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Everything posted by Raykel

  1. I agree....he probably did not like the style on that particular person. You need to get what looks good on you and makes you feel beautiful. I think there are several reasons the groom does not get to see the bride before the ceremony...so he cannot comment on things like the dress and give us a complex! Like we don't have enough to worry about! LOL He will love you in whatever you get, as long as you feel wonderful in it. Good luck!
  2. Okay...two days of working on wedding invites and racing around...missed tons! LOL. For the registry we decided to register for a few things we would like and never get around to spending the money on, plus my FI and I both bought our homes on our own when we were really young; we have joined everything up and gotten rid of most doubles, but all our stuff was not spectacular hand me downs etc. So we are registering for a few things that we can replace that stuff with and have as "ours". As for home depot, my friend found a great little poem that I am putting on our website unher the title "Home Depot". I will post it when I get home...I'm at work now and don't have it with me. Bachlorette....I am so not into the bar or strippers. My girls have suggested YukYuk's and then home and then a total chick night. There is a girl I work with who has this amazing side job...she has a super steady hand and hand paints beautiful designs on your toes! So you go get a pedicure and then she comes and its about $10/person and you have over 50 designs to choose from. That and some beverage consumption....I must say though....Vday....pole dancing classes sounds intriguing... TonyandTina - we are in a similar position, but with my dad passed away...so mentioning everyone was difficult. We decided we were old enough not to have our parents on our invites....we invited everyone to "celebrate" our marriage with us...clearly in the times there is no mention of a wedding ceremony and we are going to make sure we thank the parents and step and we have the microphone. Okay this is a little long!
  3. So...I got all this awesome info on here about the poolside reception. I asked Jazmin about it and renting the speakers for $20 an hour like a couple of you have done. I did not know if honey would go for it but when I told him he thought it was a great idea for $8 every two hours and thought I should try to book it for longer...3 or 4:) So today I got an email from Jazmin today - no price list like Swankster777 got (thank you for posting that!) telling me a cost for the two hour reception and that it is $18pp. That is the only option she gave me....then she told me I could not rent speakers because the resort does not allow this? I would have to hire the DJ. So I am wondering what is going on. Otherwise our planning is going well. I do have one question....did anyone order a cake for about 40 people? How much did it come to...Jazmin told me $10 per base and then $2.50 per person...so that does not help me figure out what to tell her size wise to order? Two layers...three? Anyone who was there recently - can you help me out please? Thanks! For those of you going with the Tortuga...that was actually my first choice, but it was booked. I have a bunch of family and friends who have all stayed here and they all really liked the food there. So you should be good:)
  4. Comparing details: Age: 35 Children: none - going to start trying in the spring/summer Sign: Cancer Favorite color: Turquoise/blue Favorite food: Pizza, red curry chicken with coconut rice Favorite drink: water, Diet Dr. Pepper Car: Charcoal grey F150 FX4 (yup I like the back-country sometimes) Pets: two Border Collies - Parker 10 yrs and Madison 5 years (well she has a little Australian Sheppard in her) Career: public servant Status: engaged Music: country, Andrea Bocceli Favorite shows: Lie to Me, Grey's Anatomy, NCIS, the Unit (sadly off the air) Siblings: 1 younger brother
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride Thank you so much and WELCOME!! Registering was a hard task for us as well. I was recently in Crate and Barrel with my FI and there was a couple with literally a TRUCKLOAD of wedding gifts at the entrance of the store. The bride told me that she registered for a bunch of stuff that she had no intention of keeping so that she could "return it and get what she really wanted" I just stared at her with my mouth open, my FI just reached over and shut it for me..true story! Wow...that just seems wrong - not you being shocked, but someone actually admitting they did that out loud. Boo. SusieQ....you and me both with the weird hours...I have been online tons tonight and think I may have found one of my flower girls her present! Yippeee...one more thing to cross off "The List".
  6. As for the Christmas shopping this year. I have some stuff already because I shop all year. Usually about now I am wrapping it all up....this year I am supposed to fit shopping time and money in how Ladies here is the double whammy....Christmas day is my FI's birthday.....December 28th is our anniversary of our first meeting/date (which he actually points out to me - cool he remembers!).....and this year I work dayshift for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. I am not all bah-humbug, but I have no clue how this is all going to fit in this year! I am trying to buy some stuff on line to cut down on the running around, but still...have to spend time shopping this way. I am starting to think everyone is just going to get gift certificates for all their favorite stores! Kinda lame, but I just don't know how else to fit it all in.
  7. Oh Meyer2010 - you won't break! You will be super busy though....just take that excel sheet of yours and book in some time slots for you and your honey...or a trip for just you to the spa for a pedi or massage...that way you have to go and it will be "you time". That will help keep it all on an even keel. Shellk....we talk to so many people here at work and some of them are weirdos....I can't tell them that you guys are weirdos...kooks maybe, but not weirdos You guys will just notice I post at odd times because I am here all night again! SusieQ...is there any particular store on ebay you like? I tried looking on ebay and just entered a search for summer dresses - which gave me a return of about 700+ I narrowed that down and still ended up with around 400...sheesh. I like to shop, but that is a lot of scrolling! So I switched to Victoria's Secret on line catalogue...no sales, but pretty dresses and stuff! So if you could point me in the right direction I would love the help! VdayBride...your dress is amazing! I love how the lace is see through on the train. You look stunning in it.
  8. Stealing Cinderella....I am going to have a listen to that one. I havenever heard of it.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by tesha73 I, too have a similar problem. I have been racking my brain for a way to honour my girlfriend. I thought about having them all wear the same colour, but then thought that may be weird. So, I think I am going to present them each with a flower to wear in their hair upon arrival, and let them where whatever they would like. That is a really good idea!
  10. Have you guys who are booking the groups got a deal from the carrier? Usually when you book a group, depending on what numbers you set it up with, you get one person for free every 10 or so bookings. So if you want, you can use that seat for yourself and save a bit - putting that money towards the wedding, or you could give it to someone you know cannot afford to come otherwise...etc. I did not ask for ours, but maybe the carrier would split the cost of this btw all your booked guests and give them a discount? Maybe they could spread it out so everyone saves $100 or whatever it worked out to? Just a thought.
  11. BahiaBride2010...I have the same garter. I found mine at a special events store in Edmonton...but I think I have seen it on some other wedding supply stores and websites. If you check in wedding supply stores you should be able to find it....good luck!
  12. FutureMsMouton....I would not let work get in the way - but people keep talking to me about work stuff!!! LOL...Seriously...what are they thinking! Hahaha..I am just happy they don't have this blocked and at least tonight there are a couple quiet moments for me to take advantage of. The sond I think we are going to do for the parents' dance is Aaron Lines...Twenty Years Late. Totally country, and its more him singing to his mom, but seems to fit with the whole kid/parent thing. At least that is what I think we are going to use....my FI may change his mind.....
  13. Meyer....it is so easy to second guess ourselves! Your bags are beautiful and everyone will love them. Besides, you don't want to go to all this trouble and then have people just throw them out afterwards. those bags will be something people (ok girls!) will get compliments on all the time:) I wish I could find something unique like yours! You did good!
  14. Huh..I am not a big ebayer - but my sweetie is. I will have a look and see what I can find. Funny, it never crossed my mind to look on there! thanks
  15. I really want to do the sand ceremony....but I am such a keepsake person for these types of things! Are you guys going to just toss the sand and bring the vase home afterwards or carry the thing in your arms all the way home so it does not mix up? I was thinking it would be easier to toss the sand and just keep my vase/container.
  16. Wow...work is so getting in the way of me being on here more! I missed a couple days and it can be pages! You guys are so lucky your dresses are in! I can't wait for mine to be here and get some pictures in it. I can't wait to see the picutes! Both of these dresses are fabulous! Where did you find them? It is a little difficult finding stuff for a destination wedding because everything in the stores is all about winter right now I may have to resort to sewing something. Well....back to work!
  17. Thanks Keira! That is exactly what I needed to know:) I also learned about the cash....bring cash to meeting with WC, check! Thanks!
  18. Keira, the review was great. Thanks for the info about the speakers! Did you just pay the $8pp for two hours and then the speakers, or did you have to pay for drinks too? Or is that what the $8pp is for. I know it is all inclusive, so they are really charging for set up, I just wondered if we had to pay for the drinks at the private reception too. Your photos are beautiful!
  19. Thanks TeNeil....I know I used to see them around. I will see what I can find, otherwise I do go to Cowtown with a fair bit of regularity:)
  20. Wow! Everything looks absolutely amazing! Have a wonderful time:)
  21. Gran Bahia Principe Akumal/Tulum/Coba - POST HERE! This is the thread.....tons of info on here. Happy reading!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by sgathercole Hi my name is Sandra Gathercole and I am planning a wedding for January 2011. I have heard good things about the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum resort located in the Mayan, Mexico. Does anyone have pictures of their weddings in the past at this resort? Has anyone used the photographer included in the wedding package at the resort? Any help would be appreciated Thanks Getting married there in just over 3 months! So if you have any questions...there are a bunch of us on a large thread....tons of info to be found there. Congrats to you!
  23. Welcome! There is so much info here it is awesome:)
  24. Herefishie....Maybe you can look into where Signature does fly at the end of the second week? If they fly into another city nearby...you could fly there and then hop a flight home? If it does not cost a fortune. We booked everything and then had the TA figure out dates and rates for out of town guests. For us the big ones are Maritimes...who have no flights out until a month after our wedding - so they have to fly into Toronto and then head south, which means they may not come...still waiting to decide. The ones coming from Victoria are flying a day before. so we got lucky I guess. I would say plan the whole thing around what you want and then go from there.
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