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Everything posted by Raykel

  1. I don't think there is anything wrong with it....it depends on you and your friends. We have our two witnesses each, so the couple of other friends I would have in a wedding party if it was home and large are going to be involved in other ways...readings, etc.
  2. That is an awesome review! Someone was looking out for you guys with the weather....somehow that makes it even more special:) Can't wait to see more photos!
  3. Those are fantastic! I am thinking about making a flower ball on a ribbon for my littlest flower girl (will be almost 2 yrs old)....seeing yours makes me feel inspired to go out and do it right now!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by TeNeil HereFishie.....I see your point, but IMO they are charging more for the staff, set-up and clean-up than anything. We are planning on going to the Hacienda because there will only be about 15 of us......but now I'm wondering if this is possible. Someone mentioned that you can do this only after midnight?? Oh well, I'm sure we will find somewhere to get our groove on! Yup...that was me. I asked Jazmin about booking it for a couple hours before it opened and she said no...and that it opened at midnight for everyone. I know someone else who did book it, so not sure if policy has changed or it is because Thursdays are the fiesta night or something at the resort so something is already going on there. Kiera - welcome back! Congrats:) Thanks for the info....they just had speakers there to use? There are going to be about 40 of us, so I don't want to go too cheap and have no dj and then no speakers by the pool
  5. vdaybride...thanks for the link! SusieQ....I agree with Mrs Moulton...what FMIL will not love the idea of being part of a family heirloom that will get passed down. Hopefully she sees it the way we all do:) TeNeil...where can we find this Merle Norman? I know there used to be a store front in a mall here, but I have not seen it in years. Do you have to find a personal sales rep?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich yes, ... they are 14" by 16"... if it was a huge towel like a bathsheet the bag would be pretty full but I am happy to think that the guests will probably use them as beach bags That was my plan for them as well. Thanks! The other ones I have been looking at are on discount mugs and the best I can get them down to for my numbers is $2.77 USD, so $.99 is a big savings!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by RonNMel I'm thinking of giving just a simple beach bag with a stadium cup and a welcome booklet, instead of a full OOT bag. Our thinking is that by coming to our wedding, everyone is getting a beach vacation out of it, so we don't have to give such a big wedding favor (plus, our budget is small). We were also thinking of making a little video montage of pictures of the resort and the wedding, putting it on a CD and sending it to the guests along with the Thank You cards. Would they appreciate such a video? I think that is a great idea! Odds are they will all be in some of the photos, so it will make a cool keepsake for them as well....easy for you to personalize the labels for not a lot of cash. This is a cool keepsake I think.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich So far our bags have ---shell bottle stopper (not personalized)- this is the favor to be in your drawer at home forever. --- sun lotion (its much more expensive on an island and dollaer tree had high spf for $1 each recently) --- disposable camera (we got refurbished ones off of the knot for cheap) --- small candle in a tin with personalized matches (there are lots of couples coming with us and I thought a romantic all inclusive maybe some magic might be made (oriental trading and the knot) --- engraved fans (I just love these, I read that someones group used the a lot- to be honest I just think they are so dainty and cute) (the knot) --- motrin/emergen-c/bug wipes (for hangovers and bug repellent) (amazon) --- bubbles (knot) --- palm tree pens (oriental trading) --- planning on making up a little booklet with sudoku, wedding and football (we r getting married superbowl weekend and I am marrying a sports junkie), Jamaican Patios translations ---beach toy goodie bags for the kids (we will have 10 with us- got lots of fun stuff off of oriental trading) --- playing cards (beach monkey themed, oriental trading they were cheap) We made CDs of reggae music for all of the guests that will get sent out a few weeks before we leave, along with an itinerary etc. Still considering pashimas, little bottles of jamaican rum, and am planning on getting some stadium cups for everyone, including for the guests at home. Food is not needed for us as we at an AI. BM and MOH will have first aid kits for sunburn etc. Also making a phone tree for just in case we need to contact everyone while we are there (63? guests so far) I havent put it all together yet, the total is up to about $350 for 34 bags. (without the stadium cups which will be $$)... hoping they look adequate. Sorry for the second post! I forgot to ask....It is cold here now and I cannot find any fun kids beach stuff anywhere! Are you happy with the beach balls and stuff from oriental? Which ones did you order?
  9. It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun with your photoshoot! That is fantastic...it is really a relief to know they will help you with posing. That is a load off of the mind!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich the best/cheapest I found was 99c for natural canvas bags (they had cheaper) at Promotional tote bags custom sizes and styles from cheap totes now with t-shirts and screen printing They arrived yesterday and are perfect. I am going to iron on something to each bag These look like they will be perfect! Thanks, the best I have found were going to run me around $2 each. Quick question now that you have these...are the big enough that if someone wants to throw their towel in with the sunscreen and a bottle of water and take off for the afternoon it will work? That is really my concern...I want people to be able to use them if they are leaving the resort for the day on a tour or something.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride Whoooo hoooo out of triple digits.. Only 98 more days to go!! I had the time to get my bridal undergarments today ON SALE! My OOT bags came in Finished my first DIY project Flower girl OOT bag... I am checking things off of my "to do list"..PRICELESS! Have a Fantastic Sunday Fabulous February brides!! Those OOT bags are fabulous! Where did you find them? Is there a link?
  12. I know it is in an older post....but this is a long one and I can't recall how far back. Did someone do the private reception by the pool? We cannot get into the hacienda to dance until after midnight and we want something after dinner. It is $8 for the two hours (I get the set up fees) but do we have to pay for the drinks too.....that is not clear to me. Also, did anyone who did this bring their own ipod and just rent speakers? I don't think we need a DJ necessarily and not to be cheap, but I don't really want to pay a DJ to just stand there if we bring all our own music......
  13. Hey guys.....I know the answer to the mood thingy...I asked a moderator and she said it was slowing the site down...some technical thing, so they temporarily diabled it! I thought I was in trouble for using it too much of something....LOL
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by courtneybgorman Yeah they sent me this when I booked my wedding in April. So I'm using this as part of my argument that I should still be allowed to use Claudia, since they had her website on their form, and so I booked her, so i should be allowed to keep her. Until the resort superiors finally send us emails confirming, I'm trying to find anything I can so I can still use her. This is just another thing I have that shows that when we booked a long time ago, they were accepting outside vendors. You should be good if you booked with her before the policy change. It sounds like they are going to allow us to stay with her.
  15. Well...much like TeNeil...tentative good news. The resort photographer has sent an email apologizing for the upset and is going to advise the "superiors" of our decision. Still waiting to get something from one of the WC though. Claudia has also contacted me and says this has been worked out, so hopefully this grief is almost at the end and no one else will have to go through it. Quote: Originally Posted by courtneybgorman I sent an email to the resort today regarding the photo problem. Did any other brides fill out the form that the wedding coordinators sent out regarding information about our weddings. On the form under photography it said 12.Photos and Video for your wedding, have a look at the following pages, choose one and get directly in contact with them via their web page vPhotographer in riviera maya, tulum, playa del carmen and cancun: Conrado Gonzalez Photographer vClaudia Rodriguez wedding photography vMexican Wedding Photos & Videos | Wedding photographers and the link went right to claudia's website. I'm trying this angle because they can't suggest her then later on tell us that we can't use her. I am not sure why they are telling you to contact Claudia unless you were already booked with her previously - but I do know Conrado is not there. The new photo studio is in replacement of him. So maybe email her back and ask if you were sent an old form letter in error? Just to try save yourself some hassles.....
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TeNeil I just wanted to update you on the photography situation. I spoke with Claudia about my situation and the resort photographer is definitely taking advantage of brides. The resort told me that my ONLY option was to use Arrecife Studio........they told Claudia that I had changed my mind and wanted to use the resort photographer. NOT THE CASE! I have sent them an email stating that I want to keep my booking with Claudia Rodriguez or else I will be looking for a new resort. It is very unfortunate that the photo studio is giving Bahia Principe a bad image. I feel betrayed and upset that they aren't being honest. So I got the same email from the resort and Caudia. Last night Claudia phoned me directly and we had a nice chat about this situation. TeNeil has it right - because we are far away the resort is trying to take advantage. I sent them an email this morning telling them I was distressed and upset and looking at pulling my wedding as well. I have already heard back from the Arricife Studio apologizing and saying they would tell the supervisor I was staying with Claudia. Now I am waiting for something from Paloma and Jazmin so I have it in writing. I feel kinda sick about this whole thing. On the bright side, my FI is home and we both like the Tequila Restaurant, so I have told them if this photography thing is resolved that is where we want to have our dinner. Fajitas! Woohoo:) To our new bride on the Coba side...WELCOME! You are fortunate with your friend doing the photos. Don't even mention photography to anyone and you will probably avoid all this grief:)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Joss Hey Ladies, it's been a while since i've logged on. Hello to all the new Bahia brides. I can't believe the drama going on with the photographer situation! We put down a deposit with Claudia back in June, and this is the first i've heard anything about the change in outside vendors. I hope it works out for us! Here's a site I found that lists restaurants at the Gran Bahia Complex. We were given our choice of 2 restaurants, since we were the first wedding booked that day. If you're only given one option, it might be because another bride had booked before you. Our travel agent told us there are maximum 2 weddings per resort / day. BAHIA-GOURMET.COM :::: Thanks for the link!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 I wish I could take credit, but the suggestions weren't mine - I was only commenting on what someone else had shared...I think it was Cougs that posted the tips But glad they were helpful Argh! My bad! You are right....thanks Cougs!
  19. Hockeymom...that is great advice! How awesome your friend shared that with you and you shared it with us...Thanks! Honestly I never even thought of doing this...I have been racking my brain for what to get my FI for Christmas...since that is also his birthday! These photos would be great and I know he would love them!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by TeNeil I just wanted to update you on the photography situation. I spoke with Claudia about my situation and the resort photographer is definitely taking advantage of brides. The resort told me that my ONLY option was to use Arrecife Studio........they told Claudia that I had changed my mind and wanted to use the resort photographer. NOT THE CASE! I have sent them an email stating that I want to keep my booking with Claudia Rodriguez or else I will be looking for a new resort. It is very unfortunate that the photo studio is giving Bahia Principe a bad image. I feel betrayed and upset that they aren't being honest. I sent you a PM.....
  21. Keira! You go girl! Have a wonderful time! I hope your wedding is beautiful and everything you have ever dreamed of! Claudia sent me that email last night and we have arranged to have a phone conversation on Sunday. Then I will likely be having a conversation with the resort. Not only is the resort being very unprofessional in how they are managing this, but their photographer is obviously not a professional....no website, no price list and now lying to us and a vendor. Not impressed. I will let you know if I get more info.
  22. Umm guys...does anyone have a phone number for Paloma? I am unimpressed with some information I just got and if this is not settled by the beginning of next week I am going to pull my wedding and move it to another resort...I think I have enough documentation at this point the company we are booked with would have to assist me (I hope). Claudia sent me the email that she was in fact going to be allowed to come onto the resort and take the photos of the wedding. So I decline Roser - politely. Today Roser from the resort sends me and email telling me I misunderstood and Claudia is still not allowed onto the resort to take photos...so I again replied that I was told Claudia had worked something out with them and she would be my photographer. So I get an email from Claudia tonight telling me she was at the resort today and the photo studio told her I had told them I was cancelling her services and had decided to go with them!!!! I am sure everyone is tired of this issue and I am sorry to bring it up again but this is ridiculous and very unprofessional. I know a couple of you had also gotten emails from Claudia that she would be coming for your photos as well, so maybe double check the resort is not cancelling her for you.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk hi ladies, im trying to sort my boudoir shoot for end of november.i plan on having a couple of glasses of wine before hand for that extra bit of courage.i have been looking for poses and outfits but surely the photographer knows what shes doing.im gonna take my friend along as well who has got a great imagination.that sounds corny because of the subject sorry.the outfits i have thought of are wedding lingerie with stockings lingerie he bought me football shirt black silk nightie with feather boa topless with lots of pearls Your plans sound fantastic! Just remember to relax...and you know that whatever you do he is going to love! Good luck!
  24. These are fantastic! What a great way to acknowledge the people who have booked right away! I think using the photos of your destination was a stroke of genius!
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