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Everything posted by ~Crista-Lee~

  1. Like (but with my dog) swimming?
  2. Has anyone else heard about the Oscar curse? Shortly after many actresses win an Oscar, their most important relationships fall apart in what has become known as the "Oscar curse." Kate Winslet, Halle Berry, Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon and Hilary Swank are just a few on that list.
  3. I think it was Can't buy me love or something? But I could be totally wrong. Izzy was my favorite for the longest time... but personally I think my favorite now is Calli. I have a feeling she and McSteamy will end up together.... just a hunch!
  4. Oh no... we did it at the same time: But it still works.... Drinks: Beer
  5. It's a short work week... and it's now officially half over! The weather looks like it'll be amazing this weekend!
  6. What an absolute nightmare!!! I feel for the girls who lost their dresses.
  7. Unfortunately when it comes to weddings, you really do find out who you're true friends are. I lost a friend/ bridesmaid but that just means it wasn't meant to be... maybe our friendship was just over. Just remember who is going to be there for you... those are the friends that are worth your friendship!
  8. Have you sold the Michael's passport covers? If not, I will take them all.... PM'ing you!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Hahaha, my dad was the exact same way! He's on board now and is one of the most excited people, I think, but he amused us with his worries of being kidnapped or killed. Welcome!! We'll help any way we can! That is a great idea! You're very nice to your guests. Since we're taking our guests sailing in Mexico, we figured that would be their "thank you for coming/ we're so happy you're here." Speaking of which Wendy, thank you for the referral to Paradise Catamarans. We've booked a private morning catamaran snorkeling trip for our guests as a thank you gift to them. Mark was totally awesome to deal with and was so quick at getting back to us with everything. I can't wait... I've read so many great reviews and all of the "special" wedding surprises they do... although I don't want to know what those are until we're on the boat!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Yeah, I saw you're the 10th. Congrats!! There is also supposed to be another wedding on the 12th with me. I wonder who that is? What are your colors? I had a really hard time deciding on colours, I was torn between pinks and blues. My BM dresses ended beiong hot pink, so I've decided to just go with a tropical colour theme - pinks, blues, purples etc... I've decided to not worry too much about it. No matter what, it will look great...
  11. 30 mins on the Elliptical and 1 hour body pump class.
  12. Wendy!!! They are fabulous, your outfits are great! The vintage pin up feel is so hot. You are one stunning girl!
  13. Wendy, I'm totally looking forward to seeing your BD shots! From all the great comments I'm super excited!
  14. I'm hoping I remember this time and will make it! So far the 9th is good for me. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
  15. Ohhhh and I totally forgot about this, even though I've been waiting for ever.... my invitations should be delivered directly from the printer on Thursday. My FI is snowboarding in Whistler this weekend, I'll be home alone this long weekend with invitations to assemble! Sucks to have to do them all alone, but I'm just excited to have them done and hopefully mailed out early next week. It looks like I might actually meet my first week of April dead line I set for myself!
  16. I had a very productive shopping trip this weekend! We bought our center pieces - we actually stumbled upon them at Yankee Candle. It's just a simple hurricane, about 30 cm tall (I guess one Katie will understand my measurements), a votive holder that dips down deeper (which will block the wind) and then we bought sea & sand potpourri with the sea shells and star fish for inside the hurricane and to decorate the table. I'll put one together this weekend and post a pic. I actually was able to find a couple copies of Spanish for Dummies at Target! Luck was on my side. No luck with a TTD though... I didn't even attempt to go to David's Bridal, I was pretty shopped out. The best news of all... clothes! I know my body has changed but I don't think I realized how much until I started trying clothes on. I've literally gone down 3 sizes! I felt amazing and it boosted my confidence so much. I was super cranky at work today after returning from a couple days off, I took my gym bag to work with me, but on the subway ride after work I contemplated going home and putting on sweats and being lazy... and then I remembered that feeling... and I went to straight to the gym, hit the elliptical and then a body pump class. I love this feeling!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by dstinationdrmr Hello Everyone! My name is Meredith and I am new to the site. I joined a few months ago but this is my 1st post. Reading all of your comments has been extremely helpful to me but it's so much info that I can't possibly keep up! My wedding is scheduled for November 12, 2010 @ Azul Sensatori @ 4pm. Problem is, I have had so much drama surrounding getting family members (on his side) on board to come to the wedding that I haven't started planning anything @ the resort!! So basically any and all advice that you ladies can share would be great! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and learn along the way. Hopefully, when I get started with all of this I can offer some assistance also! Hi Meredith, Welcome to the group! I'm getting married November 10th, we'll be there at the same time! Woo Hoo! I'm all too familiar with the family/ friend drama, I've just decided to ignore it and not let them rain on my parade. Feel free to ask away, these ladies have been my life line through this process. Crista
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Katie~ Ok, no laughing....I'm putting my life on the line here..... here's ALL my BD shots....with NO retouching...YET! To view your images just go to: Zenfolio | Amy Symons Photography | KatieGBoudoir and enter the password: (going to be annoying and ask you to message me for the password - I'm conscious that anyone can look on here and click on it, hope you all understand) These are the processed images but are not yet retouched, retouching includes: line, spot + dark circle removal, skin smoothing, lump and bump removal, background and outfit corrections, and small colour/tone adjustments. Let me know the numbers of the ones that you would like as 9x6 retouched prints. The number shows in the corner of the image, on the right, when it is selected, and also underneath the image ************************************************** ******* let me know which numbers you think are the best as they are (if any lol) and which would be the best to get retouched...I hate making decisions! Oh Katie, I'm late!!! I went away for the weekend and missed your message! They are all really great! You're gorgeous girl! I'm loving the football jersey. My fav's are 2, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 35, 37, 43, 45, 51, 53,57, 66, 68, 70, 71, 75, 77, 80, 85, 87, 89, 90.... um so pretty much I like them all!
  19. Great website! It looks great and I love Jack Johnson! I was working on mine tonight and yours looks so much better. Maybe you should do mine?
  20. Diva, that's totally the best reference! I'm a Sex In The City addict!
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