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Everything posted by Raykel

  1. These are fantastic and just what I was looking for! Way to go fellow Albertan (transplanted you say, but you are still ours!
  2. The shower sounds absolutely wonderful. The at home Chef....sweet! I am trying to be positive. Deep breaths and blocking....I can't do anything now until Wednesday. Oh and I am making lists.....such a loser but it makes me feel better! I now have an updated OOT Bag list...things for the oot bag and things I already have as well as things I ordered and am waiting ong. A list of things to update in my binder that I have all the stuff compiled in (clearly not all the paperwork or the virus would not have scared me so bad!), and a list of things left to do this month. Ok....4 lists because I started a music one too. hahaha.....see too busy to worry right at this moment.
  3. That is a beautiful bouquet. I tried talking to a lady at a place called budgetbride and she was really good...except I still have no sample bouquet (end of december) and she is not returning emails. So I would suggest avoiding that company when you are deciding.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Joss Hey ladies, it's been a long time since i've been on here, but wanted to say congrats to all the recently married ladies, and soon to be ladies. I leave tomorrow, well, more like in 3 hours for the airport, and am pretty stoked to finally be on my way. Take care everyone! Congrats Joss! Have a wonderful time and we will all be here waiting to hear all about it and see pics!
  5. Brooke - you are so funny! I never thought of wearing that dress you posted with the "air conditioning"....and it is a bit classier than the one with all the rips in it. Good idea LOL Sorry about your computer. That sucks out loud. Is someone looking at it for you - you aren't going to loose stuff, right? Tricia - Happy Married Day! You do have a full weekend. We just have to channel some sexpot (I can think of no one right a this minute) and we should be good tomorrow. Does you DH know? Mine does not and now has the day off. So I am going to get up as if I am still coming to work (4 am), somehow get my stuffout of the house and go sleep and then get ready at my mom's. Ugh. I hope the pictures do not reflect the early wake up! He caught me packing my suitcase last night....he asked what I was hiding and told him I was packing for the trip and there was some stuff I did not want him to see yet. LIAR! I know it is a white lie, but still.....he is going to think I have really lost my mind when he catches me repacking that whole suitcase! LOL Krista - have a great party! Remember to post some photos. Timberly - I am sorry about the ring. That is so disappointing and I would be upset too. Susie - I swear I just read yesterday you had laid down the law "NO SHOWER" I believer? LOL....how nice they were able to completely surprise you! You have some great friends....lucky lady! 4 days to go....packing finished or little things left? So exciting - I think I am one of the last this month, so I am just going to live vicariously through all of you till the 25th!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by TeNeil Hey ladies, A couple of things: We are getting married at BPT in 1 MONTH!!! I was told by our WC that our wedding location won't be confirmed until we arrive at the resort and have our meeting. Is this true for everyone else? Also, I just wanted to give a heads up to those having a civil ceremony. I assumed that the package included all of the costs, but just found out that the blood tests are an extra fee. It costs $160US which is paid in cash to the dr........(he is making some good $$$!) I had my location booked within a couple days of booking our trip. Pretty much as soon as the deposits were confirmed. I don't know who your WC is (I have Jazmin at Tulum) but if you are not getting the answer you need, maybe get a hold of Paloma (head WC). My TA helped me with that and got her to confirm everything and then everything else went from there. Good Luck! If I can help with contact info or something, let me know.
  7. Kristab...those shoes are great! I am a shoe whore. Unfortunately (or fotunately?) I have super skinny feet so I only get to buy about 2 of every 8 pair I try on:) love love love the shoes..... Thanks on the dress. Manager was really good about it and they have bumped up the lastest fitting to next Wed and will have whatever it is the seamstress thinks she has to do done. Then I guess we take it from there. I am just going to take a couple deep breaths when I think of it and let it go.....I cannot do anything more until next Weds so I have to let it go. Shells if they don't fix this one I am hooped. I don't have time to shop and there is no way they can get anything in on time.....I am just going to hope for the best. I guess I could just wear a bikini....or wait....who had the cool ripped up looking one....sofiya? Do you still have that one avaiable LOL
  8. On a happier note - because that is so what I need to focus on - Brooke you are one hawt lady! The shoot went awesome - great idea with the shower. Tricia I have mine this Sunday too and I hope my shots turn out as well as everyone else's so far! Ali - sorry about the panty party conflict. I know everyone has their own comfort levels, but if I was uncomfortable I would do something silly like buy candy underwear or something more of a joke just to take part. That's me though. Krista...too bad about FI's dad. Does he not like to travel or is he afraid to fly and just won't admit it? I hope that works out with your FI. You guys just have to make the best of it though because it is your day and that is what really matters:) Teshy and Breens - happy day! Congrats a bit late:) Woohoo! Catch you later ladies:)
  9. Hey guys...sorry I have been MIA. A little stressed, but not too bad...till yesterday. I went to have my final fitting, which was really for mom and MOH to be shown how to do up the dress, bustle etc. They have badly damaged the dress. Bad. I was standing there trying not to cry or do a bridzilla on them as the seamstress is letting out seams with me in it - seams that until this point were untouched. They pressed the dress and somone was pulling on a seam while they did it and have stretched it all out of shape so now it is full of buckles and pulls - that she does not know if she can fix. So calling the manager today to have a chat. Shit guys. It has all been going too smoothly and this? Seriously it has to be this, my dress? I keep telling myself it is going to work out, but I am not convincing myself well.....poor FI told me I could just wear my underwear and it wouldn't matter. Sweetie. But um....I really would like to wear my dress that I paid for and with the hemming etc am now into for how much? Sorry guys I don't mean to be a downer....just kinda stuck here. Dangit I thought it was all smooth sailing at this point.
  10. Good news! Thank you all for the good wishes and happy computer thoughts! The computer doctor took my computer and I guess I realized what was going on fast enough it didn't need to be torched! He ran a couple of big time super duper virus things on it and killed the lille rotter! Whoppeeee! So no internet yet because I have to back everything up tonight first! Shells you are so blessed to have such a good friend. It sounds like you have been a really good friend to her too:) Susie - love SweetPea! My pups would have done the same thing and been all over me. I wish you had a video:) You will have to post a picture. KristaH....so sorry about your grandma. Maybe you can make a date to sit down with her and show her your video when you get back. As for the rest - do not miss an opportunity to see your grandma because your Aunt is there. It is not worth missing out on time with your grandma. Your SIL sounds like a treat. "Dont' worry I can still fly." ...okay was I supposed to worry? Pregnant women fly all the time. Seriously. Ladies the dresses are beautiful. Teshy - for back up to the strapless tops - I use Aveno Self tanning lotion. Most the others make me orange or rub off on clothing and I find this one doesn't. It might make nice back up if the day before you notice you have a tan line where you don't want it. You can put it on a couple times and cover up when you are outside that day. Timberly the shower looks like it was wonderful - I love the way the tables were decorated! Umm...did i see a Tiffany box in the background? Gotta run and finish working! Tonight I have to go to Sparks (5 and 6 yr old Girl Guides) and then put my BD shoot bag together. FI is home tomorrow night and I am trying really hard to keep this a surprise! TTYL lovely ladies!
  11. LOL Oh Brooke! I was at a wedding this summer when that happened and it was so funny. It would be so easy to do! I do have AVG....it rocks. However this is a somewhat new virus and the f#c$er got through. As soon as I realized what I had done I started ripping cords out and ran a diagnostic - which came back negative on the viruses. Apparently this one is not getting blocked yet. Ergo the vent last night, but knowing all you guys have stuff on order too - a heads up. Done some double checking and UPS would not ever email us that something was in. So no matter what any of us are expecting do not open a UPS email. Side note - did not hear from the computer doctor today, so I am taking that as a good thing because I think if it was completely jammed up he would have called and told me. Here's hoping! I went to some friends for dinner tonight - alone because Kel ended up out of town. They are huge ballroom dancers and have said they will help us come up with a routine and teach us how to look good doing if for a first dance:) I am so excited....they will work around our dumb schedules so we can actually do this! I can't wait....here we come Rumba!!! I don't remember, but aren't a couple of the Feb 2010 brides taking lessons right now? How is it going and what dance are you using?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Vallarta_2009 Those are great finds Raykel! I'm also ordering from cheap totes... there really isnt anywhere cheaper online or in stores. What style of mugs did you order from discount mugs if you don't mind my asking. We ordered the ST-33 in the royal blue with white writing. I only did this the other morning and today I had the artwork proof. It looks exactly like what was sent to them, so here's hoping all goes smoothly. The original date for delivery was Feb 01, but with a two day proof approval I think it is now two days later. All good:) They were really good to deal with and I actually phoned to speak with a person to make sure nothing was messed up (my computer does not read illustrator programs and that is what my friend put our artwork in so they did the whole order over the phone and then gave me an order number to reference and an email to use and I just forwarded that whole thing to them from my friend). As soon as they are here I will post a photo and share.
  13. Susie - I hope you are sleeping right now (and all night long) but if you do log on.....good luck tomorrow! By the end of the day you will be married to your sweetie! Pre-congrats to you and your huney!
  14. Hi guys....what a stressful day! I came home at 530 this morning and with about 5 hours sleep in two days probably not firing as fast as usual....so what does this idiot do? Checks her email. Big mistake. HUGE. I have an email from UPS. I can read in the subject line that it is addressed to me and they could not deliver a package because my street address is wrong. Well I am expecting some stuff and I know UPS is delivering it...but I don't click fast enough in my brain they would not email me and I brought the mail in and there is no notice. So dumb ass here opens it. Yup Trojan root worm virus. F#%k. I realize in less than 3 seconds what was happening and started ripping cords out of the wall and modem. Not fast enough. So then my day off that was supposed to be somewhat fun and relaxing getting a load of stuff crossed off my list has turned in to over 6 hours of trying to save the computer. Oh yeah. Did I mention on my list of things to do was get an external hard drive to protect my docs and back them up. After all this they are going to have to wipe that baby out. I almost threw up and asked if my friend realized I was getting married in 5 weeks and the whole freaking thing is on there? So now two computer gurus I just met through my sweetheart of a cousin have taken pity on me and have the tower. They think they can get into it and save my stuff. OMG. I know it is only wedding stuff and it is my own fault but guys.....here I go again.... only this time I am at home and can go to the fridge...I have drinks in there. This day calls for liquor. Lots of liquor. Okay this is a long post but I am just kinda sick. Please cross your fingers for me!
  15. Shells - at least he picked a song! Mine is in charge of the music. Know how much he has picked? None...nada...zip nothing! We have lots of time he says...oh did I mention he works out of town! Control freak away - I am with you sister Susie - poor Mark...my mouth does not freeze so I get the fear. I have to be knocked out. I started going to a dental surgeon years ago and ever since the fear has definitly improved! It helps when you are unconscious! When I was a kid I would cry and cry because it hurt so much and my mom listened to the dentist when she told my mom I was just scared of the sound of the drill; they weren't hurting me. Imagine how mom feels now whenever that topic comes up. What do you do.
  16. Shells - at least he picked a song! Mine is in charge of the music. Know how much he has picked? None...nada...zip nothing! We have lots of time he says...oh did I mention he works out of town! Control freak away - I am with you sister Susie - poor Mark...my mouth does not freeze so I get the fear. I have to be knocked out. I started going to a dental surgeon years ago and ever since the fear has definitly improved! It helps when you are unconscious! When I was a kid I would cry and cry because it hurt so much and my mom listened to the dentist when she told my mom I was just scared of the sound of the drill; they weren't hurting me. Imagine how mom feels now whenever that topic comes up. What do you do.
  17. That is a nice video....the only problem is it makes me wish I was there now! LOL
  18. Sofiya! Beautiful...I love the way the sparkle follows the lines on the dress. You look wonderful. The jewelry looks like it works well to me. Simple with clean lines like the dress:) Some of you guys were talking about sweating and chaffing earlier (if I spelt that right).....there is this stuff you can get that rocks. I love it and so do a couple of my friends. It is by Kama Sutra and called "Honey Dust"....we use the strawberry champagne one. It is a really light power you can put on and it absorbs all the moisture. A friend of mine get the leg thing too (to the point she will get rashes - not to be gross) and she never has a problem anymore with this stuff. You can use it on your sheets/inside clothing, in your hair....everything. It is magic and worth every penny. Bonus: Not only does it smell good (but very light smell) it tastes like the name so the boys like it too:)
  19. Thanks Reya! I ordered my bags yesterday. I have been on so many sites all over Canada and the US and at the end of the day I used cheap totes. One of the other girls posted it a while back and no one could touch their pricing. Canvas TOTE BAG Shipping and handling with taxes they are $1.29 each. I ordered these totes for everyone, but for parents and wedding party I also got bigger totes from this site for $3.40 each I cannot wait for them to come! I have been shopping and looking for these for 3 months!!! I am so excited they are finally ordered. Also ordered insulated mugs from discountmugs.com. We got acrylic outside with double insulated stainless steel inside.....here they $15 each without set up fees. I ordered them with art, set up fees, shipping etc...they are going to be less than $5 each. So I am happy about saving money and the FI is ok with that because he does not think it is too extravigant:) Win win! Woohoo...less than 6 weeks to go!
  20. Welcome MsAmanda, Julie2011 and waterandwoods! Congrats on the upcoming nuptials! Hope we can help a bit:) MsAmanda....I would suggest you look at choosing a date and then sending out save the dates for everyone. Then they will know when the wedding is going to be. You could send a message along with the save the dates, or use email, a webiste you create for yourselves (there are tons of free ones out there and they are really easy to use) to update everyone about prices. You can take prices that are current now and tell people that it is now pricing, but you are sending it along to gice people an idea of costs so they can start planning accordingly. Just make it clear that price maybe higher or lower...then when you find a TA you can get a price and send the additional info out (again the joys of email and websites). Good luck! Mike&Wendy...you have to post those photos!
  21. OMG! I am so stressed today for some reason....which is dumb - I know it is all coing together and I don't have much left to do, but I am almost sick with it right now! This is what I want to do...go home and just rock for a little while...with a bottle....wine or cooler...wine or cooler.... I tried to log on last night and catch up, but the system was really acting up - so like Shells I am going to be writingin a book! Sofiya - I know it was earlier, but I hope your dress fitting went well! Post some photos as soon as you can! My FI and yours have similar afflictions....then when they have a problem with their teeth, etc they want it dealt with right now and don't understand it does not always work that way! I have started making appointments for him when I have days off and go with him if it is important...then he goes and there are no issues....I figure I get what I want plus we can spend some time together and I guess it is all practise for kids, right? Good for you with the no smoking! That is awesome! Tricia your dress is really pretty....that is something you will be able to wear again too, which is nice. Susie - I feel bad for you with the teeth, or more aptly, your gums! Poor sweetie! I hope those heal fast so you can enjoy your special dinner! I am sorry to hear about Stacey.....but the fact that they want to send her to a specialist in Houston is good, right? That means some people in the know who are really good at what they do are taking care of her. I hope she gets her surgery soon and it all goes well! Keep us posted. Krista...the jewelry is gorgeous! Very elegant. Breens....there are girls on another thread...I read it months ago...their WC in Mexico told them not to ship anything to them at the resort. They said it invariably did not show up. I would say ship some of it out to friends and family and maybe take the rest in a small suitcase you can check. I would hate to get there and stuff be missing. My two cents! FYI...for those of you who were talking about swelling....a friend of mine had a stroke 3 years ago. His wife did tons of research because his one hand was painfully swollen all the time and he started taking apple cider vinegar. The swelling went down right away and now he has no problems...not sure if it will help with travel swelling, but might be worth looking into. Teshy....I love lists. I think that is why I am stressing...my head starts going round and round and if I make lists I feel better. Sick I know, but what do you do? Q: Do you tend to make your lists of things to do way longer than you can get done in one day? You would think I would learn, but I do it all the time...does not bother me if I miss something though, because I just add it to the list for the next day! LOL....told you...sick! Okay....hopefully this works today!
  22. Congrats and Happy Planning!
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