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Everything posted by Raykel

  1. Okay...frustrated moment here. There have been issues btw FI and his brother for about 8 months. Partly due to brother (he is an adult) but in large part due to the SIL. I was friends with her once upon a time, but am now aware of some serious deceit, self centred, mean things she has done and is taking part in....we won't even go into whether or not she has been faithful (which her husband is unaware of). FI and his brother have been best friends all their lives - unitl 8 months ago. So recently the two boys have been talking - which is fantastic and I hope they can work things out. So onto the latest....FI just found out he needs some dental work done. Right away and we leave in two weeks. Thing is with his work he has no coverage, so when we get married he will go on mine and voila - all is good. Here is the catch - the fun insurance company says if we bring in our marriage cert within 30 days of getting married he is covered 100% instantly. After 30 days there are all sorts of restrictions that go into effect for one year Are you kidding...if we do it fast no problem, but after 30 days there are restrictions? So now I am worried because we were doing everything in Mexico and most people are not getting their marriage certs until a couple months later. If we walk away with one copy and have to wait for a certified copy, will that work? Do we even get a copy or do we have to wait? We are talking about going out and getting married legally here right away because of it (I know, romantic, but Mexico is still my wedding day, so I am not sweating that). The big pisser....now FI thinks this is a good idea because his brother can be the witness? Well ladies that did not go over well. I feel like every step of this has been "is this going to piss so and so off". I do not give a rats butt about them and am fed up with the amount they have tainted this whole experience...it has been worse for FI obviously, but these two are refusing to come to the wedding in Mexico (they would be the ones who accused us of planning it there just so they could not come) and they refuse to come to the AHR (which is crushing my FI). Does he seriously think that these people will be out witnesses at a secret wedding ceremony? Am I being a complete bee-atch here? I would rather pay the money for the dental work and can the AHR than have his brother be a witness. I know FI is in a crappy spot - and we both see where the other is coming from....we have talked about this, but I have changed wedding dates, not been able to even tell people we were engaged for over a month, screened information going out and on what time table - all to avoid them getting upset? I am so fed up that there is no way they are coming anywhere near my wedding day. If they want to get on a plane, fine, but otherwise - pound sand. Sorry - that is a long vent, but I am just steaming over this...... On a happy note....everything else is going really well
  2. Yeah Susie! You look beautiful and so happy:) I know somewhere in the past we posted info for facebook, but I don't remember where and cannot find it....we may have posted a few books since then! LOL its not like we are on here much Erica - congrats on the legal day wedding! Woohoo (and getting to North America safely:) Tricia....I agree with everyone else. I love your sample photo and I think they used flowers that were not a bright and maybe open a bit too much. I am sure it will all work out....keep us posted! So today one of my flower girls came over and we got all the ribbon added to her dress. The dress is white with small white flowers along the waistband. So we (ok me, but she supervised!) undid the flowers and tied turquoise and irridescent ribbon to the pin and then put the flower back on. It looks so cute! I also got the sanitizer labels done...Timberly, thanks for the template you created.....I used that as a base. I will try to attach it here and hope it works! Labels for Sanitizer bottles.pdf
  3. Brooke your dress is beautiful! The party looks like it was a blast:)
  4. I went everywhere here looking for what we wanted...including walking into store fronts that sell promotional products. No one could touch the price for what we wanted that discountmugs.com had. They were fantastic to deal with (I ended up phoning to make sure our logo was correctly done) and we had everything sooner than they predicted. We got double insulated stainless steel travel mugs, with logo, shipping and the customs charges for less than $5 each. I forget the exact amount but I think it was $4.13 or something odd like that. They have a good selection of inexpensive plastic or the higher end...it all depends what you want and their minimum orders are reasonable...I think ours was a dozen or so. Good luck!
  5. Happy Wedding day Julie! Timberly - great planning thread! I love it when clothes and stuff are included!
  6. Thanks! I will pass it along and see what they want to do. Will send you an email and we will figure out a time to meet up!
  7. Timberly everything turned out so wonderfully! You have done a great job and the red will not only look fabulous, but I love how it all ties in to the Valentine's theme. The whole thing is going to be beautiful and romantic! This would not be complete without mentioning how adorable your daughter is! What a cutie! Can't blame her for wanting to try on your shoes...lol...i did that everytime I could as a kid!
  8. Timberly everything turned out so wonderfully! You have done a great job and the red will not only look fabulous, but I love how it all ties in to the Valentine's theme. The whole thing is going to be beautiful and romantic! This would not be complete without mentioning how adorable your daughter is! What a cutie! Can't blame her for wanting to try on your shoes...lol...i did that everytime I could as a kid!
  9. I will watch for the prices...or when we hook up I can look at it with you. I am done with it....we confirmed today the one straggler we were waiting for is not coming....so I can bring it to you....we just have to pick a day and time:) Thanks Trisha...its good to know you guys were happy with your hair. Erica....got silk shirts that are short sleeved and look like linen - came in a variety of colours...from Costco. They were $30 each. The boys still haven't gone shopping for pants....we have three weeks left, so no idea what their plan is on that one!
  10. Hello ladies:) Well it is 730 in the evening and I have 10 hours to go at work....and i am already nackered after getting up early to go to the doctor. I have all my shots, but FI does not and he is out of town, so I kept his appointment to get his prescriptions and got my H1N1 shot too. OUCH!!!! The shot does not hurt, but oy my arm is sore right now...whine whine, but bugger it feels like someone just socked me! Shells - great planning thread! Jon is going to love his BD book.
  11. Yeah for planning threads! It is almost time and you look beautiful in your dress! Woohoo Shells - you are going to look amazing:)
  12. I agree with everything VDay has said...and she said it so eloquently. Many happy wishes going out to you my friend!
  13. That is great news about the hair dressers in Cabo! What a relief. Sorry about the BM drama. Seriously the one who didn't book in time...her problem and lots of people travel on their own with no problems. She is just going to have to make sure the hotel staff book her cabs to and from so she goes with someone reliable. I second it now that it is after midnight here...HAPPY WEDDING DAY SUSIE!!!! Woohoo have fun and may it be a beautiful day too:)
  14. Found the snorkel and mask set...Canadian Tire for $9.99. Not the high test expensive ones, but should do the trick and if they get lost of left behind, no biggie. I love the nail polish idea......I have been looking for bead kits and not having a lot of luck finding anything boy oriented, so I have some black hemp string and natural coloured and thought I would just pick up a couple of packs of wooden beads and a neat silver coloured charm or stone and make my own kit for the bags. I can show them how to do the sliding ties or they can just tie it in one knot to go over their heads.
  15. Found the snorkel and mask set...Canadian Tire for $9.99. Not the high test expensive ones, but should do the trick and if they get lost of left behind, no biggie. I love the nail polish idea......I have been looking for bead kits and not having a lot of luck finding anything boy oriented, so I have some black hemp string and natural coloured and thought I would just pick up a couple of packs of wooden beads and a neat silver coloured charm or stone and make my own kit for the bags. I can show them how to do the sliding ties or they can just tie it in one knot to go over their heads.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by future_mrs2010 OK so we just got back. OUR friends and families really loved the OOT bags! Things that were used: The bag itself (canvas with our theme).. perfect ...not one person brought a bag! And they came out really cute. (50% off on vista print too!) The cups (steins)... they were HUGE hits. People not in our party wanted mugs, we gave out a few extras! (factory 21-ebay) Nips- mini bottles of captain morgan's and malibu rum were put in each cup. Beach Kits- gel san,mini chocolates,gum, scentsy tins, SPF, tylenol, immodium, tums, band-aids. I think people looked at the welcome letters and really liked them, but that was the extent. Things people did not use: Mini beach balls which was an added thing we had leftovers from our almost married reception. Deck of cards- never saw anyone playing with them. Pashmina's- not one girl wore hers. Postcards as our guest book.. Im pretty sure we wont get one of them back! I feel like Im leaving out a few things. But all in all. I think all you really need is a fun "beach kit", a beach bag, and the cups/steins to make a perfect OOT bag! Guests really love them. Welcome back and congrats!
  17. 750 pesos? That is about $57 USD? Is that really expensive....hair always seems to cost so much these days! I was thinking of you the other day HereFishie....we should try hook up again before I go:)
  18. Shells....thanks for the big mouth comment! LOL...it wasn't long after the game started they had me switch to half pieces. I couldn hardly even answer the questions without drooling! Your sweetie was blasted with 6 pints eh? Maybe he won't be as hung over because he drank so few? It is great you are excited and feel so ready to go. I can't wait to see your planning thread! I hope you have time to post it:) Brooke - congrats on the condo! That is fantastic and air matresses sound like fun...it would be a big slumber party after the ahr! Glad the bach was fun! I don't know if we are doing one here or not.....there are a few friends I know want to be a part of it that aren't coming to Mexico, but right now it just seems like one more thing to plan. I would be fine with doing something at the resort when we get there and told the girls that this last weekend.
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