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Everything posted by Raykel

  1. All our mugs are in from discount mugs and there was no problem...they look even better than we thought they would and the logo is printed on really well. It is a bit raised and feels almost baked on...not like something that is going to rub off the first time people handle it with wet hands. Sorry I missed the earlier question about shipping...was competely reasonable...but watch - the catch was the brokerage fee. It still was not bad and our mugs came in with a way cheaper price than everywhere else...just so you budget. Mine ended up being $63 for 60 mugs....so my total cost per mug was $5.51 or so....within a few cents, I will have to check an old post or my invoice which is at home right now. The mugs are super quality and the ones here at Elite and similar stores are all overr $15 with out set up fees.
  2. Happy wedding Day Erica! Woohoo:) Welcome back Allison! Teshy....have a great trip! Tricia the bouquet is beautiful! I think the colours are far better this time and once the wrap is done it will be gorgeous! Brooke - I feel bad for you....surprise we are coming! Seriously did they not thing to mention this to anyone? One thing after the other as things come down to the wire. Whatever...their loss if they want to go all that way and then miss your wedding! Good buy with the suitcase - isn't the stuff you find on sale or cheap always what ends up being a favorite thing? LOL I don't have much new to add....working away at the wedding stuff and tonight I am just working away at work:)
  3. Thanks guys:) When I get the wrist corsages done (I am having some blockage there!) I will post those too.
  4. Tricia - a collapsable duffel bag is a great idea! Way less hassle to get home that way. Brooke - that sounds like fun....off to PR to buy booze for the AHR...LOL. That is good! I agree with the suitcases. FI asked why he needs a carry-on, a med suitcase and a large one....hahaha....because I need the extra stuff to go in his:) I should tell him its all lingerie! Tesia - good for you being packed! My goal is to be packed by next Sunday....that will be one week before we go so I will know if I have missed anything and have time to go get it....or if things aren't going to fit, to ship them off to other people to pack! I got the thank you cards done from showers last weekend. I have no problem doing them, but trying to write something personal and a bit original in each when I sat down and did them all at the same time? That was actually kind of difficult. A few went in the trash because I am far to picky I think.....
  5. Swankster - I know what a couple girls on another thread suggested, and I am going to do, is they are getting small white boards and going to leave it outside their room with wherever they are at on it.....so that is a thought too if you want people to be able to find you if they need to for some reason. Otherwise I think leaving it to chance is a good thing.....just preplan if there is something specific you want to do, like a rehersal the day before.
  6. Oh boy Brooke. Double whammy there. What is wrong with people? First your formerly good friend - what is she thinking? Does she not think you will see this on facebook and that it may hurt your feelings? Second one...ouch. That is hard telling you they are only inviting a limited number of people, but I guess it is their day. But to go down and do a site inspection 3 weeks before your wedding. That is kinda...rude. That just isn't the right word. Even if they could not afford to go to your resort they could have talked to you and tried to make arrangements to come for the day. I don't think you are being a bridezilla. I am not usually a selfish person but I think this is the one day in our lives we can be a bit selfish and expect a bit more from people. Maybe that is the problem....counting on some people we think of as friends just leads to disappointment. Try to ignore them and don't let this spoil your day.....and it is probably a bit mean, but odds are what goes around comes around...maybe in 6 months someone will treat them just as well and they will see how it feels. Small petty consolation... We are all going to have our days and they will be wonderful - without any of these people that are making us all crazy. Like we all keep telling each other - do not let them ruin this for you at all. They don't want to come - their loss.
  7. Thanks guys. I am still excited - easy to please eh? Give me some hot glue, sea shells and a couple fake flowers....I hope the bouquets for us girls turn out as well. That is exciting Tricia! Its fun when everything starts rolling in. It is also nice to not get only bills in the mail too! LOL
  8. Swong - I have this one that is online.....it is not spectacular when it prints, but only one I have been able to find on line.... I will try add the link, but in case it does not work.... http://www.dgweddingon888.com/resortmap.jpg Okay...saw it worked! Yea!
  9. Jewels - we are handing most of our bags out before we go....that way we don't have to transport everything either. We will have to take a few for the people who are coming from other cities, but that will only leave us with about 10 to transport. I also looked into a courier and I have one group of 8 from another city...I am couriering it to one person there to distripbute and that is only $25. So that is another option.....
  10. algebra - daydreaming (because I hated math class )
  11. So I was going to use a florist here to have some real touch bouquets and boutennieres made, but then she took the $20 for the sample bouquet and never sent it, nor did she ever reply to any of my emails. So I took some inspiration from everyone on the forum who is or has made their own bouquets and the such and made these! Let me say they were far easier than I thought.... This is FI's with the rose. I was so relieved that he liked it! These are the Bestman and Groomsman ones. These next ones...the ones with shells are for FFIL and my Step-Father - the ones without are for my brother and FI's BIL. These ones I have to send a shout out to fellow Alberta Bride SusieQ76. She found the orchids at Michael's and posted a step by step which helped me with all of these! The only thing different was anything I worked with that was plastic I heated up the wire with a candle and melted it onto the stem, the wrapped it with floral tape. I am not sure how to add the link, but the thread is called DIY "Canadian Boutenniere". Thanks SusieQ76!!!
  12. This one is FI's.... This one is for the Bestman and Groomsman The ones with the shells are for FFIL and Step-father; the ones without shells are for my brother and FI's BIL. I have to make one more for our Jr. Usher.
  13. Thought I would let you know...I heard from one of the bride's from my resort. They did the ipod and speakers only and she just sent me an email sugggesting we use the DJ if the music and dance are really important to us. Aparently it was really windy and with the resort show going on not far away it covered a lot of their music and made it fairly faint. So I thought I would pass the info along for you. Not sure what resort you are at, but I would imagine similar set ups are at all of them.
  14. Have a safe trip Shells! Ali I hope you had a wonderful wedding day! Congrats on being a Mrs! The bouts turned out pretty good guys - so proud - I have never done anything like that before! I will try uploading and posting them.....
  15. Krista I think that is great! LOL...if only she knew that made you happy...sshhh don't tell her or she may change her mind.
  16. I am having the same issue, so hopefully someone can help us out. I thought the whole issue was settled and now my WC is telling me I need to rent the DJ in order to use the microphone. I do not understand why I cannot just use the one the resort has around the pools? Good luck....hope someone can help us out!
  17. Brooke the flowers turned out beautifully! I love the colour in the calla! Timberly - yeah! That is wonderful about the hair and makeup. You are going to be stunning:) LOL...I am tired and look at the first photo you post....I think "Wow...that is a great photo of you and FI"...then I look closer and am like wait that looks like Eddie Murphy and that is not Timberly....ah moments of dumbness! Shells- it is not BIL that wants the legal day, in fact I don't think he has any idea. Just FI who mentioned them being witnesses. Yeah because I want people pretty much not speaking with us at all to be our witnesses. Nope...I don't even care at this point if they think poorly of me....they will not be there if we have to do a quickie legal thing here. Thanks for the info on the marriage certificate...that is what i think too, but I wish the WC would get back to me and confirm! Then I could print the dang programs and get them done...I don't want to do that and then change them! Svet...I was on a rant last night and forgot to comment...I agree if you need to vent:) That would be annoying too. Same goes Brooke - seriously why are the WC ansering all the emails from brides several months away when you leave in the immediate future! I would be annoyed too. Have a good one ladies! I am off to try do bouts for the boys:)
  18. I hear you Echo. FI is way better than I am about not spending money...but I am good at finding a deal:) So when we spent a day working on that by actually going around to places...like I said, it was worth it for what we wanted. FI agreed that we should get the double insulated stainless, so that drives the cost up a fair bit. The brokerage does seem high (buggers will always find a way to hammer us) but I have shipped things home from a couple of trips I have been on because I have purchased big items and the fees were quite a bit higher, so this did not seem too bad. It all comes down to what you want to spend....these things sure add up. For us I decided $10 a person was lots because they are getting a vacation too and things just add up. So the mugs were right in the price range of what we wanted to spend and the little stuff that goes with them I have found at Costco and the Dollar Store, so crossing my fingers, but I don't think I will even hit the $10 limit I sent:) If I can help let me know.....send me a pm if you need something right away. Good luck!
  19. I hear you Echo. FI is way better than I am about not spending money...but I am good at finding a deal:) So when we spent a day working on that by actually going around to places...like I said, it was worth it for what we wanted. FI agreed that we should get the double insulated stainless, so that drives the cost up a fair bit. The brokerage does seem high (buggers will always find a way to hammer us) but I have shipped things home from a couple of trips I have been on because I have purchased big items and the fees were quite a bit higher, so this did not seem too bad. It all comes down to what you want to spend....these things sure add up. For us I decided $10 a person was lots because they are getting a vacation too and things just add up. So the mugs were right in the price range of what we wanted to spend and the little stuff that goes with them I have found at Costco and the Dollar Store, so crossing my fingers, but I don't think I will even hit the $10 limit I sent:) If I can help let me know.....send me a pm if you need something right away. Good luck!
  20. Swankster - you cannot download the attachments because you have to have 150 posts first....then you can download your heart away:) I think most people book mark the site or make a note of what to search for later and then when they have enough they go back. It drove me nuts waiting! When I could finally download it was so exciting...hahaha...this is what us brides are like. Excited to download a document Thanks Jules...that is good to know. I will watch for your update:)
  21. Hi there...sorry didn't get on here the other day to answer! I ordered 60, not 12.....I just meant that their minimum order was low.. I did pay brokerage....on 60 mugs to Edmonton it was $63 and change. I double checked my numbers for you and my final cost with brokerage was $5.51 each. Sorry I guess I hadn't added the numbers up right in my head (which is why I am not in a field that requires a lot of math ). I don't remember seeing any sort of group shipping option either? If you have a friend in Florida that will get them for you, that is great. Would she then send them up here or take them with her on the trip. Mine showed up in three boxes. Two boxes have 25 mugs in each and the third has 10 - this is so they can leave two on your doorstep and hold a small one hostage till you pay your brokerage fee (this I know from first hand experience). So they are a pretty good size, but if you pay for the extra cargo you could probably check them in bulk with the airline?
  22. Tricia...I think you were posting when I was venting! The pigs are so cute:) I am glad the flower people are working on something else for you!
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