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Everything posted by Stina4242

  1. Do most people do favors with the OOT bags. I was going to have OOT bags upon arrival and favors at their place setting.
  2. I was thinking of doing the IPOD with preloaded songs. I would put speakers with it so he can listen to it while he is getting ready. When else would he listen to a bunch of mushy love songs ! I might also get golf clubs and leave them home but give him the personalized golf balls. He always says he wants to get some but never does so I am not sure how much he would use them.
  3. She is having a big wedding so you don't need to invite her to your small one!
  4. I am doing them because both of our parents are divorced and hate eachother and probably eachothers families,... sooo I didn't want to take the chance of them not being as far from each other as possible!
  5. I don't think this fits your situation because it probably works better when the son is from another man but I LOVE when the little boy gives the mom away. I don't know why I just think it's the cutest thing. Definatly include him. By the time he is old enough to know you "should have" been married before you had him he will be old enough to know 2007 was before 2010 (his year of birth and the year you get married). I wouldn't worry about that just include the cutie!
  6. I seem to disagree with everyone. These days there are no rules if you ask me. I am sure they will understand, maybe ask them to pay for half. Whatever you decide just let them know beforehand and it shouldn't matter. If there was a fee to park at a traditional wedding you could either pay it or not pay it so whats the difference. I mean, if you can swing it I would try for that but if now just let them know ahead of time!
  7. How are you or have you applied the decorations (crystals)? Thanks everyone!
  8. Try them on with your ring. I like the plain band with solitares.
  9. Polaroid stopped making these from what I heard. I have seen a ton of other great ideas though. Have guests write a message on a whiteboard, hold it up and take a picture holding what they wrote. I am getting one from the guestbook store, I think it is just the guestbookstore.com you can google it. There is a spot for a picture and I am having it filled out with markers.
  10. I love the sand ceremony and it is so customizable. Include whoever you want do it however you want! I was going to end up having all of my guests be apart of it if I did it. My dad and fiance thought it was cheesy, I couldn't disagree more.
  11. These are great ideas, I am immpressed by everyone here yet again!
  12. cardsandpockets.com is so helpful and inexpensive. They helped me for days figureing out sizes and how many peices I needed.
  13. It is supposidly poor etiquette to do this but I did it. I couldn't afford to pay for everyone to come to our wedding, but I could afford to have them over my moms house for some food and cocktails. We had a great time!
  14. My fiance and I wanted/ could only afford a small wedding. We had an engagement party and invited everyone even if they weren't invited to the wedding. I know this is "bad etiquette" however I wanted to celebrate with everyone even though I couldn't afford to have them at our wedding.
  15. I can't rationalize spending $60 flip flops either! Let me know how it goes!
  16. Has anyone made their own bridal flip flops. It seems ridiculous to spend $50 or more on them just because they have a few rhinestones!
  17. I am getting married May 21 in Niagara Falls, Canada. I am starting to freak out now that I have to make final decisions and put deposits down. I know what I want for everything but keep second guessing myself. I am going dress shopping the 23rd and am soo excited. Right now I am working on my DIY pocketfold invites. Hoping to get them in the mail soon because the RSVP card is printed with a response date of March 1. I already know who is going and who is not for the most part anyways. There is just one family I am not sure of because I just decided to invite. Any advice on how to explain why they didn't get the STD. I am going to go with, I didn't want to pressure you into coming because of the money, Hmmm :/
  18. WOW! So my life too. My FI little sister is pregnant way too young... her and her BF celebrated there one year when she was almost 8 months pregnant. Anyways, they are planning on going after there baby is three months old! I talked them out of bringing him and was hoping the dad (who nobody likes) wouldn't go but they are planning on both going. I think this is insane to leave a three month old home while you go away! Since they are both in college and not living together most of the financial and physical responsibiliy will be falling on their mother. Still she got her an Itouch for Christmas.... even though she needs and can't afford maternity clothes (and the mom will end up buying these)! My FI got board games, HAHA! We don't ask for anything from her and she is just taking advantage and his mom is enabling her completly! It would be nice to get an offer for help once in awhile since we would actually appreciate it and not be expecting and relying on it! I hope the best for both of us!
  19. I have had this type of problem but we just respond with we are trying to keep a small intimate feel. Most people might not completly understand but aren't mad.
  20. Are you really young? I mean this sounds ridiculous and I would not have changed. You are paying for it, all she has to do is show up.... If it was my mom I would tell her to get over it.
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