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Everything posted by Raykel

  1. Ladies I am sure you guys have seen this before, but in case you haven't, there is a link on one of the main page threads for the Riviera Mayan....it has a map of all the resorts along the coast. In case you haven't seen it, I am going to try attaching it.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Raykel- Did you find a TTD dress yet? I ordered mine from Wholesale - Buy China Wholesale Products from Chinese Wholesalers on DHgate.com and it came in 2 weeks- not perfect but only $125! I didn't find one yet......I am going to check out this link right away! Thanks:) One of the other girls getting married at this resort actually ordered her dress from an ebay site - completely custom made - for $200-ish. I love my dress....but grrr....if I could have had it custom made (or copied) for a fraction of the price! So wish I had found out about that site sooner. Oh well c'est la vie. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk raykel,jon failed again so 3rd time lucky when he books another one.never mind i suppose i will have to take him to work again tomorrow. well ladies wont bore you with the details but bit pi**ed off today.every new year we end leaving it till last min to book anything and end up staying at one of our houses which we always enjoy but after the bad year we have had my best friend wanted to go out.turns out the restaurant closed at 11pm so she didnt want to go as she said the whole point is to be out at strike of 12.we couldnt think of anything else to do because everywhere else was booked up.fi went to bed for an hrs nap(as he was up at 5am for work)i think he forgot i got up with him. saying dont matter if they dont go we will still go.i got him up he comes down in dressing gown sits in front of fire saying he wasnt bothered.im sorry but i got really excited yesterday to say goodbye to the shit year we have had and bring in the brill one to come.obv they didnt get this until fi realised i was bit arsey with him.so we had indian takeaway i had a bottle of wine and blew my giant space hopper up i had for xmas lol.fi joined in the bit then had 1 glass of cider.so i i did bore you with the details haha.next year i will have to remember not to get excited again lol. i think i might wait for fi to get up and make him cook me a bbiiiggg breakfast seeing as i went out and bought stuff for full english and continental for the 4 of us.right ive let it go now.except colds worse today and i thought i was getting better yesterday. Sorry to hear about new years......that is so disappointing, but it sounds like Jon made a bit of an effort when he realized you were disappointed/pissed off. That is good:) Sorry to hear about the driving test....tell him not to be discouraged. He is probably putting too much pressure on himself to do well. He needs to just relax - he probably does fine when he isn't taking a test, right? It will be better in 2010!
  3. Have a good day at work! Have a good NYE Shells! How did Jon's test go?
  4. Susie! Poor Sweetpea....I would take her. I am sure she would do ok with my Border Collies. They shed so much - not as much as an Aussie, but right up there! One of mine nearly died when I boarded him years ago....so this time they are going to the vet together and staying in one of the gynormous kennels there. That way if anything happens they have help on hand! Does your vet board? Then she would know the people there at least. Good news your brother booked! Alone I presume?
  5. FMG- I havent ordered cups yet either... so indecisive. Cant decide between regular stadium cups (cheap plentiful and easy to travel with), plastic beer steins (FIs choice), or insulated mugs (which on this website seem very popular but Id be purchasing the cheapest possible ones so they may look cheap)... last night I made coloring books for the kids (we have 10 coming!). The FI leaves town Sunday for 2 weeks so I will have lots of time to starve, work out and DIY at home:) I really want to do the insulated mugs, even if it means cutting other stuff out of the oot bags. I want people to keep and use them - not a huge environmentalist, but that just seems better to me. All our friends and family are drinks on the go kind of people with a few 2cup addicts thrown in so I thought they would continue to use them afterwards. Of course if I don't hurry up they won't get anything! I am going to check Elite here at home and if their price is terrible, then I will go with discount mugs. I have a colouring book pretty much done for the kids I just have to print them and pick up a couple packs of crayons. Funny how much stuff we get done when the boys are away! Shells....I have not been to the UK long enough to try the Indian Cuisine there - just airports but I still love it here at home too. I know Kel has had ex's too, but I figure their loss...my gain! Its nice that the one big trip he did with one of them - they fought the whole time (that makes me sound so mean!) Its good though because it was a trip to Scotland and I really want to go there, so he still does to see it without all the bickering:) I know...makes me a small person in some ways.... Susie.....don't get sick again! I am running on empty here and totally get the no sleep, but don't let it catch up with you! I voted for MOM...I think....there are a few things I still have not figured out on here, but I was at the nomination page. Do you go somewhere else to actually vote? FMG - hope you had good dance class!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Ok ladies here is my hair ideas I don't know which I like better... the double braided one is pretty neat because its different, but I might not be able to use my tiara and the other one is pretty and simple. What do you guys think? or maybe modify it.... Thank Gosh my sister is my hair stylist and she is willing to do a ton of trial runs! Shells- Loved the story about the pillows!! Timberly- Another cold shopping day Allison- Have a great time this NYE sounds fun I like your hair both ways - but the two braids is prettier and more elegant looking IMO for the wedding. You and Timberly look like you are having lots of fun - again! So jealous! Love love love shopping for good deals!
  7. I completely agree.....its tough though. She should probably grow up a bit and ask you if she can do something to help rather than having her husband send an email. She clearly knows you well enough - and if she doesn't its a good way to start. Don't let her spoil this time for you Krista. Good luck!
  8. Thanks for the review! This is really good info to have. Congrats on being a Mrs!
  9. LOL...it feels like everything! I need to actually order my oot bags and mugs and I have to make the programs and table numbers and we have to come up with some sort of seating plan. So a few things have to wait till Jazmin gets back next week.....but these things should not take me too long...I just really want to get started. Oh...and I am making my guest book for Mexico as well.
  10. Hi there! Welcome....it sounds like you guys already have a whole lot done and organized! Good job and happy planning!
  11. FMG - your NYE sounds nice! The fireworks will be awesome to see from your hotel! Musch like Krista ours is going to be quiet this year, which is fine by me! I have to work during the day, but then my MOHs are coming over...one with her family (she's married) and the other is bringing her BF. We are just going to hang out, eat fingerfoods (some veggies too so it is not all junk food!) and watch some movies. Low key, but that way the kids can be there too. Then I really have to buckle down and get a load of work done on DIY projects!
  12. Aw sweetie that sure puts you in an akward position. You definitely need to speak with your FI. It is wonderful all the people want to come and have the vacation but also share in the day. Maybe you can phone the people who were initially on your list (unless you are sending out hard copy invites?) and ensure they all know they are personally invited. Then you guys can either email or post on your website that you are very happy and excited that so many people want to travel with you guys for your big day and are very appreciative...then tell them the wedding ceremony is open to everyone and at 1100pm (or whenever your reception is over) everyone can meet up at one of the resort discos/bars to continue celebrating together, but the actual wedding dinner and reception is a small intimate affair of only 30 (or however many you are planning) family member with a few very close friends (or just say family and if anyone asks about the friends going you can say they are so close to you and your FI you consider them family). I don't know if you are doing an AHR, but you can tell people that is what you are considering the after 1100pm party....similar to the AHR. Good luck!
  13. I have been to several weddings where the groom walked down the aisle with his parents or his mom....but they did that as the very start of the whole ceremony....it was like a signal to everyone things were beginning. Then the rest of the wedding party came in. IMO that is okay, but it would seem weird to me to have the mom go up right before me in the processional. It is your day though and if you and FI don't want to do this, then you guys just have to be as nice about it as you can and tell her no. Good luck!
  14. Susie that sounds like it would have been a cool party...especially if you guys dressed up...you could have channeled your bros now ex! LOL Guys it is really cold here this morning too....-20. Oh I hate the cold...and early mornings! Hope you all have a good day!
  15. Shells....Thanks for the info on the snuba....your huney keeps telling you about these things he did with his buddies before - right I think you are doing more than enough for your friends. They are getting the vacation and are going to spend time with you guys throughout the trip having fun. Susie I feel your pain....I hate the cold. Every winter I think about moving, but then I go on another trip to a hot, third world country with the disease, poverty and all the biting stinging poisonous creatures and decide that as beautiful as those countries are I will stick with Canada. Our country is beautiful and amazing....its just so darn cold sometimes!!! Thank gosh for command start!!! 27 more days....wow! That is going to fly by...but you are totally organized and have everything together - remember you are even packed! You are so ready. Woohooo!
  16. HereFishie - I heard from my cousin who has been there twice and she says when she was there they did serve Corona at the bars in the resort....so unless something has changed your huney should be good to go! Let me know if that has changed.....I will gently pre-warn my one family member since that is all he drinks!
  17. That is what my mom suggested too....having two, even on the same weekend with mostly friends at one and then family at a second....I am going to talk to the FMIL and get some suggestions from her on who to invite from their side. She may think I am inviting more from their side than I need to as well. If we did invite everyone on the same day where on earth would we have it? My mom has suggested the community hall, but then it just seems so much bigger and I am worried about it costing the girls a ton of cash. I have a few more days to come up with the guest list, so I will keep playing with it.....It would be nice to ask them all....It was the same when I was growing up Susie....when mom got invited to one she always asked if I could come because it was such a big deal to be included and get to have a "girls event" before the wedding.
  18. Oh boy...the girls have asked me to come up with a guest list for a shower later in January. So I went through the guest list and ended up with 60 people! So I edited that list and I am still over 40....um isn't that crazy! I was thinking it should be about 20, but with the amount of close family and friends my FI and I have collected over the years (some of us have been friends since we were 5 years old) how the heck to I narrow that list down and not hurt people's feelings? How many people did you guys have at your showers?
  19. I found this site called budgetbride.com for silk flowers and boutennieres. I am hoping they ship to Canada and the cost is not brutal because they have really good pricing. Has anyone one out there used them? Did you like the flowers? Okay...sorry guys...I can't spell that should say "budget bride"
  20. Brooke - can't wait to see the photos. I am having a dilema with the hair too. I definitely ruled out the veil and have a pretty crystal headband to keep the hair out of my face, but curly or straight? Mostly down or up? I don't know....in two weeks I am hooking up with my hair guru and she is going to play for a couple hours using some pictures I like and we will go from there. Can't wait to see your photos and see if we can help you out! Shells....I would imagine if there was Snuba at Xelha I would have found it by now. Dang....I was hoping to do both so I guess we shall see how the week goes. Teneil...sorry you got stuck in Vegas. I am surprised they didn't have some sort of turkey dinner at all. You would think the hotels would have that option at least! Its not great being anyplace when its not your choice. Timberly - glad you made it back sans the cast! Ice skating sounds like fun. I haven't done that in about 12 years! I used to be pretty good with all the figure skating lessons I had as a kid, but now I think I would just land on my head!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Leftovers tonight and just relaxing.... i have to work tomorrow and FI has to work on our ipod for the wedding... I love simple nights.... I'll talk to you ladies tomorrow... Nite gals.... Sorry raykel What is snuba!!!!! if you can explain I can tell you if there is Snuba at Xelha Good for you for standing up to your brother....family stuff can be hard....as we are so learning here right now! I hope he gets the message and stops seeing her...maybe he is tired of her drama as well. Snuba....I will try. It is a cross between scuba diving (no certs necessary) and snorkelling. You wear the big head gear that has O2 attached to it and a couple of scuba divers with you. Then you walk along the bottom of the ocean about 10-15 feet deep and get to see all the fishies from below and walk along with the stingrays.....you might have to google it for a better explanation, but that is the gist of it.
  22. HereFishie! You are leaving for your holiday site inspection soon! Wish I was going with you and leaving this cold Edmonton of ours behind for a week too.....have a pina colada for me! Safe and happy travels!
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