the inserts are going to be tiered in a pocketfold. I want to have one letter sticking out on each tier. I want words that have to do with weddings or love. I came up with love, unforgettable, and vowes but I am not really digging the vowes. I am open to other ideas, such as our initials. I am C, he is J and our last name will be M. I thought about doing live love laugh too.... I am open to any ideas, there are three teirs! Thanks!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KJT1985 Yes! Aren't they amazing?!?! I too was confused and that's why I ordered the kit - I just made sure to take note of what sizes would have came if they precut them for me. Haha. I'm so happy I got to have my pocketfold invites without the cost normally associated with them! Congrats on finding ones you love too! Oh WOW, they look great!
  9. Cards and pockets is great. I can't see your pics (I am at work), but can't wait to look when I get home. I just ordered through them, I didn't do a kit so I needed some help with how much paper to order. They were super helpful! I am guessing you were happy with the paper quality?
  10. I am making 25 pocket invitations, with 3-4 inserts, mats behind almost everything (meaning more paper) and a bellyband around the outside. I spent $85 for two different types of adhesives to try, all the paper and envelopes. Now I just need the ink! I used cardsandpockets.com. They have options to have them do the printing and stuff and for pocketfolds they are definatly the cheapest I have seen. Also, they have DIY kits which are cheaper then how I did it. I fell in love with an example on their blog. The customer service is also spectacular.
  11. So I just ordered from them as well. The customer service is amazing!!! I liked one of the examples on the blog so I wasn't able to order the kit. They gave me the dimensions of all the cutting I will need (since I opted to do all the cutting and printing), as well as how many peices of all the paper I will need. I just recieved a catolog from another company and this style (but ugly!) would cost me over $300 for all the pieces I plan on including in this style invite! I paid $85 for 30 pocketfolds, and enough paper to do 25-30 inserts, mats, bellybands, ect. I also ordered two different types of adhesives they sell! There colored envelopes are dirt cheap. I found everything to be pretty inexpensive except the colored pattern paper. I did recieve 25% off as well. The website was kind of confusing at first but they have a live chat and responded to all my emails within about 24 hours. I can't wait to get all my paper to start putting these together!
  12. I was thinking of doing the sand unity ceremony but we wouldn't have been able to have a table outside. I was going to involve my friends by having them hold the vase and bring the basket with the sand jars in it up and hold them. My FI and Dad are totally against the sand ceremony. I am so mad. We are going to be at NF so you won't be able to hear that great so I liked this because it was visual. My dad said it looks like doing sandart at the boardwalk!
  13. Awesome, thanks!!!! If I don't have to wait for something to be mailed to me that would be great. I will try and call them tomorrow.
  14. I want to do the MOH in dark blue and the birdesmais in light blue. All in the same style dress.
  15. I was wondering how long it took to get your information changed at the social security office before you can go to the DMV. I wuold hate to get a new lisence before the trip just to have to get another one a few weeks later! Any advice, can you call the social security office?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by SSNM A BD book = A boudoir book. This is a photobook with racey pictures of you (usually in lingerie or other sexy clothing) that is given to your FI on your wedding day. Seems to be quite popular. I want to do something similar but in fitness; that way, it can double as my portfolio for potential casting calls. Thanks! WOW, how have a never heard of this. Bet he hasn't either, LOL.
  17. I think it is reasonable but could become tacky depending on how you handle it. My ideas might be tacky but I will just throw it out there. Make up tickets for a free drink (give them however many) and have the waiter collect them when they order a drink. Once they use them all start their own tab. Similar to that you could make a note that says something about how you really appreciate them being there and want them to enjoy your wedding but also remember it and have rip off vouchers at the bottem. Maybe to kind of turn the focus off the money and onto being here to make memories that they won't drink away. You are on vacation for more then one day have this be your recooperating day. Plan a REALLY early morning excursion for everyone.... JK, you won't want to wake up either. I like the idea of beer and wine, I was thinking of doing something similar.
  18. Little kids "messing up" make a wedding! Someone else on the forum was going to have her son give her away. Even if you have her walk down with you and your dad (if he is giving you away) and then have her go off with him....
  19. I did the one for my MOH as a job description. My sister (MOH) and mom got a kick out of it. It's still on the fridge
  20. I am in the same situation. Well, I don't think mine are quite as cruel. Just don't like how opiniated I am.... Anyway, I am hoping to find a way to include them too. Also, I was trying to think of little gifts to get everyone that helps me along the way. I know one of the sisters is going to be helping me with a lot of DIY stuff so I want to get her a little something. If other people don't help I don't think I should get them anything. I don't know if that sounds fair or not....?
  21. I really would refer to them more as special guests. Anyway, my FI is only having one guy stand with him, so I was just going to have my sister. I wanted to show how special my two best friends are. I was thinking of having them where the same color as my sister. What do you think? I know they wouldn't mind, would probably be more honored then anything.
  22. Do you have to get them all the same thing? My MOH (sisters) is in Community College and going to be a teacher, my other bridesmaid moved out to Cali and is waitressing, and my other bridesmaid lives/ works on a private boats. They are all also into to totally different things.... the partier, the artsy one, and the fancy one. I want them all to love and use whatever I get them... is this totally crazy!?
  23. What is a BD book? Sorry if that sounds stupid since it seems like everyone else is on the same page.
  24. So I am having a wedding in Niagara Falls and wasn't sure if anyone could tell me how they chose cake flavors without trying them. I am not getting an inclusive cake but am dealing with the bakery myself, so with lots of choices I wasn't really sure where to start. A lot of them sound great but without trying them I was a bit nervous. Thanks guys!
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