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Everything posted by ~Crista-Lee~

  1. Dislike Taking out the garbage?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by giraffexx I was thinking of sending them out in June with a RSVP date of August. This way I have 3 months to plan for OTT bags, favors and all the last minute little things. Karen, that's awesome that you already have 22 booked! I wish! We only have verbal RSVP's... I just wish they would go ahead and book! I want to add the number of people booked to my signature, but that would be super awkward... Bride + Groom + Bride's parents = 4
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Crista - that's so awesome on your obvious body accomplishments! That is just the best isn't it?? I did pilates reformer (the machine) last night and it made me feel like a wimp even after completing P90X, how crazy is that?! Thanks! It has been a lot of tears... a lot of laying on the floor not knowing if I'll get up and definitely not wanting to get up. I cringe when I hear the words superman - banana! Tony Horton is really annoying, but for some reason makes us laugh... especially when you can tell the people in the studio are thinking the exact same thing! I just hope I can stick with it! I feel great, I have so much more energy... now if only I could stick to the diet plan...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd I'm very proud of myself as I got a LOT done!! Taylorwd's To Do's: 1. Put together Day Of Emergency Kit--DONE 2. Decide on guest book--DONE 3. Finish writing ceremony--FI and I don't have any time together to do this 4. Find something blue! (shoe decor most likely)--DONE! It's the cutest little blue seahorse charm that I'm going to hang from my sandal strap 5. Purchase sand art for the kids--DONE 6. Purchase sand ceremony supplies--bought the frame but still need sand 7. Decorate flower girl basket--DONE 8. Purchase hair accessories--DONE 9. Find maracas--DONE 10. Finish menu/drink cards--they're printed but not assembled 11. Put together grandparents' photos in frames--no, but I bought the frames! 12. Reception playlist--1/2 DONE 13. Get paperwork together for onsite meeting 14. Get a marriage license!--DONE 15. Have a rockin' BD shoot!!--DONE I also: 16. Mailed AHR invites 17. Finished Itineraries/programs 18. Bought new bracelet for wedding day since I ruined mine while trying to clean it 19. Scheduled my final beauty treatments Taylorwd's new To Do's! 1. Finish writing the ceremony 2. Assemble Menu/Drink cards 3. Assemble frames for grandparents' pictures 4. Finish reception playlist 5. Get paperwork together for onsite meeting 6. Pick up dress on Saturday! 7. Get married on April 1st! 8. Decide on sand for sand ceremony Taylor, are you planning on doing the sand ceremony directly into the photo frame?
  5. Great Thread! I came to check out your sand ceremony frame and got drawn in by all of your other fabulous idea's! All the best to you! It looks like your wedding will be wonderful!
  6. I've been inspired! Thanks to everyone who posted pics. It really helps with visualizing what can be done for a DW. I have idea's... I'm just concerned about logistics and getting everything to Mexico in one piece and trying to keep it as light as possible.
  7. What makes me feel better is... I'm getting married in Mexico to my best friend and man I love more than anything in the world, with all of my friends and family and people who truly love me. She'll be at home in Canada in November, it'll be cold and hopefully really snowy. She will be all alone... I think I'm the winner here! LOL No matter what... if people do this kind of crap over text message or facebook... it's so immature and they really aren't even worth a second thought. It's so selfish! Marak... I love the trash comment! I needed that!
  8. Nope... I wish I could erase those regrets... if only we could turn back time... Are you secretly wishing for a stripper at your bachelorette party?
  9. Has anyone sent out official invitations yet? We did STD's in December. Our invitations will hopefully go out in April? Finger's crossed. I'm just getting a little nervous about not having many people booked yet. It's still 7 months away but I was hoping more people would have at least paid a deposit by now Am I crazy
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by punkie569 We are date twins!!! And we both are getting married with a Karisma resort. How fun! Love the Azul but we wanted adults only. Can't wait to hear more about your plans That's awesome! I'm excited to finally meet a date twin! We're super excited about the Azul Sensatori. It looks great and we've heard great things about it. We couldn't do adults only because of nieces and nephews and friends with kids. The AS seems to have a great kids program and adults only section. Best of both worlds!
  11. Crista’s To Do's: 1. Work Out - Kicking asses and taking names! I've had a ton of compliments from people noticing I've lost weight and crazy visible body changes!! It's keeping me on top of my game! 2. Work on web site - In progress 3. Wait for invitations, patiently of course...Literally this is in my FI's hands right now and I'm not too pleased. (I got another "revised copy" today - How many more "revisions" could possibly be needed He's making this a little more difficult than it needs to be and dragging his feet. 4. Start finding stuff for OOT bags - Shopping trip starts on Thursday! Target here I come! 5. Start my shopping list for US shopping trip at the end of the month. In Progress Not my list from last week but done: Booked the Catamaran Excursion! Woo Hoo!! New to do's: 1. Work out - P90X & Gym 2. Work on website 3. Invitations... wait AGAIN... Patiently... 4. OOT Bags 5. Continue shopping list 6. Find TTD 7. Find Luggage Tags 8. SHOP TIL I DROP!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by daliax22 Hello Ladies, I was just wondering if any of you are planning a Sensatori wedding closer to the end of 2010? Please let me know, send a private message if you prefer.....I need some help. Thanks! Hi Dalia, my wedding date is November 2010 at the AS. Feel free to ask away! Everyone on here is full of information. This forum is by far the best resource ever!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I thought I'd try to end today on a positive note instead of all Debbie Downer on you guys I got my proof pix for my real touch flowers: Yellow pin on corsages for my aunts and whatnot, green orchid bouts for the boys and uncles: Bridesmaids bouquet, orchids and fuschia tulips: My bridal bouquet is the upper right hand bouquet: My centerpiece stems that will be submerged in water with a floating candle atop: Amy, they are absolutely fabulous!
  14. 1. Where is your cell phone? Nightstand 2. Your significant other? Dining Room 3. Your hair? Messy 4. Your mother? Best 5. Your father? RIP - Step Father? Awesome 6. Your favorite thing? Jonas (dog) 7. Your dream last night? Party 8. Your favorite drink? Wine 9. Your dream/goal? Fit 10. The room you're in? Living Room 11. Your ex? Douche! 12. Your fear? Sickness 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Mommy 14. Where were you last night? Movie 15. What you're not? Thin 16. Muffins? Chocolate 17. One of your wish list items? Manolo Blahnik's 18. Where you grew up? Calgary 19. The last thing you did? Brunch 20. What are you wearing? Sweats 21. Your TV? MTV 22. Your pets? Jonas (my dog) & Ninja (my crazy cat) 23. Your computer? laptop 24. Your life? Great 25. Your mood? Relaxed 26. Missing someone? Mom 27. Your vehicle? Nitro 28. Something you're not wearing? Socks 29. Favorite Store? Lululemon 30. Your summer? Relaxing 31. Like someone? love 32. favorite color? Pink 33. When is the last time you laughed? This morning 34. Last time you cried? Yesterday
  15. That is crazy! I can't believe that far out that it's sold out. My wedding is two weeks after yours in the Mayan Riveria, also departing from Toronto. This makes me want to call all my guests now and tell them to get on it. I'm glad it worked out for you! It just goes to show... people need to book early.
  16. My biggest stress in all of this has been getting people to book and the worry of people not booking. I wish I could just do it for them. It's hard because we're across the country from most of our friends and family. I think if we were seeing them all the time, it might be a littler easier and almost a reminder to them but we're not... hence the reason we chose a destination wedding.
  17. Wow! This is an awesome list. When in doubt, in a panic or frustrated with my WC, I'll have to refer back to this. Thanks so much!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Sheree10 I found wording that can be used from the dw forum on Wedding Dresses - Wedding Cakes - Wedding Planning - Unique Wedding Ideas - By TheKnot.com. I've seen it somewhere else before but don't remember where it came from or who wrote it. Our Postcard Guestbook: In place of a traditional guestbook, we plan to keep these postcards in an album to remember our wedding. Please take a postcard to sign and return to the table when you are finished. Feel free to share your advice and wisdom on love and marriage, your predictions for the future, or tell us about a favorite memory from your time with us. Thank you. These are my inspiration pictures for this special project. Sorry if they are too small... it's my first time uploading pics on this site. Thanks for the pics! I was wondering how to do it without losing the actual postcard picture. I'll have to be on the lookout for the clear sheets.
  19. This is such a great idea! Very unique and personable. I might have to borrow this idea.
  20. I'm getting married November 10, 2010 at the Azul Sensatori in the Mayan Riveria. So happy to find other November brides
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