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Everything posted by mlabbe

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz Thank you so much!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the big font!!! I wonder if I would be able to use it...do you remember the name of it? I couldn't remember, so I opened-up the file. It's "KyrillaSansSherif-Black". Don't know if that will help!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Lorimc52 Can I use non-pro pics on blurb? I can't seem to get them uploaded ;( LOVE THIS BOOK! You can use whatever picture that you have on your computer, as long as they are the right format. I'm not sure what would prevent you from uploading pictures into the software itself... Blurb has really great help files and tutorial videos, I'm sure you'll find the answer to your specific issue on there! Good luck!
  3. Ok ladies, I went for my 2nd fitting today and YIKES!!!! They "un-poofed" the dress and it looks quite bad! I think that it might have been a bad idea... next fitting is in two weeks (which is really starting to cut it close) and hopefully it will be a bit better but right now, it looks crazy! I'll post a photo tomorrow
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 which dress did you finally pick?! I think that we're all wondering that too!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz These are absolutely FABULOUS!!!! Can you please share the fonts with me?!?!? The main font is Calibri - it comes with all of the new Windows / Office Suites as a free Microsoft font. The big bold letters is a really odd font, I don't recommend it as some of the letter have random Russian characters in it... I was just lucky that I didn't need those letters! The script font is called Emmascript - that's an expensive one but it can be found on torrents online from time to time.
  6. Thank you ladies! I'll get started asap if I don't want to glow with paleness!
  7. Not weird at all! I chose to go that route even though my parents will be there. Feels more like me!
  8. Done! Hope that you get all of the responses that you need!
  9. Usually flushmount albums can be quite expensive, just because of the construction. Obviously though you should be able to find something cheaper if you go through a company directly than though your photographer. I don't like them personally (I prefer the look of real books), but tons of people on here got some done, so I'm sure that you'll find your answer! Good luck!
  10. So, I've heard different takes on this, but if I leave in 1 month, how often should I go (lie-down bed) to get a base tan (not a crazy tan)? I've been told just a few times a week to every day of the week... I'm confused!
  11. I created our guest book using Blurb.com, because I had used them before and I knew that I could trust the results. The software is free and easy to use (although can be slow if you don't have much memory on your computer), and their ordering system is efficient and reliable. And the end product looks like a real book you could get at the bookstore! I get the book in about 2 weeks, can't wait to get it in my hands! Here is the link for our guest book - the preview page lets you see all the pages of our book, cover to cover. Magalie + Travis | Blurb For the inside I did a combo of three things: blank space for those who know what to say or wanted to draw something, fill in the blank / mad libs along with some of our "engagement session" (i.e. shots taken after our civil ceremony). Warning: while doing online research for examples of wedding mad libs, I clicked on a link and got 13+ viruses on my computer (which has been fixed now, thankfully!), so be very careful on what you click on if you want to go with that idea!!!
  12. Wow, that's even a bigger challenge! Good luck to you too! I do like your idea with the program though, that way you can easily cover everyone
  13. Merci ma chère! French is the first language of 1/3 of our group and I'd say that 1/2 speak it, so it makes sense in our case. By total fluke the person doing our ceremony speaks French, so I wanted to utilize it - I just didn't like the ceremony that she put together, it didn't feel like "us".
  14. I have been writing my ceremony script and am looking top do the opening and closing of the ceremony in French, as a surprise to all of our French-speaking guests. I tried looking for examples of ceremonies in French, but I can't find anything at all on here or on Gloogle - I can only find examples of texts to read during the ceremony. I know that there are a lot of Montreal brides-to-be on here; are any of you having the ceremony in French or in both languages? Any help is much appreciated!
  15. I agree with the other girls, she's probably embarrassed and disappointed. Sometimes it's easier to say difficult things through email than by phone or in person... Perhaps you should just let her know how you feel and why you are upset, and reassure her that you understand and value your friendship. I will all be fine!
  16. Hello ladies! I've been searching everywhere online and here for examples of a ceremony script in French. Any brides out there having a French or bilingual ceremony Please help, it is driving me bonkers!
  17. Welcome to the forum! We chose to have our wedding in Puerto Vallarta after many days of research... we went sort of crazy with a spreadsheet - we listed all of the places we liked from all over and narrowed it down from there based on what felt the more like us.
  18. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! I wouldn't feel too bad about it though, after all you are having a AHR and are letting people know that they can come if they want to. I would assume that your friends should know you and know that this is what you want and makes you happy - they should be rooting for your happiness and stop being so selfish. Just my opinion! The wedding is about you, not them. And to me it does sound like you are having a real wedding - just one without the added fluff. In our case the tension came from inviting people who in turn couldn't afford it - it was more a "I dare you get married in Mexico, it's so expensive". Like you said, you can't please everyone! So just ignore their comments and stick to what will make the two of you happy. In the end, that's all that matters. Good luck! PS. My sister-in-law told people that she was having a "just very close, immediate family" wedding as her reason to not invite everyone, and people let her be. I think when you exclude everyone instead of just some people, it makes it easier for people to understand and not take it personally.
  19. It kinda looks like it's not the same people in the divorce one, but don't quote me on that!
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