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Everything posted by Stina4242

  1. I found this place when I searched "projector rental" on yahoo. http://www.projector123.com/Welcome.php
  2. I used these and the transfer paper on the site... a little goes a LONG way and you can be creative. Takes probably five or ten extra minutes this way.... I had fun with it though Iron on Hotfix Rhinestones - Flatback - Loose, Bulk and wholesale available
  3. This past weekend marked 2 months till the big day for me. I am so worried I am going to forget about doing something!!
  4. I got this paper and print out whatever my heart desires, it works GREAT! I even did my bags with these! Professional Inkjet Transfer Paper I got rhinestones from here,.... they are lasting through a lot and I get to be so creative. They were a lot cheaper then the ones I saw in AC Moore Rhinestone Heat Transfer, Custom Designs, Wholesale Hotfix Rhinestones I got the loose rhinestones and the transfer paper. I have been having way too much fun with this stuff.
  5. I spoke with the hotel this morning and they noted all the rooms that get the bags. My dad is getting there before me so he is going to take the bags to the front desk for me. Hopefully all goes well!
  6. Mine came out cute, if I do say so myself. I don't think I can attach though. Can I email it to you or something? It has a nutritional fact section and barcode and other stuff. The women I used was decent too. She charged 30 cents each, not sure if that is more or less then what you paid.
  7. How are you giving the bags to the guests? Can you work something out with hotels or do you have to do it?
  8. I did a set of two coasters. They each have a slot so I am going to use the top to put in the persons name and the bottem for a picture of us. They are small so should not be hard to travel with. favorwarehouse.com They have tonsssss of stuff! I looked mostly under practial. Happy Hunting!
  9. I am using this company for my flower and cake topper. They are really nice, and I have just asked them about doing a thank you DVD (they have invites on their website). I thought it would be nice to send everyone pics of the trip and have our song on and stuff. They said they would charge 6.50 each. They are usually willing to negociate (and knowing I always suggest a lower price they probably shot high). Just thought I would let you all know! Home - Real Touch flowers
  10. My sister (MOH) has celiacs and although I am not getting married down south (Niagara Falls bride) I called around bakeries up there and found one that does GF cupcakes so I could get her one. It would probably be harder for you if there is a language barrier but maybe your WC can look into something like this.
  11. Congratulations and Welcome! It can be overwhelming at times but this website is so helpful. The one thing I have to tell you is please wait to ask people to be in your bridal party. I regret my decision because I find myself doing everything by myself so make sure the people you pick are going to help you out!
  12. OK, so I made the mistake of asking my bridal party members immediatly after I got engaged. I always knew my two best friends would be in it and since I couldn't pick between them I made my sister MOH (even though we aren't that close). I am also close to some of my fiancees sisters but since there are three of them I didn't want to pick bewtween them so I figured none was better then one. Well, I am really regretting it. My two best friends live far away so can't help much and although my sister works and goes to school she is too busy with her social life and drinking to help me out ever. I have since made them all just bridesmaids and have no MOH. My fiancees sisters won't help me at all because they aren't in the bridal party and I feel like this is really petty. I put something on facebook asking for help and the one was like isn't that what your bridal party is for (this one happened to be in a friends once and I know she didn't do a darn thing). Part of me wants to fire my sister and make one of them one or just flip out on them and tell them they are being stupid but I feel like why make a big fight about it. Ugh, I am just really overwhelmed and upset and needed to vent. Thanks!
  13. I am kind of crashing your Canadian page because I am getting married in Niagara Falls in May, May 21 to be exact. I was wondering how much rain you guys usually get that time of year, is it hit or miss or will it most likly be raining. Thanks guys!!!
  14. This is such a great find, I am not sure what I am doing with my makeup quite yet. Will have to go play in Sephora after I get my tax return
  15. WOW! We are getting close. I am really starting to get a lot done now but feel overwhelmed a lot too!
  16. Thanks so much everyone!!! THe glue sounds great, I am going to have to look for it this weekend. Can't wait to see everyones pics!
  17. I am May 21 in Niagara Falls, my bday is the 20th though
  18. Labels are fine for the STD. I used a calligraphor for my invite though, I was lucky enough to find someone by me who did it by hand,... and didn't charge me! That was a good day!
  19. I am leaning towards a 1 year anniversary and wedding celebration as a low key backyard thing.
  20. We have NO CLUE what to get our best man! Him and his finace moved in and fixed up a house a little over a year ago, he is pretty handy and works on cars but we don't know what tools he has. He isn't like a dress up nice kind of guy so I wasn't thinking watch. Maybe it would be a good idea since he could where it to his wedding..... I will have to check with his finace to see if he has one! If he does I was thinking of doing a bunch of gift cards to places I know he goes, like Home Depot, Chilli's, WalMart. Would this be totally tacky though, I just don't know what else to do!!!
  21. I am so glad I just saw this. I have been planning on ordering these in March for months now for my girls, but was just thinking against it. Now I am definatly doing it!!! 2/3 of my girls travel a lot so I am not sure if I should get one for the third or not.... Hmmmm. Is it weird to do something different? I do wish they could personalize the bags, that would make it perfect!
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